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RE: The Solution to All That Ails Us: JUST LOWER THE PRICE!

in #economics7 years ago

I’ve heard the same thing about Etsy. I used to love buying original pottery and clothing on there, but now it’s all mass produced crap from Asia with the lowest quality materials and construction.

I suspect that the only thing that stops the squeeze is what they call Blue Ocean; you start something so unique that you have no competition. That works until the cycle repeats.

Posted using Partiko iOS


It's kind of true of Etsy, as well... and they "went public" a couple of years ago.

Question one becomes "How do we increase revenues?" And the unspoken answer tends to be: By completely ignoring our mission, values and principles... and only focusing on profit.

Yeah, I'm familiar with the "Blue Ocean" principle... but pioneering is super hard (done it three times!), and usually someone with better funding comes in and displaces you, as soon as you start to make money.

This is why I retired from business consulting. It's late here and time for me to go to bed, but the short of it is that I eventually saw that there wasn't enough blue ocean left out there for new "bootstrappers" to reliably have a chance. It was more a factor of luck unless you could enter the market in a high barrier to entry manner. Meaning you needed to either have lots of your own money or that special formula venture capitalists are looking for (which generally also begins with investing at least $50k of your own money to show you're serious).

In reality I have a much more metaphysical take on all of this, and have positioned myself accordingly.

In reality I have a much more metaphysical take on all of this...

In general, I do, too. My wife and I both do... which presents its own set of challenges, when it comes to living with the reality of the "3D world." We always amuse ourselves with the fact that the electric company (an energy provider) actually doesn't give a rat's rear end about "energy" (as we think of it)!