Richest 1% Owns 82% of Wealth?
Oxfam recently made waves by making dramatic claims dripping with Marxist overtones. Their claim that the "richest 1% owns 82% of the worlds wealth" was full of images of yachts and other "rich people" photos. The problem is that on a global scale the richest 1% is equal to people who make about $34,000 a year.
The goal of this divisive class warfare propaganda seems to be that Oxfam wants global scale redistribution. Why they would want to push a varient of the most destructive economic philosophy in history is anyone's guess but this approach is monstrous and I hope they get the negative push-back they deserve.
For some really good additional insight I highly recommend this video:
I didn't know I was in the 1% because I earn $34,000+ per year! Wow. Informative post, upvoted and appreciative of you sharing this!