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RE: Microcontroller: Using ESP to Control Electrical Outlets from a Web Page

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Very cool project. Have you worked with a raspberry pi before? I have the raspberry pi3 but have not done much with it yet. I'm looking to make it into a retro pi. I'm also attempting to learn some electrical engineering on Khan Academy. It's a slow go but hopefully i will make some progress soon.


I have a pi3, pi2, and a burnt out pi1. Used the pi2 for xbmc media player sometimes. Have the cameras for them, played alot with motion capture, opencv, and speech recognition, but enjoyed the pi most as a headless server that scraped news and weather from the internet. It would collect and chart data from the microcontrollers, and act as the main interface for their data and control. Retro pi would be fun too, i never got around to trying it out, but i did get the ps/2 controller hooked up to the pi.