
I also agree with you that we have become detached from our communities and it is time we started to reverse this trend.

Yes!! Have you connected with any steemians near you?

Not in person. The closest I know of is @WWF and he is probably about 2 hours away.

Where about are you from? I'm located about 1 1/2 hours north of what people commonly call 'Edmonton'.

We are about 35 minutes south of the outskirts of Edmonton right now and will be moving this summer to about an hour west of Edmonton.

And yes I get the commonly called thing. The corporation known as Edmonton is not the same thing as the physical location.

Very nice. Out towards the Pembina River then eh! Beautiful area. Good luck with the move. We should organize an Edmonton & Area steemit meet and greet this summer. Thoughts about that?

I think that would be great. I would definitely make an effort to attend if there was one. I am not sure how much time I would have for organizing and planning though as we are building a house this summer and I have 7 month old twins.

Wow. Congratulations. They will be a hand full too! Full time job. I'll toss the idea around with others that I know that are in the area and see what transpires.

Sure, sounds good!

Yes with my job, babies, Steemit and house planning I am not getting a lot of sleep these days.