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RE: How Steemit has changed my life and unintentionally become my only source of income! THANK YOU!

in #ecotrain7 years ago

"What the heck! This place is full of amazing people. I thought the whole world was asleep, content with this current paradigm, at least that's how it seemed from my Facebook feeds!"

That is exactly how I feel!! (Except for one user who made 1 unsolicited negative remark, but that's 1 out of 100 so far!)Anyway, I just stumbled across this post and loved reading it. Here's the thing, your heart is in the right place. You found something you're passionate about! Use the Law of Attraction! What we focus on, we bring into our reality. So don't focus on the unknown. Focus on your passion, what brings you joy! Let Source (or God or the Universe or Angels-whatever You believe in) guide you! My husband is a software developer, trying to get away from his desk so he can focus on our homestead. I am trying to encourage him the same way. There is abundance waiting for you! Peace!


Thank you, Great advice! good luck with your hubby!