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RE: Non Violent Communication Workshop #1 - JOIN US!

in #ecotrain5 years ago

I love this sharing on NVC. It has structures and details on it that anyone with or without empathy/listening skills can learn from to better their communication skills with others.
I learn about listening/talking skills for parenting from Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish books; How to talk so kids will listen and Listen so kids will talk as a preparation for myself dealing with my own children and hopefully everyone no matters their age.
This NVC sharing from you is a great emphasis on their method.
It kind of reminds me back what I have read in the book.
Sometimes I often switch to my default mode, which is to give a solution right away without acknowledge the person feeling and need, because of time restraint and I really need to constantly check-in and be more mindful with myself on this next time.
Honestly, this is the first time I heard of NVC method, and I like it because it's so clear and well structured.
Great tools for human communication.
Not long ago I also share an article about learning empathy for a better relationship and I think it fits into the first step of NVC, which is just OBSERVE here


thanks for this valuable feedback! I havent heard of Adele Faber, it sounds interesting and perhaps quite similar to NVC... Hope you take part in the workshop!