Eco Living Weekly Digest #6

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Let's start fresh! 1.png

Eco Living Weekly celebrates our collective efforts to live more harmoniously on Mother Earth, and walks hand-in-hand each week with @ecotrain's other curation, Eco Village News. It's a "best of" from posts on the steem blockchain this past week which have used the #ecotrain tag.

What kind of content will get you curated here? Practical, thoughtful, creative and personal posts about literally Making the World a Better Place. From recycling, art, natural health and organic-permaculture to eco-travel, creating change, spirituality, art-poetry-music, natural food preparation and growing-storing-preserving your food and natural medicine. Please attribute quoted material and images which aren't your own, and be thoughtful. You need to use the #ecotrain tag to be considered for an upvote. And please make at least part of your post in the English language - we MANUALLY curate so we need to be able to understand the gist of your post.

We DON'T require you to delegate to @ecotrain, but we'd ask you to please consider it. You can take it back at any time, no questions or stress. Delegation is nothing more than a LOAN of your SP so we can give YOU juicier upvotes. It's a no brainer, really. We also don't REQUIRE you to upvote or support others (all too school-marmy for us!) but, again, we'd ask you to simply give to others what you' like to receive, which is a generous upvote and a thoughtful comment.

MUCH APPRECIATION for the wonderful posts this week.

Please: read, upvote, comment, resteem the posts we've selected for you. And start writing YOUR next @ecotrain post.


Young people learn how to plant Moringa

Planting superfoods together as a community? @abdulhamids shows us young and old, working together, to plant the amazing superfood, drumstick tree - moringa - in rural Indonesia just outside of Bandung.

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Gluten Free Acorn Pancakes ◇ Modern Hunter-Gatherer Recipe

Eco Living means eating what Mother Earth offers you from her bounty. For @senorcoconut, this week, it was acorns!! Follow his process from gathered, fallen acorns to yummy gluten free pancakes. This is a skill and a level of know-how many of us are going to need sooner than later.

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Think you don't have space to grow a garden and help green the world? Check out what @olivia08 is doing in Saudi Arabia in the midst of seriously hot urban concrete with some space her boss has allowed her to use since 2009.

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Is convenience really convenient?

Convenience seems to be the divergent point between eco-living and rampant, destructive capitalism. @eco-alex asks some great questions about convenience and happiness, and challenges us to consider the price of convenience.

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In Search of More Sugar Maple Trees

Freshly tapped organic maple syrup? Oh yeah!! @thebigsweed adn @farm-mom have been out in the woods showing us how to collect fresh syrup from the sugar maples. Wow! This is an eco-living definitely worth having! Yum!

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The Impact of our Work | Seven years after we planted trees and flowers in C.B.C Menda Baptist Primary School

So much focus on PLANTING trees, does anyone even go back and see if any of them survived? @thegreens did! And it's looking great! 7 years after they planted trees and shrubs at CBC Menda Primary School in Bamenda, Cameroon, West Africa, they went back for a look-see. Check it out!

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Are Our Rivers Drying Up?

Cape Town, India, Thailand.... many places on Earth are facing dwindling river systems and water issues. @imransoudagar draws our attention to the incredibly valuable resource of fresh water.

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The Wold Spider

Respecting and appreciating the Beings we share this Earthschool with is a huge part of balanced eco-living. @sallybeth23 gets us up close and personal with teh fascinating wolf spider.

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This week @ecotrain's Question of the Week is digging deep!! What Are Your Priorities In Life, And Why?


ANYone can contribute!! You have until Saturday December 7th. Don't forget to link the url of your entry post in the comments of the QOTW Launch Post ^^ and to use the #ecotrain tag.

Did you See This Week's Eco Village News?

Lots happening in terms of steem communities and ecoVilllage - catch up on this last week in our latest issue of the Eco Village News #12


Want To Invest In & Support EcoVillage & Eco Living? Check this out!

What Is EcoVillage Coin? What Makes It Different? The Investment Model. Is Now The Best Time To Buy?

We hope you have enjoyed these eco-living posts - please LAVISH them with upvotes, reblogs, comments and engagement.

If you're able to delegate, or increase your delegation, to @ecotrain, it's a simple and practical way you can help to engage with, and fund, steem eco-villages around the world.

Most importantly, consider writing under the #ecotrain tag this coming week - we love all posts eco-green, earth building, spiritual and natural, but mostly as those things relate to the building and evolution of eco-community.


Sincere apologies for the typos everyone! Urgh. Putting my curating hat firmly back on after a down week overfull with biz priorities and APPRECIATING the ideas, efforts and passion out there! Nice job.

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.

Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.


With some incredible support and care and expertise hovering. x Gratitude.

Thanks to everyone involved with @ecotrain for including my post in this weekly digest.

such a wonderful curation, these posts are so informative and thought provoking, whilst promoting earthcare. Good job everyone xx