Excellent post Alex ................ even more excellent is the dialogue created in the comments rather that poking names at others if there is disagreements etc.
Socrates encouraged this passionately and so do I and everybody else here which is a breath of fresh air.
Regardless of my so called 'side' I look at the whole way the 'environmental issue' is being used as a fear based polictical tool to further the divide and conquer tool.
'Media' is a major avenue for this means and one should follow their own experience and pure logic beyond the programs purposely placed upon us.
I look and see that there is no actual 'chaos' as much as a controlled demolition of the human and worldly experience, fear is the emotional tool used to manipulate us into fighting rather than figuring out the obvious. Guilt is the emotion used to subdue us into line and 'obey' without thinking of why ....................... religions use this via repenting etc while in turn promsing salvation if they do so............ and so one is governed into looking outwards rather than in for the answer.........
For me, this beautiful Mother/Planet is an experience that we are connected to and need to address this each individually in our hearts and minds then totally recognise the connection to each other .............. but the divide and conquer tool is well imbedded and tricky to dislodge and eliminate ................... but truth is far greater and clears this completely.
Yes Harry beautiful comment!