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RE: ecoTrain Mission Statement: Create An Off-Grid Community Based on the Gift Economy!

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Great ideas. As an American the most difficult challenge is property taxes. In so many places the taxes cause people to eventually lose their homes. Where in the world are you focusing your search where you can feel secure about access across the decades.

I had been looking at doing a much smaller scale of this in NM but really bought the wrong land for it, though taxes are low there. (Not even 1% per year) Various forms of this idea are what the world needs to bring people back into a healthy equilibrium with themselves and their environment.

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mmm. i think the first choice should be to live somewhere where the state doesnt bleed you dry! luckily there are options, and many good ones if you are willing to venture out!...

Im looking at various places. .. there are many in Europe and beyond.. places like Nepal or India could be an option at least in the long term..

Taxes on ownership of said land, even if very low, would be a long term issue without some form of rent/membership/dues fee. Love the idea, but wondering if this is realistic to do without any ongoing influx.

thanks for your comment! There are many countries with such low tax that it is not really an issue, and also if you set it all up as a not for profit it is possible to by pass tax.. Also dont forget that the community can produce many things that can be sold..