in #ecotrain6 years ago

Since the 20 years that I explore the Invisible realms and the Healing Universe, there is a subject that always attracted me and fascinated me. It’s Protection.

I was long obsessed by learning more and more tools about protection.
Protection from what ? I believed then from negative energies, entities, implants, geopathogenic stress, and black magic.

I learnt and tried so many techniques, tools, tricks to make sure that I was safe.
But I wasn’t. I was always feeling attacked, threatened, disempowered at times.

I was teaching about Protection, developing material devices designed to protect, and to harmonize. I was clearing day after day the imprints of the negative energies on my energetic field. And I had to keep on doing it, as I was always getting “dirty”.

Then along the years, I came to discover new lineages. The Vedic Lineage from the Siddha Sri Tathata, my spiritual master taught me that the best protection was Dharma. To live our Dharma, our Essence, our Service, and to surrender to the Divine Mother. To walk straight in the path of Love, and Light. This teaching also said that there was no need to participate in the war between Light and Darkness, Consciousness and Ignorance. We were supposed to remain in the Center, in the Eye of the Heart Vortex. Observing, and embracing.

The Mayan lineage from the Mexican Curanderos, the Miracle Healers from Central America, through the lineage holder, Starr Fuentes, taught me something new again. The difference between Safety and Protection.
Starr told me, you don’t want to protect yourself, you want to be Safe. Find the difference. Feel it.

And it took me few months to integrate this, to experience it, and to reach some understanding.

Every time I choose to Protect myself, I declare some part of Creation as my Enemy, as something I don’t want to experience. So I build a filter, or a Wall to separate me from this experience. Of course, what we resist to, persists. And many times, it came out of a kind of fear. A sweet, silent, discreet fear.

The fear of failure. The fear that I won’t be able to handle my environment and maintain my center. The fear of Death.
This fear feeds what is the other side of my Refusal, my resistance to experience.

So, in some way, I make it stronger. I refuse to take 100% responsibility about what I attract or may attract. It is finally a Trust issue about my own ability to embody Truth and Love.

This fear is fed by my shadow, that I refuse to embrace as part of me. My denial about being a perfect imperfect creation.
Every time I was pretending to protect myself, I was in fact claiming to the Universe : “ I am not safe. I am not ready to experience the Universe in its multi aspect and polarity.”

Starr Fuentes touched something so deep in me. I am forever in Gratitude to her, as she could see the Master in Me that I couldn’t see. As she told me : “Be Safe.”

To be safe, doesn’t require protection. It is a choice. A choice to embrace our being as everything we believe and feel attracts Experiences towards us. Our thoughts, our feelings, our desires… there are the magnets that bring the Dance of Shakti in our Reality.

If I truly own 100% Responsibility about my Cocreation, then I can choose to be Safe.

But what does it mean to be safe?

It is a claim that I know who I am, and that I won’t allow anything or anybody to change Who I Am, if this is not for the Highest Good. My Highest Good. Our Highest Good.

It is a decision to embody our truth and to go naked in the world, trusting that Truth attracts Truth. That the Light in my Heart enlightens my own Darkness, that I don’t need to fear anything anymore.

It is to embrace Life, to open to Who we truly Are, not only the nice cute part of Us, but our entire being.
It is to welcome Shakti in all its aspects and archetypes, from the sweet Mother to Kali, that cuts the heads of my Ego.
It is the innocent Child, embracing the Fool, and the Wise (Wo)Man. It is the Dance of Life, the Voice of the Heart chanting the name of our divinity.

To be safe, one must feel safe, from their own shadow. One must embrace their totality. One must open the Heart to the Infinite Love, in all its aspects.

To be truly safe, is to look at the eyes of Death, and not blink. It is to acknowledge that our essence is Eternal.
So next time you feel that you need protection, try something New : “I am safe”.

And Smile.
Smile to your shadow that for a moment contracted.
Hug your shadow, and recomfort it.
We are safe.
All my parts are safe.

I walk on this Dream, standing like a tree, offering my fruits to the Light of the Sun, sheltering Parts of Creation in my shade. My roots are deep in the womb of Mother Earth. My eyes embrace Creation, as my heart melts blissfully. I am Safe. I am safe. I am safe.

It is a state of Mind and Consciousness, it is not a belief. It is a Choice, as a conscious Cocreator. And it has always been here, within us.

Safety. It doesn’t mean being stupid and jump down the first cliff. It means walking our life consciously, without fear, with complete trust, smiling to Creation as our multidimensional teacher.

So I choose, every moment to be Safe. And I choose it again, and again. Following my intuition, my inner guidance, my guts, and the wise voice of my heart.

Be safe.



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Amazing ! Love the voice !