in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

Me despierto arrullado por las olas del mar en un glorioso chinchorro ,desconcertado donde estaba , crei que lo había soñado, pero el dolor de las piernas al tratar de levantarme me afirmo que fué real : Habiamos cruzado la #RutadelCacao (foto panoramica google earth) .

I wake up lulled by the waves of the sea in a glorious chinchorro, baffled where I was, I thought I had dreamed it, but the pain in my legs when trying to get up I affirm that it was real: We had crossed the #RutadelCacao (google earth panoramic photo) .

Ruta trazada desde la parte alta de Choroni hasta Chuao por la montaña .Una verdadera aventura inesperada sin logisticas ni estrategias , lo más improvisado del mundo a pesar que ya lo habiamos planeado mi hijo Daniel y bien acompañados por Luisana y Zory .... nuestras consortes reales

Route drawn from the top of Choroni to Chuao through the mountain. A true unexpected adventure without logistics or strategies, the most improvised in the world even though we had planned my son Daniel and well accompanied by Luisana and Zory .... our royal consorts

Arrancamos la mañana anterior no muy temprano y con el consejo de un terrateniente que nos afirmaba que : "es ahi mismito".. en 6 horas lo cruce con una vieja que andaba en cholas" ...por lo que me confié y partimos

We started the previous morning not too early and with the advice of a landowner who told us that "it is there" ... in 6 hours I crossed it with an old woman who was in cholas "... so I trusted and left

Partiamos desde "La Planta" un antiguo edificio plantado en el rio Choroni que supongo que impartia electricidad por fuerza motriz al pueblo , pero abandonado con cara fantasmal :o

We started from "La Planta" an old building planted in the Choroni river that I suppose that imparted electricity by motive force to the town, but abandoned with a ghostly face: o

Pasando el puente del rio dispusimos a subir una alucinante montaña que parecia un bello sueño, hasta la gente nos saludaba como si fuesemos famosos .Hasta una Verde-gallo nos saludó en el rio, bella y nado como experta .Despues de horas almorzamos arriba solo los sanduches y agua con polvo de guaraná que más bien sed nos daba a parte de la energia .

Passing the river bridge we set out to climb an amazing mountain that looked like a beautiful dream, even the people greeted us as if we were famous. Until a Green-rooster greeted us on the river, beautiful and swam as an expert. the sandwiches and water with guarana powder that rather thirst gave

LLegando a la cima de la primera montaña ya dudaba de la cercania de Chuao y ni donde andabamos .Pasamos horas caminando subiendo y bajando , pasamos por campamentos abandonados donde quemaban hojas de plátanos para hallacas pero sin rastros de seres humanos ( parecia campamento de las FARC procesadora de coca) , horas despues conseguimos dos campamentos y a un señor que nos indicó que más adelante habia otra casa de sus primos ofreciendonos AGUA ... tan vital como nunca, al llegar nos sorprendió una casa con jardin llenos de campanitas y ellos
en cholas con pies deformes y quien sabe que más, nos ofrecieron cambures y un manantial de agua pura que sabia a gloria , sin embargo no quitaba la vista a uno de ellos que permanecia en la ventana dela casa acostado dando la impresión que no podia caminar por su deformidad... trayendo a mi memoria la pelicula de "Masacre de Texas" , no dilatamos mucho en tragarnos los cambures con agua y agradeciendoles partimos . Nos confirmo que estabamos en la ruta y que habia perdido unos burros ... por cierto solo vivian hombres con burros pero no habia mujeres , unos verdaderos montañeses de pelicula . A la hora de caminar conseguimos unos de sus burros que relinchaba como diciendonos algo . Le di cambur y quiso seguir conmigo llorando porque lo abandonamos , ya me sentia salvaje despojandome de la camisa por el calor cual Tarzan .

Arriving at the top of the first mountain I already doubted the proximity of Chuao and where we were walking. We spent hours walking up and down, we passed by abandoned camps where they burned banana leaves for hawks but without traces of human beings (it seemed FARC camp coca processor), hours later we got two camps and a man who told us that later there was another house of his cousins ​​offering us WATER ... as vital as ever, when we arrived we were surprised by a house with a garden full of bells and they in cholas with deformed feet and who knows what else, we were offered cambures and a spring of pure water that tasted like glory, however it did not take your eyes off one of them who remained in the window of the house lying down giving the impression that he could not walk through his deformity ... bringing to my mind the movie "Texas Massacre", we do not delay much in swallowing the changes with water and thanking them for leaving. He confirmed that we were on the road and that he had lost some donkeys ... by the way only men with donkeys lived but there were no women, some real mountain people. When it came to walking we got one of his donkeys that whinnied like telling us something. I gave him cambur and he wanted to continue with me crying because we abandoned him, I already felt wild stripping my shirt because of the heat like Tarzan.
con burro.jpg

Horas de caminata me hacia recordar de mi lesion de rodilla por la moto al punto que pense que me iban abandonar ... Daniel Luisana y Zory caminaban con la energia que les daba el Guaraná con cambur pero yo desfallecia . Subiamos y bajabamos montañas hasta que cayó el sol atrapandonos en un cauce seco de un rio que se hacia más oscuro por su vegetación en lo que habiamos perdido la ruta que marcaban por escasos trazos amarillos ... nada no habian más nada y la luz se opaco como si fuese un swichet al punto que no habia ni camino ni luz y retrocedimos tanteando por lo oscuro decidiendo montar la tienda para dos personas para dormir cuatro , rápidos y furiosos montandolo y metiendonos ya que estaba oscuro y ni siquiera nos habiamos enterado que ya era de noche para acostarnos todos boca arriba y ver rayos y relampagos del cielo "duerme ya" era lo que decian pero yo pensaba si llueve en la cabecera de este cauce nos puede llegar una abondada .. como coñ... voy a dormir? sin embargo al tratar de conciliar empezaron a rasguñar la carpa algun animal y pensando que en las montañas de Aragua hay tigres pregunté donde estaba el machete .. todo afuera , para salir cagado a buscarlo y volver a entrar para tratar de descansar ... dormi por fin .

Hours of walking made me remember my knee injury on the motorcycle to the point that I thought they were going to leave me ... Daniel Luisana and Zory walked with the energy that Guarana gave them with cambur but I fainted. We went up and down mountains until the sun fell, trapping us in a dry river bed that became darker due to its vegetation, in which we had lost the route that marked by little yellow strokes ... nothing had nothing more and the light opaque as if it were a swichet to the point that there was neither path nor light and we retreated groping for the dark deciding to set up the tent for two people to sleep four, fast and furious riding it and getting into it since it was dark and we hadn't even heard that It was night to lie on our backs and see lightning and lightning from the sky "sleep now" was what they said but I thought if it rains at the head of this channel we can get an abondada .. as a pussy ... am I going to sleep? However, when trying to reconcile, they started scratching the carp of some animal and thinking that in the mountains of Aragua there are tigers, I asked where the machete was ... all outside, to go crap to look for it and go back in to try to rest ... at last .

Amanecimos vuelto leña paro vivos .. que felicidad para disponernos a conseguir la ruta que no duro mucho Daniel en descubrir gracias por el rastro de las bostas de los burros que recorren este camino y volver volver volver ... a subir otra montaña con energia pero sin más que comer ni agua que tomar , caminamos y caminamos hasta llegar a unas plantaciones de cacao que me olian a civilización , primero vimos un perro que saludamos pero no sabia hablar para conseguir más tarde al dueño(con un machete) que nos contentó y alegró verlo que sin embargo él miraba con desconfianza por lo raro que aparecimos ... nos consoló fue la esposa que amablemente nos dijo que estabamos cerca de Chuao haciendo una parada en un lindo rio ... Chuao que no pelamos para disfrutarlo y bañarnos como faraones y reinas .

We woke up, I have turned off lively firewood ... what happiness to prepare us to get the route that Daniel did not take long to discover thanks for the trail of the donkey's dung that travel this path and return again ... to climb another mountain with energy but without more than eating or water to drink, we walked and walked until we reached a cocoa plantation that smelled like civilization, first we saw a dog that we greeted but did not know how to talk to get later to the owner (with a machete) that pleased us and He was glad to see that, however, he looked with suspicion about how weird we appeared ... he consoled us was the wife who kindly told us that we were close to Chuao making a stop in a beautiful river ... Chuao that we did not strip to enjoy it and bathe as Pharaohs and queens.

Más adelante entramos por la parte alta de Chuao y la gente nos saludaba sin olvidar el comentario de una señora que nos pregunto de donde veniamos y no lo creia ... que hubo la última competencia Crosscountry de la Ruta del Cacao y tuvieron que ir a rescatar a varios perdidos los bomberos y vaquianos y otros que llegaron directo a la medicatura para inyectarles relajante muscular para poder caminar ... culminando en la Iglesia de Chuao donde secaban la semilla del cacao y visitando señoras que nos vendieron chocolates en distintas versiones para bajar en una guagua perrera hasta la playa ,almorzamos y visitamos a una prima de Zory , profesora de Chuao que gentilmente nos invito a pasar a su casa y a quedarnos

Later we entered the upper part of Chuao and people greeted us without forgetting the comment of a lady who asked us where we came from and did not believe it ... that there was the last Crosscountry competition on the Cocoa Route and they had to go to rescue several lost firefighters and vaquianos and others who came directly to the medicament to inject muscle relaxant to walk ... culminating in the Church of Chuao where they dried the cocoa bean and visiting ladies who sold us chocolates in different versions to download in a kennel bus to the beach, we had lunch and visited a cousin of Zory, a teacher from Chuao who kindly invited us to come to her house and stay
Aqui volvimos a nacer , meti las piernas en la arena caliente para sentirlas y sin embargo para acampar en la exquisita playa no se hasta cuando porque ahi perdi la memoria para acostarme en un estupendo chinchorro y volver a soñar .

Here we were born again, I put my legs in the hot sand to feel them and yet to camp on the exquisite beach I don't know until when because there I lost my memory to lie in a great boat and dream again.
En playa Chuao hicimos unos grandes amigos , artesanos y bohemios que compartieron con su pequeño hijo y nosotros con mi pequeño amigo , disfrutando de el verdadero paraiso -
In Chuao beach we made great friends, craftsmen and bohemians who shared with their little son and we with my little friend, enjoying the true paradise -

Agradecidos con Dios y con @luisanacastillo,Zory y Daniel Carrillo @ramadigital por ser tan pacientes , cariñosos conmigo y compartir tan estupenda aventura . Mis agradecimientos al profesor univ. RonniVelasquez que generosamente nos prestó su casa . .. al final nos despidió un aguila preciosa invitandonos a volver .. aho

Grateful to God and Luisana Castillo, Zory and Daniel Carrillo for being so patient, loving with me and sharing such a great adventure. My thanks to Professor Univ. RonniVelasquez who generously lent us his house. .. in the end we were dismissed by a beautiful eagle inviting us to return .. now


Bien detallado esta viaje! Tremenda aventura!