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RE: Probably The Best Parenting Advice You'll Read! Don't say No! Never praise, complement, or reward. no demands or punishments! The real roots and meaning of NonViolent Communication.

in #ecotrain7 years ago

I really try and limit the use of the word No with my children, it is not easy, like you say somethings are ingrained. There are so many other ways to communicate our intentions correctly.
I am really enjoying the video you provided it will take me a while to watch it all as my girls have so much to show and share with me, our true nature coming from a place of love, so true , thank you @eco-alex xxx


paradigm shifts are hard to undrestand.. its not about not setting boundries.. and sometimes you can say NO.. but most parents use that word quite liberally, and with no respect or empathy for the child.. A child shoudl be treated with great honor and care, and that means taking time to listen, not talk.. To take the time to hear them.. sometimes that is enough and changes the whole dynamic..

glad ur watching the vid.. it is priceless! what a man@