ADSactly Tech News - Students in Myanmar Taught Programming Skills!

in #education7 years ago

ADSactly Tech News: Students in Myanmar Taught Programming Skills!

Image Source: MM Times

  • Young students have been offered an opportunity to study basic computer programming.

  • This program is the first of its kind in government schools and was introduced by the Myanmar STEM Education Association.

In this article I will review a brand new program developed in Myanmar to teach young students how to do computer programming.

I've selected this topic because although most may not know this about Myanmar but the income gap in Myanmar happens to be one of the widest in the world. This is because a large proportion of the economy is controlled by supporters of the former military government. Furthermore, as of 2016, Myanmar ranks 145 out of 188 countries in human development, according to the Human Development Index.

The fact that they are beginning to teach software programming in schools is welcomed news and may be able to have an impact on bringing about better lives for the people of Myanmar.

So, lets take a look into this program in more detail here. The Hour-of-Code has been described as a global movement of computer programming for children. It was recently introduced by the Myanmar STEM Education Association (MSEA) at the Practicing High School of Yangon University of Education in Kamayut township of Yangon on Tuesday.

Now this may seem like a publicity stunt and in some ways because its just getting going it does play that role. But the simple fact that an opportunity like this has been created provides a major possibility to increase social mobility in Myanmar.

It was a first for students of government schools in Myanmar. The school, which is Myanmar’s largest, has 7200 students, of which 380 students joined the event, according to headmaster Dr Moe Thu.

This is a large scale project and something that all countries in SE Asia could benefit from. I would guess that in a school of 7200 students very few of them actually have even basic computer skils and that's something that needs to change.

“Actually, the curriculum for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is well known in developed countries’ classrooms. Computer programming is a part of STEM. That’s why I try to introduce this kind of special training for my students, even though we cannot have the whole curriculum for STEM,” Thu said.

Image Source: Pexels

Dr Moe Thu said that she became passionate and inspired to build a full training program in computer programming for children after attending a competition event of ASEAN students for STEM in Vietnam last year.

“I saw a lot of children from ASEAN countries being very familiar with STEM education but Myanmar’s children are not. In other countries, Hour-of-Code is taught through weekly or daily lessons at formal schools. But in Myanmar, I cannot make this kind of classroom schedule for students because it is not included in the official curriculum of the Government. So I tried a compromise by teaching computer programming for my students,” she said.

What we are looking at here is a very logical chain of events taking place. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that a greater focus on learning skills in school as opposed to random facts and memorized content will result in creating better lives. Active learning has too long been neglected in education but for teachers in training in modern education programs it is pitched as the most important factor in creating successful lessons. What this means is that in fostering a true learning experience one can not only present new information but they must also allow students to apply it in new, interesting and creative ways.

The best learning takes place when there is a clear objective and reason to learn something. Computer skills are extremely important in this new technological age we are living in. I want to see these skills being developed at a more rapid pace in developing countries to give the people of these countries a better shot at real social mobility and better lives.

Another teacher from MSEA, Ma Keemoe, had a few more things to add based on this topic. Keemoe said that children are very interested in coding but the main factor that keeps them from learning is that most of the training materials are written in English and that presents a significant language barrier.

“In international school, children speak English, so we don’t need to explain the coding vocabulary like ‘keep forward’ but for Burmese-speaking children, we need to explain. The rest of the training is okay because they are happy to learn,” she explained.

Image Source: Pexels

A few more things that should be added include the fact that the Hour-of-Code has not been aimed at developing the level of skill required for a professional carrer in coding but it may present a valuable gateway in learning the logic of computer programming. These thoughts make a lot of sense to me and beyond giving students a basic understanding of computers and how computer programming works it may also inspire them to go further in this direction and actually develop the skills required to pursue a professional career in this field.

“It looks like playing a game for children but in fact it is computer programming. So, the children might familiarize with the logic of coding while they are playing. And the training needs only a very short time like one or two hours,” Ma Keemoe said.

Finally it's important to note that the Hour-of-Code has now become a global movement implemented in more than 180 countries focused around teaching computer programming to children and improve their logic and analytical skills.

Image Source: MM Times

So what can we expect to come from this new Hour-of-Code initiative? Personally I think its a big step in the right direction and needs to be supported and built upon feverishly by educators and administrators across the world.

In order to foster social mobility which basically means a pursuit of income equality for people living in developing countries, the quality of education must be improved significantly.

What do you guys think about this new Hour-of-Code program? Do you think we will see computer programming classes being offered in SE Asian schools in the near future?

I'd love to hear the @ADSactly community's thoughts on this topic!

Thanks for reading.

Authored by: @techblogger

In-text citations sources:

Hour-of-Code introduced at Myanmar’s biggest school - MM Times

Image Sources: MM Times

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I would say that computer coding is the best investment for anyone and enywere in the entire world particularly in developing countries where people can get acces to entire world. Hour-of-Code program sounds like an amazing idea, when coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. Your browser, your OS, the apps on your phone, Facebook, and this website – they’re all made with codes as well as blockchain technology is.

Correct. Nice points here @rothberg!

You are right bro @rothberg!

I'm passing it to my kids as heritage. They can do a lot with that knowledge and not much hardware.

You're definitely right here @rothberg

Thank you Hour-of-code..I am very happy with this initiative to teach programming at this age level...I highly recommend processing ( as a platform for learning how to program for young programmers. Processing is the new LOGO of this generation - it allows young programmers the ability to build programming projects with visual impact quickly without understanding complex image/graphic libraries.

In a few lines of code, they can draw objects, build simple games, animate shapes etc. This makes programming fun instead of the usual standard text output that most of us started with more traditional programming languages (Pascal, C/C++, Java, etc)

Out of the box, it also comes with a simple editor that you can setup the environment quickly. In addition, there are a lot of books that use processing as teaching tools for non-programmers, they are easy to read and go from simple concepts (variables, boolean logic, condition, scope) to more complex programming concepts like data structures, arrays, objects, etc.

Yes that would be the end goal. At first it's just about getting these kids familiar with concepts around programming and create an inspiration or hope in them to learn more. I find that people just need inspiration if they want to grow. I hope this hour-of-code is a successful way to put hopes and dreams in the minds of the youth!

Catching them young is the goal

Excellent Post. I invite you to see my postcards. Here I leave the link

Thanks for the info. I think I'll gonna try this platform one of this days @kouba01

Yeah you are right bro @kouba01
These tools are helpful too


This is really a booming step for education in asian countries like Myanmar infact it should be started in all asian countries. Being an Asian i totally agree with the teacher saying that the children face difficulties because of the coding being in English. This is the major issue with asian countries, there grass toot level education which is taken care by the govt mostly have local languages as amedium of education. Only private schools in these countries which are run by businessmen or elite class have English language as thr medium. This differentiation starts right from thr. The private schools offer good education but its very expensive for majorily populated people. But Kudos to this step. Its really encouraging

The language barrier is a huge obstacle but it simply presents an opportunity to increase training in English in these countries and develop materials in local languages. Both of these activities should be taking place with the end goal being an effort to increase social mobility and giving kids opportunities to be successful in this field.

Yes. I am agree with you@tasauver

I think that this is the right initiative that should be continued throughout the world. It is necessary to prepare a specialist who will prepare a new generation for the digital era. In our time, the most valuable thing that a person can have is knowledge. And getting the right and valuable knowledge is impossible without quality education.
Everyone, regardless of place of residence and social status, has the right to education and has the right to become better and more intelligent. The mind has made a man out of a monkey and the mind will make of a poor man - a rich man. The main condition is equal rights in obtaining an education.
You know well-known pogovrku Samuel Kolt: "The Lord created people different, and Colonel Colt made them equal." In our time it can be paraphrased as follows: "The state machine and society made people different, but education and the pursuit of knowledge made them equal."
Everyone should have the right to become smarter and everyone should dispose of their knowledge at their own discretion.
Thank you, good article

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Each person should be given that basic right.

please help me to upvote @simosteem

Excellent Post. I invite you to see my postcards. Here I leave the link

That's really great. At my university we bring students of the village to the university to help them in their studies and also teach them how to code.
Our mission is to lift the standard of the living of the surrounding.

That's very inspiring! I think every University that meets this criteria should be involved in the same way. Thanks for contributing here!

Thank you so much for your kind words.
My university is at a remote area, so our vision is to uplift the lives of the people living in the surrounding areas.

who is this afroguy... i need a frn like him bro... :p

yeah might programming skills but the country has problems with burning down the houses of minority Muslims

This is a valid point as well. I don't think the two are completely related and I'm sure that many would like the opportunity to move abroad and pursue a career in programming if possible so lets keep our eyes on the ball here! Thanks for your comment.

please help me to upvote @simosteem

The Hour-of-code initiative has started something serious. Every kid should know basic computer skills. I believe that the initiative will spread its tentacles in Asian schools in near future. Reading this article makes me want to share, that I work in an organisation to help kids from underprivileged background to cope up with the language barrier you mentioned. I teach them English. It was worth reading the article. Keep writing. By the way, I write. You can check my blog and upvote if you like anything. Would really appreciate your support.

Absolutely, these are the types of activities that are needed to pull the developing world up by its bootstraps! Helping the underprivledged is a fantastic thing! Thanks for your kind words.

Good for them. I'm hoping my kids start programming from a young age. when I went to school they started offering classes when you were 15-16. Pretty young for the times, but still late imo.

Technology is taking over the universe and it is key to note that this change is led by programmers. There's basically no phase of development that some point does not require the application of logic. So to answer your question,

Yes, in the near or far future, programming will be offered independently or added to the school curriculum and it will be best for the world at large.

Further more, I strongly support the introduction of programming and logic to children as it opens them towards what they would love in a form of a career. Given that children love playing with their hands and imagining or creating things, introducing them into this is a great step as we see these kids becoming professionally inclined and technologically motivated and educated even before they make a career choice.

It's high time they learn what makes up their world. It's high time they were taught that everything they own (video games, devices, laptops etc) is based on some algorithm developed by someone somewhere and they too can do it. In fact, they too can make their own world.

Completely agree. Thanks for answering my questions. Feedback like this is valuable and the goal of teaching kids valuable skills (especially in developing countries) is a very worthy one!

Truly, as a programmer myself, I would definitely vouch for these programs, coming from a third world country(Philippines) and having been taught programming only when I got to college just because it's my degree program. How awesome it would be for the generation that comes after me gets to be educated properly. Tech is the new thing and I know that from that point on comes more opportunities for young brilliant Filipino minds to flourish even more! Congratulations, Myanmar!

That is great @joyglyncel! Hearing feedback like this makes what I do all the more enjoyable! Best of luck in your bright development career. If you want to take a shot at a job head over to @minnowbooster and join the discord. Leave contact information in the job-posts section and there might be some work around for you.