Three Reasons Why Education is Extremely Important, Contributed by Anonymous

in #education7 years ago


Education is the key to success. Illiteracy and education are like the darkness and light. When we walk in the darkness, it is very difficult to choose the correct route. The more illuminated your paths become, the more easily we can reach our destination.

Education is your lantern.

When we walk in the light, we see the whole new world in front of us, and many routes that could easily help us go where we want. In this article, we'll discuss a few of the reasons why I think education is important.

1 - Education boosts your confidence

When you know that you are more educated than most candidates, you'll feel confident when you submit your cover letter and resume to a company. You'll know that you have a great chance of getting an interview. After you land the interview, your confidence will follow you into the interview room.


An uneducated person is often nervous about applying for a small job, be it a salesman or an entry-level position at a small company. He knows that his chances of being noticed and being heard are very low. Such feelings create hopelessness and lack of confidence, which in turns eats him alive.

Education alone isn't enough to land you many jobs. For a lot of jobs, experience and past performance are the most important factors. However, being educated will help you get your foot in the door. It will help you communicate well with others. It will allow you to showcase your intelligence on the job, and it will help get you promoted more quickly.

2 - Ability to make better decisions

Education will help you to differentiate between various paths and determine which is more worthwhile. This is one of the biggest reasons why you should focus more on your education.

As you grow older, you will have to make a lot of decisions. Some will be much more important than others, but each decision will have its own advantages and disadvantages. When you're able to make the best decisions at the right time, it opens doors for more and better opportunities.


3 - The world becomes a safer place to live

Here where I live, people won't taunt you whenever you'll go outside. People will respect you because of your education. They'll come to ask your suggestions on various matters. I don't know about other cultures, ​to be honest, but in case of Pakistan, if your education is good enough, you can easily marry a beautiful girl. Here in Pakistan, parents are conscientious about choosing the right person for their daughters.

Education contributes to social harmony, and you'll more easily build a large network of quality friends. You'll find that people will respect and value your opinions.

There are countless reasons why education is extremely important for everyone, and I've only explained a few of the important ones. If you believe that I've missed any important reason, please comment below. I'd be happy to see what you think.


Education is just the 🔑 key to everything in life

Illiterate ain't got life

I have been an educator in the schools and privately since 1980. While I enjoyed your post and don't disagree with your post I feel it misses the essential purpose for education.

Many believe being well educated leads to a good job. This is sometimes true but that too is not the main objective of education.

The main purpose or objective of education is to teach people how to learn.
If you can instill a love of learning bonus.

People capable of learning can accomplish anything.

In this day and age knowing how to learn is critical as any job you train for today will be obsolete often by the time you graduate.

Very good......I agree with you

Very good theme is the one you have chosen for this post. Very interesting. Education is a useful tool to make the world a better place to live. I think that with so many scientific advances there has been a tendency to depersonalize the training processes, making them more mechanical, losing a bit the importance of social relationships, depersonalizing the human, giving more importance to the material and less to the human, to the psychological. Luckily, a good part of the world powers in education have taken into account that and a wave of improvement of these characteristics has occurred. I am very in favor of studies, of being helped through a process of permanent formation, where the goal is beyond the merely personal and that the personal benefit does not overlap with the social.


I couldn't agree more with you on this one. Education gives us knowledge and have points of view in life.

Very very amazing :)


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Live to learn

Somebody will confident if in Brain fillfull with science. Master ceremony can inspire us tobe confident person,,,,you know? MC considerS there are no audienceS cleverer than him. This is only the way be a confidence person