What if students were given the freedom...? #cagefreethinking 4/15/18

in #education7 years ago

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Welcome Cage Free Thinkers! This is the first in a series of ponderings related to education for the purpose of sparking curiosity, dialog and change. Please share your thoughts on today's big question.

What if students were given freedom to match their demonstrated responsibility?


As it relates to the "What If" I think it would lead to some pretty interesting experiences. If we as adults could just step back and support them. This includes not being so guarded in trying to hide the messiness of our personal lives and the messiness between the Parent/Mother & Father dynamic. Children need to know at a young age how life really is so that they can begin to figure out at a young age how to maneuver through it all in doing so it breeds and innate ability to be a survivor. Now as far as the imagination and creativity side of a child's life I think they should be given free reign to experiment, experience and explore the things they are inquisitvely led to engage in. My granddaughter who is 10 is a soccer player, a girly girl that loves her purses and jewelry accessories and she is an academic whiz kid, yet one of her latest passions is to play for endless hours with SLIME. Go figure. In our day it was Playdough/Putty. But today its SLIME.....I say Let them engage in creative play. Thanks for this post of pondering @eyedreemit.

Dear @rensoul17,
Thank you for the kind words. Your granddaughter sounds like quite a character. You are surely an incredible grandmother. Yes, slime has captured the imaginations and even entrepreneurial spirits of the children, and ruined many household carpets!

Thank you for being a freewrite encourager!!