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RE: Value added comments

in #education7 years ago

I will add one thing - as a smaller account - commenting means engaging and engaging means enjoying. If you enjoy your time here it becomes less monotonous, and you're likely to actually stick around for longer before the whole experience becomes stale.

If you're sticking around for no reason but money, and you're treating steem like a big pond and you're there with a fishing rod hoping to get a bite, you'll be gone in a few months at most because you'll realise that the fish just aren't biting and it isn't enjoyable anymore.

That's why I try to comment more than I post - and I don't say things like "Great content sir! Upvote!"


I totally agree. After just one week on this platform i've seen so many people who's interntion is simply to comment the most random stuff on every post (like "great picture dude" when there's no picture to be seen in the post etc) in the hopes to get rewarded for that? I don't really understand it. When I joined the platform I was excited to share my thought with other and to learn how to blog from those already proven succesful. The first days it was a bit discouraging to see so few responses on the questions and feedback I had. That's why I think people like Taraz are of huge imoprtance to this platform. First of all I like reading his articles because I think they're well-written and thought out, and on top of that I know he values my feedback and is open for discussion in the comments. That's why I'm here. The monetarily incentive is of course nice, but I'm not here to get rich. The focus should be on the blogging-side of things instead of the money-side of things. I'm here to learn, to become a better writer, to improve my English etc. The money is just an extra.

I agree that those who come in expecting big things for very little are mostly and (gladly in my opinion) going to get disillusioned fast. What does make this place fun is the relationships formed with all of the various people that one might never have a chance to have a decent conversation with in real life.

It's a bit of a symptom of crypto in general

There's this perception that a lot of people got rich by doing nothing.

But it's not true.

if you invested $1000 in bitcoin 5 years ago - yes you're filthy rich today if you did not sell - but it takes foresight, dedication, and effort, to hold on through the times where your portfolio has already gone up 2x, 3x, 5x, etc, to the point where it erached $20k+. These people were likely eating, sleeping, and breathing bitcoin (a bit like me lately with vertcoin). To do that for an extended period of time would be exhausting.

It's the same with steem. Except the effort isn't quite as passive, you need to actually put time in to maintain your account. I slacked off over the past few weeks as I had a few things taking my attention away. But I'm back :)

There's this perception that a lot of people got rich by doing nothing.

That also seems to be the perception of most of the current generation. They see instagram people making loads of money by posting pictures and they think that's how life is, that everyone gets a Maserati just because they showed up. They post 4 garbage pictures and give up because no one is following them.

It used to be that you slaved away your whole life at a job and that was it. Things don't have to be like that, but discipline and personal growth are required. You're probably not going to get rich quickly on Steemit unless you've got some big friends. Even then, you have to put in some effort.

that's because at the moment our generation is experiencing a shit towards more of a class system, and at the same time, things like instagram are providing a window into the other "classes".

And combine that with the fact that wages have been stagnating for the better part of 10-15 years now, slaving away at your job isn't worth it anymore like it once was.

Of course it depends on where you're from, but back in my father's day, he used to earn $35k a year or so, and bought a house for less than $100k.

That same job would now be paying about $80-85k, and that house is now worth around $700k.

so yeah, this generation is getting less patient - but with damn good reason.

Very correct @tarazkp. i just found your blog through @ilyastarar's resteem and i'm so glad i did. I could actually read and comment all day cos i already enjoy it so much. But it takes time and i dont have any business that is generating some income while I'm away, so I wont pretend that the money isnt important to me. But you are so right, while I am it, I am getting a lot of other incredible value: meeting wonderful people that i would never have met, having real fun, yeah; learning to improve myself and expanding my horizon of the world. Now, look at the meaningful conversation going on here!

Yes! I keep saying to people who complain about making just pennies here and there, not only do those pennies add up, but if you are also enjoying the interaction, you got paid immediately in the true measure of a successful life. Happiness!