Writer's Block? 6 Easy Tips To Overcome It

in #education7 years ago


All writers have experienced writer's block at some point in their lives. Sitting in front of a blank page or an empty computer screen can be quite frustrating and frightening to even the most creative writers.

These types of reactions make it increasingly difficult to overcome writer's block and start writing creative pieces of art.

However, writers can overcome this situation and get those creative juices flowing by following some of these tips:

  • Get Active

Participating in some type of physical activity is a great way to jump start those creative thoughts. Take a ride on your bicycle in the park, walk around the block, or some type of an aerobic class.

The key is to do something that is fun and keeps you active. Writers will return to writing with clearer minds and fresh ideas.

  • Take a Trip into the Outside World

The usual places for writers to write are their homes or offices because they help them stay focused on their writing.

However, these places can limit the creative process due to the constant phone calls and other distractions. Going to places such as the beach, park, coffee shop, library, and museum can provide writers with inspiration beyond their wildest dreams.


  • Spend Time with Friends

Taking a break from writing to spend time with friends can work wonders with beating writer's block.

Invite friends over for a nice lunch or dinner. Go out and do something fun with your friends such as shopping, bowling, or watching movies. Friends can provide writers with plenty of good input that can easily inspire them to return to writing.

  • Eat Healthy Foods

Adequate nourishment is essential for your brain to function at maximum levels. Consume plenty of protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, and 100% fruit juices to help boost your energy.

This will provide writers with better moods as well as enhanced writings.


  • Take a Quick Nap

Feeling tired and sleepy can make it difficult for writers to focus on their work, which can lead them to experiencing writer's block. Writers can get through their writer's block rather quickly by simply taking a quick nap.

This provides writers with enough time to relax and rejuvenate their brains in order to write incredible pieces.

  • Why Procrastinate? Start Writing

The best way to beat writer's block is to start writing about the first thing that comes to mind. The first sentence may seem the most difficult. However, writing becomes easier as writers continue along.

Remember to proofread later to make the necessary edits.


Writer's block can be difficult to overcome, but it is possible. Writers just have to relax, be patient, stay focused, and commited to write amazing pieces.