A Dictionary of the Sovereign People- Chapter 1-6 The Law

in #education5 years ago (edited)

Let me share this with anyone and everyone that have eyes to see and learn and desires to develop knowledge. Without further ado…

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The Law. The People.. Their Sovereignty… Their Rights…. Their Land….. Their GOVERNMENT and ITS PROPERTY……

Table of Contents-

Chapter 1……………………………………………….………………….The Law

Chapter 2……………………………………………………………We the People

Chapter 3…………………………………………….………….Their Sovereignty

Chapter 4………………………………………………..…….The People’s Rights

Chapter 5…………………………………………….…………The People’s Land

Chapter 6……………...........………Their GOVERNMENT and it’s PROPERTY

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The Law. The People.. Their Sovereignty… Their Rights…. Their Land….. Their GOVERNMENT and ITS PROPERTY…… “My People are destroyed for lack of Knowledge: because Thou hast refused Knowledge, I will also Refuse Thee that Thou shalt be no Priest to Me: and seeing Thou hast forgotten the Law of Thy God, I will also forget Thy Children.” Geneva 1599. A corrupt system finds its security in the ignorance of the People; Publius

A Treatise on, and Repository for the Principals of the Natural Law taken from The Constitution and Laws of The United States of America and, Their Specific Application to the People as Sovereigns and Citizens of the Several States of This American Union With References to the Common and Natural Law of America and Its European Founders. by Publius

In the Common Law Republic of California; Established (1849) Created according to Prerogative Right, The American Common Law, and Sovereign Duty for the Education of the Posterity of the Founding Fathers (Federalists), Nunc Pro Tunc from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Six (1776).


This Writing, is in a Dictionary format, and is in the best “Kings English”, and is based on the Principles and Wording taken from “Blackstone’s Commentaries” Ch 7 “The Kings Prerogatives” (1753); The “Federalists Papers” (1788) (Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 61–10757); as well as Many Never overturned Supreme Court rulings,

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such as Chisholm vs. Georgia 2 Dall 419 (1793); Lansing vs. Smith 4 Wendell 9,20 (1829); Dred Scott vs. Sanford 60 U.S. 393 (1856); Hennessy vs. Richardson 189 U.S. 25 (1902); also Noah Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language (1828); Bouvier’s Law Dictionaries’ (1840/56/1914) and The Many other Sources of Our Liberties, to name a Few.


This is not an attempt at ethnic cleansing; and must not be viewed as racially motivated, but is a path for all People to see the truth within themselves.

That being said, The Purpose and Intent of this Dictionary is to perpetuate the Law of God on Earth, in The United States of America. And by this Principal, to expose and correct the Many ERRORS, deviations from the Truth, that have been committed by those so-called educated INDIVIDUALS, and their MISS USE of “words”, their “confounded definitions”, there fraudulent applications, and the erroneous “CAPITALIZATION” of most of the technical Words that are now compiled in the many Volumes of LEGAL and Lawful writings that fill the Law Libraries of each and every County in these Federal States. The words that I shall identify, have now become a Source of deception and fraudulent guide for the average “person” leading to the total IGNORANCE of the People, European descendants of these United States in America and an unlimited source of $numbers for a Constitutionally Prohibited FOREIGN Central “BANC”.

Rules of Engagement and Their Application

This Writing is not laid out in Alphabetical order, but instead, is in consequence of the evolution of Our Federal System in Time by chronological Date from at least Magna Charta, 1215 (Act of defiance by Europeans in Europe) through the Revolution (1776) /revolt of the descendants of Europeans in America, up to its impending demise, (2016).

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I must first set the Rules that must be Adhered to in order that the Reader might catch a Clear and True Understanding of the Proper use, Meaning and Application of each Word as they are Confined to Our Federal System in The United States of America..and their applicability and Intent when applied to [T]he People as defined herein:

Rule Number 1: Noah Webster Authored and compiled the Best known available English Language Dictionary defining the “words” of the English Language in a very broad general since from at least Magna Charta (1215), to (1828). Although not created in the best “Kings English”, It is still in print in the United States of America, and is preceded only by the Federalists Papers and the Supreme Court decisions on each technical Subject. Note: that whether by mistake, ignorance or criminal intent, none of the Case Law or reprints are done in the Best Kings English. For the best Example of the “Kings English”, See the Original Script Constitution of the United States of America (1788); or, see Public Law 91–589; 92 Congress 2 Session Senate Document No 92–82, US Printing Office Stock Number 5271–00308 Dated (1972) for a “Literal Print” Copy of the Original Script in type;

Rule Number 2: At the Revolution (1776) Each one of The People, who was a subject of the Crown in Europe, became, by Natural Law, “A Sovereign and Citizen of the State” in America, in consequence of His or Her “Demain Domicile”;

Rule Number 3: At the Revolution (1776) The 13 feudal colonies in America, held by the Crown of Europe, became, by force of Law, “Allodial” Independent Sovereign States”;

Rule Number 4: At the Revolution (1776) The total Sovereignty impregnated in the person of the Crown of Europe over the 13 feudal colonies in America, was transferred and grafted, by force of natural Law,

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into the “Citizens of the State” and Their Posterity, Who, in that moment of Revolt, became a Law unto Themselves, unique as to all the other Sovereign Nations’ in this World;

Rule Number 5: At the Revolution (1776) The Private Prerogatives of the Crown’s of Europe, and all the Political Power exercised by them over the 13 feudal colonies and their subjects, evolved, by natural Law, into the “Citizen of the State”;

Rule Number 6: At the Revolution (1776) all the Crown Land of the Original 13 Colonies in America, became Independent Sovereign States, and the exclusive Allodial Property of the new Sovereign People, now equal to all other Sovereign Nations of the World. And all future Land, Claimed or Purchased under authority of these People, after qualifying under Article IV with a “Republican form of Government, and becoming a State on an equal footing with the Original 13 States of the American Union, were, from that moment, and Forever, subject to the “Private Allodial/Domain” Claims, when made by one of the People, Descendants of “Europeans and a “Citizen of That State as one of the Several States of the American Union”;

Rule Number 7: The Federalists Papers are the Final Word on the Interpretation, Intent, and Application of the Original Constitution; and when a Question arises about the Strict Meaning of any Word in It, or the Law applicable to it, reference must be made to Rule Number 1. Publius

Chapter 1…………….The Law

The Law

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This writing is based on the Principals of “[T]he” American Common Law and Truth

July 4 1776, When the Founding Fathers revolted and Shook off theFEARS of self responsibility, and the chains of subjugation on the continent of America, They planted the seed of Individual Sovereign Liberty Here. Once that Seed was Planted, the Fruit of that Seed Produced a Federal Union of Individual Sovereigns. That Federal Union was a “People” descended from the European blood line. Governed by, what they called “The Common Law of England” that was birthed at the signing of Magna Charta (1215). That Seed took 561 years to grow into a Sovereignty Of, By, and For the “White European People”. This “Common Law” is a Creation of God, that operates Equally upon All of God’s Creatures. It certainly follows that the common law of retribution, Cause and Effect applies to everyone. The following quotes are just a few examples; (1) You Treat your fellow Man/and Woman as you want them to treat You; (2) You Do unto others as You want them to do unto You; (3) What you do to the least of mine, You do to Me (God the Creator); (4) You reap what you sew; An eye for an eye; (5) A pound of flesh for a pound of flesh; But, vengeance is in the hand of God. These are just a few of the Common Laws that the Founding Fathers used in the Creation of this Nation.

If you are blessed with the gift of being a wise council and godlike example for People, and you use this gift for self enrichment, personal power to inflict your will over other people, you are violating one or more of the Common Laws, and will reap the consequences of God’s American Common Law.

This Common Law, as distinguished from “statutory, equitable, or civil law”, is the foundation upon which the State of California was Founded, and is the Law in all the Courts of this State See California Statute 95, April 13, 1850; REPORT ON CIVIL AND COMMON LAW; Establishing, in place of The CIVIL LAW, the “American Common Law”

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@ page 604; and confirmed in CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE § 22.2 (1986); AND, Blacks 5th Law Dictionary (1979) p. 251; and Emma Rojo v. Kliger 265 Cal. Rptr. 130, 52 Cal. 3rd 65 (1990); Fenn v. Holm 62 U.S. (21 How.) 481(1858)

It’s the nature of “Words” to cause the human mind to identify strict pictures. It has been said, that one picture is worth a thousand words. Different strict words, in their acceptation, are generally used to create different strict pictures. Therefore, when two different words are used in their strict meaning to identify two strictly different pictures, the mind automatically sees two strictly different pictures. This principal is sound and maintains the Picture of Truth. As was in the minds of the Founding Fathers, when they used the word “Citizen”, it was associated with only [O]ne, of the 13 States, not All of the 13 States. They were “Citizens of a State, Not a “citizen of the UNITED STATES”!

But what if during a long chain of writings, someone vested with authority were to replace the Proper Noun word “Citizen”, as it was Capitalized and written in the Original Text of the Script Constitution of the United States of America, with the common noun/word “citizen” as used throughout the rest of the world? The Original Proper Noun “Citizen” is the first Principal of Our American Common Law that describes [T]hat specific Member of the specific Class of Uncommon European descended People known individually as a “Citizen” of a State of the collective United States of America, As written in Article IV §2, Original Constitution of the United States of America (1788); “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities as Citizens in the several States.”

Thus was the case by Thomas Jefferson in the 1st Naturalization Law (1790). Not only is the word ‘citizen’ not properly capitalized, but also makes reference to the United States, a MUNICIPAL CORPORATION

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[DC] not yet created (1795). If you place the word “White” next to one of the qualifications for citizenship, there is now a very distinct difference between this “Citizen” and all the other “citizens” before the Revolution of 1776. They are what the Supreme Court has generally called the “Sovereign People”, Synonymous with “We The People”, and “Citizen of the State”. This application of the word ‘Citizen” properly capitalized is now an exclusive picture of a White Citizen of European decent Domiciled in one of the Several Federal States in America; and is now a “Proper Noun” and properly Capitalized when and wherever the government needs to identify this exclusive Sovereign Status. Refer to the Case of United Mine Workers 330 U.S. 258 footnote 23/24 (1947). No other word like person, individual, resident, taxpayer, can be used in any law to have any lawful application to the Private Person or Property of a “White Citizen of the State”

But, through many erroneous acts, Legislative Executive and Judicial, this Proper Noun “Citizen” has regressed back in time when it described only a “subject of the Crown”. Thus begins the creation and infusion of a “NEGATIVE POWER SYSTEM”. Such a system, like a “DEMOCRACY”, is now used by the TRATORUS, TREASONEOUS elected trustees to empower themselves through the influx of A MAJORITY of aliens and their want for a free lunch. Thus the extermination of the White Citizen of the State replaced by alien denizens of the Municipal Corporation of the District of Colombia aka ‘THE UNITED STATES’; and in this new age of enlightened ignorance is found a growing element called by the GOVERNMENT as, the “Sovereign People”. This new class of People is hard on the minds of the present system. The System is trying to discover a cure for this new found ailment that now threatens its DEMOCRATIC COMMUNIST MONARCHY. But it will be discovered, like the Revolution (1776) that tyranny at any level or degree will at some point be exterminated, and the People will reappear as before and start anew as the Posterity of We the People, in this Republican form of Government.

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These false tools, as used by the confounded teachings of the present democratic government controlled education system, teaches the use of common words that have uncommon meanings in Our Federal System. This creates a false picture. As previously explained, when the Word “Citizen” is used in the Constitution with a Capitol “C”, it is describing a “White European Sovereign Citizen of one of the Several States in His Sovereign Person, with Unalienable Rights; on the other hand when the word “citizen” is lower case, it describes a common person, although appearing to have an elevated status, but is now nothing more than a subject of the District of Columbia, not a State, having only CIVIL RIGHTS and “Banc CHATTEL” This is for the strict benefit of the CIVIL CODE system, not the Sovereign People. The Posterity, and their senses, have not yet properly developed according to Gods Law, but have instead, become jaded and destructive to themselves and their neighbors. The present code system has hidden the access to the strict pictures of the Law, blinding the Posterity from discerning the difference between Right and Wrong, or Unalienable Secured Rights as opposed to CIVIL GUARANTEED RIGHTS

The word ‘Law’, hereafter defined, emanates from ‘God’ and can be seen through mans actions, either through His Heart, or His MIND.

When His Heart is right, His actions are seen as ‘God Like’, and the effects are of ‘Love’, or simply ‘Positive’.

When the ‘Law of God’ is defused through His MIND by ‘ego,‘lust’, ‘anger’, greed’, attachment, or ‘vanity’, His Heart becomes grieved, and the effects are simply NEGATIVE.

It is the Sovereign Nature and Power of God to instruct Man through the operation of the Law of cause and effect. This Law is the Grand Design and the Rule from God showing exactly how Man and Woman are to listen, not through the senses, but from inside Their Person, and to Therein discover the Domicile in him of the Law of God, and learn to Act from the Word of God, or, to gain enlightenment, or suffer as the case may be, the consequences for not hearing.

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The word ‘LEGAL’, is a creation of Man and is not synonymous or equal to the word “Lawful”. It is simply a jaded or confounded picture of the Law. It is used to convince Man to follow a CODE, or MANS rules that use words taught by the system that are of common use but that define acts or things that subject the People by their ignorance, to a regulatable CODE, which when not complied with, causes fines, fees, and criminal/COMMIRCIAL punishment. The code regulations are used to identify strict acts of a commercial nature but that also identify the Prerogative Unalienable Rights of the Posterity. These catch “words” are in every code, STATE AND FEDERAL. [See list in box of Chapter 6, Their GOVERNMENT]

When Mans RULE as written, does not acknowledge Gods Law, or fails to identify the Path to Gods Law, it is a WRONG, or simply an incomplete LEGAL RULE.

The rules of MAN, with the exception of The Constitution(1788), have always been identified as, a ‘CODE’; but, there is a Lawful Statute upon the Books of the California Republic that was later codified as THE CALIFORNIA MOTOR VEHICLE CODE, that not only identifies the LEGAL licensable activity and the license FEE associated therewith, but, this Statute also shows and distinguishes that LEGAL licensable COMMERCIAL activity from the Constitutionally Secured Lawfuly Exempted Prerogative Unalienable Right of Liberty secured to the Posterity under Gods Law. AND THE REVOLT(1776) The following is an actual quote taken from that Statute, but unfortunately, like most other statutes, fails to cite its specific Constitutional Authority:


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“An act to impose a license fee for the transportation of persons or property for hire or compensation upon public streets, roads and highways in the State of California by motor vehicles; to provide for certain exemptions; to provide for the enforcement of the provisions hereof and for the disposition of the amounts collected on account of such licenses; to make an appropriation for the purpose of this act; and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith.

[Approved by the Governor May 23, 1925.]

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The words and phrases used in this act shall for the purpose of this act, unless the same be contrary to or inconsistent with the context, be construed as follows:………..

(b) The word “operator” shall include all persons, firms, associations and corporations who operate motor vehicles upon any public highway in this state and thereby engage in the transportation of persons or property for hire or compensation, but shall not include any person, firm, association or corporation who solely transports by motor vehicle persons to and from or to and from attendance upon any public school or who solely transports his or its own property, or employees, or both, and who transports no persons or property for hire or compensation, but all persons operating freight carrying vehicles so exempted shall be required to obtain from the state board of equalization and to display exempt emblems in the manner hereinafter provided.” Underline and Red added for emphasis.

This Act further states that the exempt plate shall be obtained from the California Board of Equalization without fee or charge………….!!

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To see the intent of the authors of The phrase “MOTOR VEHICLE”, and “USED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES”, they are STRICTLY defined in THE UNITED STATES CRIMINAL CODE TITLE 18 CHAPTER 2, AIRCRAFT AND MOTOR VEHICLES; § 31; AS DEFINITIONS; and states as follows:

“(a) Definitions. — In this chapter, the following definitions apply:

(1) Aircraft.

(6) Motor vehicle. — The term “motor vehicle” means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo.

(10) Used for commercial purposes. — The term “used for commercial purposes” means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit…….”

This is a COMMERCIAL CODE applicable to anything or anyonethat chooses to violate the “American Common Law”, in place of theREGULATABLE, TAXABLE, LICENSABLE, FINABLE, FEE LADEN MANMADE CODES AND REGULATIONS for effecting OR contracting with the Public At Large.

Law = God = The People/Posterity = Unalienable Rights = Sovereignty of the White Citizen of the State = The American Common Law = The Constitution = Trust = Government Trustees = Statutes Under the Law to protect and defend the Sovereignty, their Prerogative Rights, and the Private Property of the People, and their Posterity;

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Following an act of the legislature, once that Authority from the Constitution of cited, the Statute under the Law is created and a code may follow. This “CODE” is then LEGAL by way of the execution of the = POLICE POWERS which mandates= LICENSE = PERMISSION to engage the Public for PROFIT OR GAIN = COMMERCE effecting the Public = CODES, RULES, REGULATIONS = CONTRACT with the Public = Violations of the Public Trust and or the COMMERCIAL and CRIMINAL CODES, RULES, REGULATIONS = COMMERCIAL, CRIMINAL which are all LEGAL COMMERCIAL CRIMES. This system derives its security from the IGNORANCE of the Posterity, and each of Them. Publius

Man, out of ignorance and fear, has chosen to be trapped under a LEGAL SYSTEM distinguished from the American Common Law, created for the strict protection of his Unalienable Rights. This protection is found in the enactment and enforcement by the “POLICE POWERS”, under authority of the commercial codes rules and regulations that apply specifically to the specific activities of an ‘ARTIFICIAL’ nature, that is ‘COMMERCIAL’; where a person engages the Public in a licensable taxable profitable act, that the Founding Fathers placed under the strict guidance AND control of those most learned of the People by and through the Constitutionally created Trustees of the American Common Law GOVERNMENT, the Posterity is left to discover the key to the exit of this CODE system.

Back to “The Law”:

“Law”; According to Noah Webster 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language (hereafter referenced as NW28), there are at least 30 different notations on “Law”, none of which specifically identify the “Law” emanating from the creation of the “United States of America” by its “European decended People”. This “Law” could be, and should be the “Law of God” on Earth. The closest NW28 comes to this “Law” is called,

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in number “8. Moral law, a law which prescribes to men their religious and social duties, in other words, their duties to God and each other.…delivered to Moses on mount Sinai. Ex. xx.” At the Revolution of (1776) the European People of the Union of States in American, became Sovereign under God. And by this Act, became a “Law” unto Themselves. This Law is Common to the People on Earth, Not just Europeans, but to all Classes and Faiths. And therefore falls under the definition of the Common Law of Nature. The Law of Nature is The Righteous Law which God, the Sovereign of the Universe, has prescribed to All Men and Women, not by any formal promulgation, but by the internal Dictate of Consequence alone. It is discovered by each of Us from its affects upon Ourselves, and that of other Humans and
nature, resulting from Our Individual and or collective acts culminating from such causes, which are the plague and nature of Man and Woman on Earth. The Righteous Law is not amendable or subject to any complaint or dictate of Man. It treats of the divine Rights of the People as well as that of the kings. It works both ways equally so that neither can escape the effect of a trespass upon the Other’s Rights. The negative Cause creates a negative consequence. To have to write the Law upon the Books and use this as a guide to keep society Right with the Moral standards of Life is a futile attempt to halt the disorder in a society. As the Human race enters upon its decline in civilized standards there is, and was, a transfer of the Righteous Law from Man to Constitutions, ENACTED STATUTES and CIVIL&CRIMINAL CODES, in other words, from Moral Standards deeply embedded in the inner Consciousness of The People, to LAWS and RULES written in BOOKS. When the time came that the Law of Righteousness was no longer in the Hearts of the People, but in their enacted BOOKS, then the decline of the union of Righteous Men began. Consequently it comprehends all the Duties and Payments which Man, by His ignorance, owes either to God, to Himself, or to His Neighbors; such as Reverence to God, Temperance, Honor to Our Parents, Benevolence to All, a strict Adherence to Our Engagements, Gratitude, Punctuality,

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Patience, and a strict Discipline to the Act of “Unconditional Love”. Publius

The “Constitution of The United States of America” (1788), is the Rule of Law of The White European People, and was an attempt to Create a Higher Physical Environment far removed from the European monarchies of chaos and subjugation, for the express purpose to help Awaken this “Moral Righteous Law” in the Hearts of Its People, and an example to the world.

The “ Several States of America”; Is The perpetual Blood line of a Group of ”Individual, Federal, Sovereign, Citizens of European decent”, United to form the Repository for the Key to the Door of the Laws of Enlightenment on this Physical World. Although founded out of Revolt to Secure the Principals of Liberty, This is The One Nation under God on Earth where a common Man, or Woman, if He/She knows the Rules of Law, can Exercise that God given Unalienable Right to consciously take part in the creation of His/Her Own Destiny. This is a prelude to a higher State of Consciousness, as well as partaking of the privilege of Sovereignty Secured by God to the People in This Nation. Publius Refer to Articles I through X of Amendment Constitution of the United States of America 1791;

“The United States of America”, (In the Best Kings English) From the Revolution of 1776, up to and including the Ratification of the Constitution on June 21, 1788, and just prior to the Establishment of The Seat of NATIONAL and Federal Jurisdiction on July 16, 1790, known as the “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA”, a “MUNICIPAL CORPORATION”, the Phrase “United States”, had but One and only One, 1, I, meaning, that being, it described “The 13 Independent Sovereign States, United under God, by the mutual collective Prerogative act of the European Male Sovereign State Militia/Citizens. The People, in Their Person, as Individual Sovereigns, United for Their Mutual Benefit and the Ultimate

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Protection and Security extending over All the Federal States for Themselves and Their “Posterity”. These People were All Of European Decent. Publius; see the US Supreme Courts confirmation in Dred Scott vs. Sanford 60 U.S. 393 (1858).

On June 21, 1788, following a great deal of debate and the publishing of the “Federalist Papers”, the Ninth State of New Hampshire caused the “Divinely Inspired” “Constitution of the United States of America”, The People’s Law, to become the Federal Law of The Land in every Republic State of the Union, including a not yet established municipal corporation called D.C. ………….at least Two major unforeseen “flaws” , NOT ERRORS, remain in that document;

The 1st Flaw, unforeseen by the Founders, has allowed the Constitution, to be altered in such a way as to open the gate of freedom to a Constitutionally prohibited ENEMY, the “BANC”, well known to the Founding Fathers, AND, to nullify the value of the Peoples Labour. The Lock that secured this gate was Article I, Section 10, Clause 1. “No State shall….. make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;” The hole, left unplugged , was A YET TO BE FORMED MUNICIPAL CORPORATION called “THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA”. Although DC maintained a gold and silver standard, IT nullified its example in 1871, after a “CIVIL WAR”, by way of FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS SESS. III CH 62. SEC. 18, as there was no constitutional prohibition against BANCING, or the circulation of BANC PAPER in D.C.. The BANC faction, through Hamilton, soon implanted its foreign jurisdiction within this Nation. See Mc Culloch vs. Maryland 17 U.S. 316 (1819); And by the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of 1913, and the ignorance of Ron Paul in a senate hearing with Bernanke, this FRAUD has extended its infectious tentacles, through fraudulent contracts, void licensing, and foreign commercial powers over the The Posterity, and throughout the several Sovereign States of this American Union.

….. This foreign enemy BANC, by way of its morally DEGENERATED BUSINESS PRACTICES of MORTGAGING THE

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People, HJR 192, and circulating ITS non-redeemable PAPER as “LEGAL TENDER”, has assumed, through the greed and ignorance of “The Posterity”, total control over the Posterity, Their Private Property, Their Gold and Silver Coin, Their Labour, and the total alienation of Their Sovereignty and Their Federal and State Constitutions; BUT ITS FIXABLE

The 2nd and probably most damaging flaw , not ERROR, was the failure of Madison, and the following Supreme Courts to emphatically, and in strict words, Explain and Show in Plain English, the True Intent and True meaning and True Definition of the word “Amendment” as it was written by the Founding Fathers in Article V of the Constitution; First I must quote Madison from the Federalist Papers in which He States:

  1. ``To provide for Amendments to be ratified by three fourths of the States under two exceptions only. ‘’That useful alterations will be suggested by experience, could not but be foreseen. It was requisite, therefore, that a mode for introducing them should be provided. The mode preferred by the convention seems to be stamped with every mark of propriety. It guards equally against that extreme facility, which would render the Constitution too mutable; and that extreme difficulty, which might perpetuate its discovered faults. It, moreover, equally enables the general and the State governments to originate the amendment of errors, as they may be pointed out by the experience on one side, or on the other.” Madison №43, Federalist Papers page 278; Emphasis added;

So what error has been pointed out????

“Amend”, “Amendment” NW28. v.t. To correct; to rectify by expunging a mistake; as to amend a law. v.i. It differs from improve, in

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this, that to amend implies something previously wrong, to improve does not….3. In Law, the correction of an error in a writ or process.” If the word “Amendments” was all that Madison intended, he would not have added the word “Error” in the Federalists Papers;

“Error” n. A wandering or deviation from the truth. NW28; A “Writ of" Error” is a writ of Right; Bouviers’1914,vol I p. 210; This Writ was displaced in our Law by SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS SESS. II CH.229 SEC.237 & 238 (1925). Also see 359 US 437,448–459;

Was the Constitution, or any part of it a Lie??? I think Absolutely Not!!! Publius

The Revolution of 1776, and many of The Supreme Courts rulings deciding “Errors”, such as in Chisholm v. Georgia 2 Dall 419 @ p. 471(1793); emphatically explains the True Principals of The People and their relationship to Their Sovereignty. This Case was so powerful that it caused those factions, democrats, republicans and solists, who were already busy with deceptive work in each State, to bring about the so-called 11th amendment. This so-called amendment, in fact of Law, violated the intent of the Federalist Founders, and took away a Prerogative Due Process Right of all the “Citizens in the several States”, and Their Posterity. This Right, was to sue another State in the one and only Court created by the hand of the People in Article III of the Constitution, which is the Supreme Court, and is Sovereign by its nature and its delegated
Right of “Error”, “Writ of Error” when the Constitution, The Law of the People, is in ‘Jeopardy’; This Court, by the Intent and Nature of its Creator, The People, Owes its highest Duty and allegiance to the People. This “Duty” is to discover and expose All ERRONEOUS acts committed by the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches that, by their intent, are in direct conflict with the Constitution, and inconsistent with the Principal Security of the

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Sovereignty of the People who Created it; And, during or after the discovery of such Errors, this Court, by its Sovereign Authority, is emphatically and without question Immune and Exempt from any Reprisal in refusing to exercise their power to enforce those discovered Errors. These discovered Errors of Law are void in their inception, and this Court is not bound by, or held to any rule or code of any subsequent or following act of the legislature or executive or Judicial branch under the discovered “Error”; Mugler v. Kansas (1887) 123 U.S. 623 @ 661; But, the Supreme Court is, and should be, by the Law of its allegiance and creation, extremely Prejudice to the “Law of Its creation, and the Will and Intent of the People who created it,” for the express purpose of protecting and defending the Unalienable Rights of “The People” and “Their Posterity” against All acts of Their REPRESENTATIVES, and as stated by the Chisholm Court, while dealing with the Rights of Contract between the Highest Sovereign Statuses of this Nation. And by the ruling in the Chisholm case, the Due Process Right of a Sovereign Citizen of one State to bring an Original Action of Assumpsit in this Supreme Court against a Union of Fellow Sovereigns incorporated as another State. See the Original Article III U.S. Constitution. 1788 Section 2.

And like the so-called 11th amendment, If you wish to discover, or presume to find the “Alleged Errors” cited by their originators, authenticating the Lawful nature of the following so-called AMENDMENTS, 11 through whatever, happy hunting, because there were, nor are there any to be found!!! And each and every so-called amendment that has now been crammed down the throats of the Posterity after the original Bill of Rights (1791) is a void amendment for failing to show the exact Error, deviation from the truth In the Original Constitution and Treason upon the Posterity of Our Sovereignty. There was never an ‘Error’ discovered, shown, or stated in Article III by the originating proponents or creators of the 11th so-called amendment; Nor can there be any found today. It was the default ruling

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of the Chisholm Court and their blistering opinion against the State of Georgia that caused the void enactment of the 11th so-called amendment. It was the overpowering reality of the Sovereignty and Power of the People, addressed by the Chisholm Court, enforcing the absolute “Sovereign Power of the White People” as an Individual Private Citizen of a State to win an action in Equity in the Supreme Court over another State that brought about the creation of the void 11th so-called amendment.

Although not blatantly showing and describing this Fact of Law, The Chisholm Court also showed that Congress is not without “Error”. See Chisholm at p. 420, lines 22&23 where congress erroneously inserts the words “but not exclusive”, which words are not found in the wording of Article III.

Again, Error………..“A wandering or deviation from the Truth.” NW28

The following questions and Answers are based on the Principles of Law as applied to the White European Sovereigns of this Nation:

The question[S] that never came before the Court in any case, especially; Hollingsworth v. Virginia, 3 Dall 378, 1798, was;

Question 1. Did the Supreme Court, in Chisholm 2Dal419 (1793), “Error” in its Ruling against Georgia?

Answer 1: The Principal of this case is simply stated by the following Supreme Court Ruling in Miranda v. Arizona (1965) 384 U.S. 436 @ 491; “Where Rights Secured by the Constitution are involved, there can no rulemaking of legislation that would abrogate them.”: enter the void 11th amendment Error;

Question 2. Was it the Intent of the Founders to vest the highest Sovereignty of this Federal/Union/Nation in A GOVERNMENT over the “People”??

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Answer 2: The Revolution and complete Separation of “We The People” from all the other powers on this Earth Secured the Sovereignty of the People, which should be More than enough evidence to Show any one of average intelligence the force of Natural Law and the true Intent of the Founding Fathers Enforcing It. The Federalist Papers, followed by the Chisholm case would be a good starting point for your enlightenment: “The People surrender Nothing”

Question 3. Is a STATE of this Union higher in its Sovereignty than the “Posterity of the People” of the Founding Fathers who created it???

Answer 3: By the Revolution (1776), “We the People” established the Sovereignty of the People, the States, and the Union of States; and by the Federalists own words; “The People surrender Nothing”; Federalists 84 p.513; The only power enforceable over “We The People” was and is “God”:

Question 4. Could there be found a “Lawful” code, rule, order, treaty or judicial decision, enacted by the legislative, executive or judicial branch of Our government, either, state or federal, purporting to vested it, or any of them, with the power to overturn and or nullify a Constitutional Principal, Established by the Revolution, that Secured the Unalienable
Rights of the Life, the Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to “We the White People and Their Posterity????”

Answer to Question 4: If such a power, by code, rule, statute, treaty or executive order or otherwise, purporting to be such a Law could be found, those creating it, those enforcing it, and those executing it upon the Unalienable Rights of “We The White People or any of Us”, or “Our Posterity”, would be guilty of TREASON!!!!!

The term “Treason” appears only once in the Constitution in Article III Section 3; wherein they state; “Treason against the United States, shall

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consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. ….”. The prelude to this Article is found in Federalists №69, Hamilton states: “All conspiracies and plots against the government, which have not been matured into actual treason, may be screened from punishment of every kind, by the interposition of the prerogative of pardoning.”

So what conspiracy or plot has matured into actual Treason??? And who are the conspirators adhering to Our Enemies????

As the Plot to convert the Peoples Gold into non redeemable LEGAL TENDER BANC paper, and the People to remain as CROWN subjects, was the initial cause of the Revolution (1776), all of those who remained in the States after the revolt, or followed the criminal nature of BANCING that again began in Maryland by Hamilton in the 1790’s, unless they survived the ‘FEDERAL RESERVE ACT’ (1913), they ARE now DEAD; but all those who have endeavored to perpetuate this monstrous immoral criminal act of BANCING against the People and Their Posterity, are in fact of Law co-conspirators to the ongoing crime of ‘BACKING’ and the INTERNATIONAL ACT OF ‘GENOCIDE’ against the White Citizens in the Several States of this American Union and Their Posterity.

The following quote is taken from Bouvier’s’ Law Dictionary(1856);

“ADHERING. Cleaving to, or joining; as, adhering to the enemies of the United States.

  1. The Constitution of the United States, art. 3, s 3, defines treason against the United States, to consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

  2. The fact that a citizen is cruising in an enemy’s ship, with a design to capture or destroy American ships, would be an adhering to the enemies of the United States. 4 State Tr. 328 ; Salk. 634; 2 Gilb. Ev. By Lofft, 798.

  3. If war be actually levied, that is, a body of men be actually assembled for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable enterprise,

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all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are leagued in the general conspiracy are to be considered as traitors. 4 Cranch. 126. So, has such an act, or acts of “War” or “Treason” occurred within the jurisdiction of the Executive authority of any one of the States, or the United States of America???

Powers Granted or Prohibited: Article X in Addition to and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America (1791); “The Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People.”

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the “Law of the Flag” the next time you see a State of Federal Flag with Gold fringe, be informed that the law of the Gold Fringe is “ADMIRALTY”, not the American Common Law; Admiralty equals MARTIAL LAW; No standing Army;

1st Act of War/Treason: hence most of the Common Law Courts fly this Gold Fringe Admiralty Flag, which is an act of war against the Sovereignty of the People. For Congress To coin gold and silver Money and regulate its Value;

2nd Act of War/Treason: in this case is the printing of the non-redeemable counterfeit notes by a privately controlled alien group (Federal Reserve) and confiscate/steal all the gold and silver from the People; Congress shall; Establish a uniform rule of Naturalization throughout the United States,

3rd Act of War/Treason: Congress was never vested with the power to naturalize, or to alter the Status of the Elector of the most numerous

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branch of the State Legislature; or any member/Trustee of our State and/or Federal Republic;

The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican Form of Government.

4th Act of War/Treason: To convert our Federal Republic to a “Democracy”, is, in itself the highest crime that could be committed against the People and their Sovereignty!!!!

The principal stated in 2. above would follow here; That a citizen or group of citizens, or persons who are engaged in an immoral constitutionally Prohibited Act such as BANCING, who engage in the act of printing and “exchanging that fraudulently worded foreign paper” for the Peoples Lawful Coin” or Their public and Private Property, are in fact cruising in an enemy’s vessel called “the BANC”, with a specific design to ultimately destroy Our American Common Law monetary system and Our “Republican Form of Government”, while , at the same time exterminating the Common Law Citizen of the State, while confiscating Their Soil, all of which are acts adhering to the enemies of the United States of America, and the Sovereignty of The People!!!!!

For clarification, the term “Common Law” is quoted in the ‘CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE §22.2 WHEREIN IT STATES, “That the Common Law of England, so long as it is not repugnant to or inconsistent with the Constitution of the United State, or the Constitution or Laws of this State, is the rule of decision in all the Courts of this State.” So, England is in Europe and by Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language, is the Land of the White Face. This means that the White Men and Women who are Citizens of this State are the true Posterity and Sovereignty of this Nation and are the source of the American Common Law as descended from the “English Common Law” from Magna Charta 1215.

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The ENEMY HERE is the “BANC”, commonly known as and called “THE FEDERAL RESERVE”, of which every officer, employee, elected or appointed officials, both city and county, both state and federal, and most people throughout the States and territories are all on its payroll……………………………..

The subject status of which I speak, although originally a creature of Africa, was, by way of the erroneously enacted 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the US Constitution. was used as a vehicle to alter the Lawful status of the White People, and increase the growing presence of the Prohibited BANKS throughout the several States. Although having its original foundation in the 2nd Naturalization Act, It was accelerated under the guise of the ‘CIVIL RIGHTS ACTS’ 1866. This subject status is commonly known as “a STATUTORY 14th amendment citizen of the UNITED STATES”.

Madison, in Federalist №43 made the following observation:

“May it not happen, in fine, that the minority of citizens may become a majority of persons, by the accession of alien residents, of a casual concourse of adventurers, or of those whom the constitution of the State has not admitted to the rights of suffrage?”… See Van Valkenberg v. Brown 43 Cal. 43,47 (1872) citing Dred Scott v. Sanford;

The personal body of these foreign alien residents were already among Us. The Constitution identifies them in Article I, Section 2. Paragraph 3, as “……three fifths of all other Persons.” and by the words of the Supreme Court in Scott v. Sanford 60 US 393,408 (1856) : “And, accordingly, a Negro of the African race was regarded by them as an article of property, and held, and bought and sold as such, in every one of the thirteen colonies which united in the Declaration of

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Independence, and afterwards formed the Constitution of the United States.“

This subject STATUS of ‘person’, by legislative act of CONGRESS, became the vehicle to enslave all The People by the phrase “citizens OF THE UNITED STATES” who are, by the wording in the 14th amendment are subject to ‘ITS JURISDICTION’; DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION.

Remember, Any act of congress not CITING a specific delegation of authority from the Constitution must be construed to have relied on the only two provisions giving it unlimited delegated power over a specific kind of soil for the express purpose of protecting the White People and Their Constitution. These two provisions are found exclusively in Article I, Sec. 8 Cl. 17; and Article IV, Sec. 3, Cl. 2. Of which neither was ever cited as its authority to create the Act of April 9, 1866, entitled “CIVIL RIGHTS BILL”; This Act which was, by its enforcement within the States, another void law in violation and repugnant to the American Common Law and the “Intent of the Founding Federalist Fathers (For further definition of “citizen of THE UNITED STATES”, see chapter II, “The People”)

A Conspiracy or plot is defined as :” A combination of men for a evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in consort; particularly, a combination to commit treason, or excite sedition of insurrection against the government of a state; a plot; as a conspiracy against the life of a king; a conspiracy against the government.” NW28

It might be well to examine the use and history of the word ‘CIVIL’ as it was used in all the writings of Law, from the Magna Charta to the present day Constitution to discover the hundreds of times this word was used, but only for the specific purpose to distinguish matters of a criminal

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nature from that of Law , Equity, Admiralty and Maritime. A “CIVIL CODE” combining Law and Equity found no place in the States, or the United States until the years following the CIVIL WAR. But, as stated, Law and Equity were still isolated principles accept in a few states like Texas, where the Supreme Court admonishes it for combining Law and equity UNDER a “CIVIL CODE”;

This is what the framers of the Seventh amendment had in mind:

“By the common law, they meant what the Constitution denominated in the 3d article LAW, not merely suits which the common law recognized among its old and settled proceedings, but suits in which legal rights were to be ascertained and determined, in contradistinction to those where equitable rights alone were recognized and equitable remedies administered”. Fenn v. Holme 21 How. 41.
“In Texas, the common law has been adopted, but the forms and rules of pleading in common law cases have not, and although the forms of proceedings and practice in the state courts have been adopted in the district court of the United States, yet such adoption must not be understood as confounding the principles of law and equity, nor as authorizing legal and equitable claims to be blended together in one suit”. Bennett v. Butterworth, 52 U.S. 11 How. 669 (1850).

And further,

“It is settled that the “law” of this state includes the common law as well as the Constitution and the codes. (Code Civ. Proc., §§ 1895, 1899; Victory Oil Co. v. Hancock Oil Co. (1954) 125 Cal. App. 2d 222, 229 [270 P.2d 604].) [3] “ ‘The code establishes the law of this state respecting the subjects to which it relates’; but this … does not mean that there is no
law with respect to such subjects except that embodied in the code …. [W]here the code is silent, the common law governs.” Rojo v. kliger 265 Cal. Rptr. 130, 52 Cal. 3 65 (1990);

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This is verification of the Principal that was laid down by the Revolution that Birthed the true nature of the American Common Law; which is the act of doing whatever does not infringe upon the rights of the Public At Large, or Your neighbor. In order to exercise the American Common Law, Do not engage the Public At large by posting a sign of
Your Calling, or advertising this Calling in any public way, weather by paper, posting, post, sign, adverting, notice, phone directory, business card, internet, or running your private Common Law calling through the BANC. To do otherwise, is to open your Private Doors to the PUBLIC AT LARGE, and all ITS commercial codes, rules, regulations, orders, licenses, taxes and whatever else the GOVERNMENT WANTS or can think of MAKING YOU DO!!!

The Constitution is based on immutable Principles, Constitutions, errors of monarchies, religious edicts, bibles, and untold numbers of other writings by so-called morally advanced wise men throughout history. Its Founders have compiled the best of the best to insure and secure that the American Common Law Rights under God, and there Moral intent, would be Maintained by and for the White People and the Posterity of We the White People.

Which brings Us to the next question of Law??

What Specific Article, Section and or Clause of the Constitution of the United States of America (1788), was cited by Congress authorizing it to enact the Federal Reserve Act in 1913???

As previously cited,The Law, Article X of Amendment states: “The Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor Prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or the People.”

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So what Act of “Law” authorized BANCING to become part of this States monitory system?? Not only can none be found, but The Constitution of the United States of America (1788), in Article I, Section

10, Clause 1. States that:

“No State……[including but not limited to California] shall…….coin Money, emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;…..”; Actual, Correct Capitalization;

And it is further Stated in the Act of Statehood for the California State Republic Constitution (1849) Article IV Sections 34, & 35:
“Sec. 34. The legislature shall have no power to pass any act granting any charter for banking purposes; but associations may be formed, under general laws, for the deposit of gold and silver, but no such association shall make, issue, or put into circulation, any bill, check, ticket, certificate, promissory note, or other paper, or the paper of any bank, to circulate as money.
Sec. 35. The legislature of this state shall prohibit, by law, any person or persons, association, company or corporation from exercising the privileges of banking, or creating paper to circulate as money.”

When the MONEY CHANGERS caused Our Common Law California Constitution to be VOIDED by the 1879 fraudulent replacement, leaving out the Prohibition on BANKING, the words “NO BANKING: was displaced by carefully fraudulently worded insertions like; “Sec. 5. The legislature shall have no power to pass any act to pass any charter for banking purposes, but … may be formed under general laws……………..for the purpose of regulating the business of banking. No corporation, association, or individual shall issue of put in circulation as

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money, anything but the lawful money of the United States.” California Constitution (1897) Article XIII [Amendment adopted by fraudulent US subject voters November 8, (1910). Enter the ‘FEDERAL RESERVE ACT’ (1913) and “LAWFUL MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” commonly known as a “FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE”. The Elector status was eliminated by the US congress with the so-called 15th amendment!!

So just what is “BANKING”????? The principal aim of “BANKING” is, and always has been, to turn non redeemable fiat paper currency into Gold and Silver. It’s much easier than turning lead into Gold because all you need is a “THIEF”, a bunch of gold and silver enriched ignorant People, some ink, paper, and a printing press; and last but not least, “A BANK/C”; historically known as “A MONEY CHANGER” “John 2:14.

“LEGAL”, Or “Lawful”???

When does “LEGAL TENDER” paper, as found on a private “FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE”, become “Lawful Money” as identified in the Constitution as gold and silver Coin??? It doesn’t, because the FEDERAL RESERVE is PRIVATE, and is not found anywhere in the Constitution over any one of the several States or their People. But, if that paper was issued by act of congress as applied to the States, it would say in the first line of the paper, “United States Note”, and would then follow as “Redeemable” and Only, When that paper is redeemable in the real, constitutionally struck, under the power of Article I, § 8 Cl. 5, by the U.S. Mint, as in certified gold and silver Coin, and not otherwise.

Script: 1st , Find a system where the People have a gold and silver monitory standard???!!!! The United States of America and a bunch of ignorant People who don’t understand the American Common Law;

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2nd Wait until most of the founding Fathers are dead, and convince one of the remaining to help setup a bank in the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, where there is no prohibitions against “BANKING”; or better yet in the State next door, like Maryland. That way the building is the property of DC. Art 1/Sec8/ cl.17. What goes on there is no business of the State, or any of Them.

3rd. Let the Printing press role………….and don’t forget to use the Word Federal on the NOTE so all the ignorant People will think it’s a Government issue. Time goes by and more ignorant “People become use to the idea of paper gold and silver… one day, in 1913, the Federal Reserve is born, and its banks start printing “Gold Certificates” numbered from 100 to 100,000 US Dollar denominations.

4th. All that is needed now, is to trade them, or sell them to the ignorant People for Their Gold at face value, you know like a 1troy oz gold double Eagle for a 20 dollar frn. No problem. A little bit of propaganda goes a long way, and its not long before most of the gold is in the hands of, you guessed it, “THE BANCERS”. Still no problem, paper gold running like water. All is well, except the BANKERS forgot to turn of the printing press. Well, what did they do with the extra double, triple amount of GOLD NOTES?????? I know, lets give, loan, cell, whatever, them to some relatives across the pond!!!

5th. Now the fun begins. Those relatives turn right around and exchange those extra notes for all the Gold. Still no problem until one of the ignorant People decides to turn in all his paper gold to discover all his real gold is gone. Is this Lawful??? No, but its profitable. Oops. Bank run. Now you can see a really lot of “DEPRESSED”, ignorant People. some of
which actually jumped out of their own buildings. Real Depression [1929] What a mess.

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So, is the "FEDERAL RESERVE' a 'Moral PERSON'??? Do its codes, rules, and paper conform to a 'Moral Standard'??? If the BANC maintained a full redemption for all the notes printed and in circulation, it might be legal in some other country but is not Lawful as any other Common Law Calling in Our Republican form of Government. But it doesn't, which is why it's Prohibited by Law in this State, and even though it has managed to infiltrate our monetary system, it still only operates under the COMMERCIAL CODE that requires a 'LICENSE' for it to exist. That Code only applies to DC and Its Territories not a State.

Enter the Law of "LICENSE"; (Lat. licere, to permit). In Real Property Law. A permission. A right, given by some competent authority to do an act, which without such authority would be illegal, or a tort or trespass…..When the power [OF LICENSE] is exercised by municipal corporations, [such as a STATE] a license is the requirement, by the municipality, of the payment of a certain sum by a person for the privilege of pursuing his profession or calling,….[taxi driver]……"; Bouvier's' 1914 @ p.1976; but only when said calling is WITH THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. A Secured Private Right or Calling is Lawfully exempt from any act of the STATE or FEDERAL/NATIONAL GOVERNMENT;
In Hale v. Henkel (1906) 201 U.S. 43 @ 74, the court emphasized the rights of the Citizen of the State; to wit:
"The Individual may stand upon His Constitutional Rights as a Citizen. He is entitled to carry on His Private business in His own Way. His Power to Contract is Unlimited. He owes no Duty to the State or to His neighbors to divulge His Business, or to open His doors to an investigation, so far as it may tend to criminate Him. He owes no such Duty to the State, beyond the protection of His Life and Property. His rights are such as existed by the Law of the Land long antecedent to the organization of the state, and can only be taken from Him by Due Process of Law, and in accordance with the Constitution. Among His Rights are a

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refusal to incriminate Himself, and the Immunity of Himself and His Property from arrest or seizure except under a Warrant of the Law. He owes nothing to the public so long as He does not trespass upon their Rights."
(Emphasis added) Capitalization corrected!

They have converted the Unalienable Right to Liberty by the People to travel upon their Public Right of Way and to transport his Private Property or Private Persons thereon, into a licensable, taxable, insurable, criminally punishable "COMMERCIAL PRIVILEGE OF OPERATING A 'MOTOR VEHICLE, SUBJECT TO A MOTOR VEHICLE CODE DESIGNED for the specific purpose TO REGULATE the COMMERCIAL ACT of transporting persons and or property for hire, PROFIT OR GAIN with the general public. See En re: Stork; 1925 exemption; 18 USC §31 supra