
Because I wonder to what extent you are interested in an exchange on what topic you publish here on your blog. It seems like a contradiction to me. First you write something and then it's not so important? For me personally, everything has meaning. That's why I'm irritated.

To no extent. I write posts to collect whatever small daily rewards I can. That's it. I used to be into engaging and all that, but I've learned that it doesn't matter here. The posts here are an excuse pretty much.


That would bore me to death.
I think you haven't made up your mind what you expect from yourself.

No offense though, this realm here is as much good for a lesson as having it somewhere else. Not engaging is for sure going to kill any business whatsoever. I took a break from engaging to the circle of people who take influence on the votes, then started anew and then stopped again.

Here in this virtual realm one must be pretty determined to stay engaged with influential individuals or groups. From common sense we all know that no business does last long when you are not connected in the back scenes (like discord or meeting people in real life). Or to invest a relevant amount of money to be an influencer yourself.

We pretty much learn or being reminded here how society functions as you also must get along with people or ideas you do not favor. That's reality. In this virtual realm you have it much less under control than in RL. In many cases you don't even know the identity of the people you talk to. When I think about it ... it's pretty weird to expect a revolution of any kind through a system like this. The best is to also amuse myself in a good way.

I found it so far a good teaching ground.
Take care of yourself.

I did some quick and, admittedly, dirty statistics, and vote buying aside, the main determinant of reward size seems to be the size of one's wallet. Nothing else matters much.