
in #education7 years ago


Es gibt da diesen blinden Fleck rund um Erziehung und Bürokratie: strukturelle Misshandlung. Hierzu gibt es zahlreiche Quellen, die aufgedeckt werden können, wenn mal jemand von Euch in die Bibliothek gehen mag. Es ist alles schon da. Nur zusammengefasst hat es selten einer. Und solch einer ist der geschätzte John Gatto.

Fast hab ich den Eindruck, es ist höchste Zeit, mehr Englisch zu lernen. Denn die Welt spricht Englisch. So wie einst Latein. Und lateinische Quellen sind auch dabei. Gutes Gelingen!

Auszug aus: The Ultimate History Lesson, A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto
July 2-3, 2011 / East Hartford, CT

[..] Because in every public library worth its salt in the United States, and every college library, you will find a collection of essays by Prussian philosopher Johann Fichte who was the immediate heir to the University of Berlin's Philosophy Department which had been under Immanuel Kant.

Fichte wrote a series, it was over a dozen public essays to the Prussian King from 1808 to about 1818. They're called addresses to the German nation and the provocative event except the first one off was the Prussian army, which was the Prussian economy, renting soldiers, stealing other people's stuff, had been whipped by Napoleon’s amateur army at the Battle of Jena in 1806 and Fichte said it was because this demon imagination was loose among ordinary soldiers and in situations they would override the orders from headquarters about what to do and that's why we lost. Now what should fascinate anyone listening is, that's exactly what the so-called liberal philosopher Spinoza, in Holland, said in 1690 in a book called Tractatus Religico-Politicos (Tractatus Theologico-Politicus) Spinoza said that the ordinary population was so psychologically diseased, murderously so there was no way to heal it. Just as Fichte said 125 years later, he said there was no way to heal the disobedience gene in people who thought for themselves. Fichte said we have to set up a system of forced schooling, universal forced schooling in which we destroy the imagination. Bells, ordered lessons, constant testing, ranking...

Now, if it were only those two major figures, but you now can go back a few hundred years in history to John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, which is this thick, tiny print, but if you ever go mad and actually force yourself to read it, rather than to read what an encyclopedia tells you it says, you'll find that Calvin says that the saved are saved before they are born, the damned, who are 19 to 1, are damned before they're born and no amount of good works or behavior can save the damned. And no amount of evil behavior can damn the saved. The expression that used to be pretty common but it's vanished, I think on purpose, is justified sinners. The saved are justified sinners who can do anything, they can carpet bomb civilian populations whether they're Nazis or Americans. You know, you've done no harm according to Calvin. Calvin said the only way the elect, he called the saved, the elect will ever be safe because they are outnumbered so heavily, is to set up a system of universal compulsion schooling with the intention of destroying the imagination and filling the head with garbage. Spinoza said the same thing, Fichte said the same thing...

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So we have this ominous continuity among major minds with a lot of influence, including trans-Atlantic influence on the states. We have, prior to the break, Fichte in Prussia, Spinoza in Holland, and Calvin really beginning in Geneva and spreading all over where his theology spread. But the father of this, at least in the form of written documentation that's easily available, has to be Plato. The Greek aristocrat who speaks through the mouth of Socrates and writes two influential utopias. One well-known, “TheRepublic” and one not so well known, “The Laws” which is the product of his mature reflections on what needs to be done. And all four of these men, and we could if we had time do 40, but these four major names spanning European history agreed that the ordinary population is a very dangerous to the social order if it learns how to think and if it's imagination remains intact. And furthermore we have this corollary; there is no way to improve this. And what I've left out is the killer app that occurs in the middle to the end of the 19th century, from one of the wealthiest families on planet Earth. The family of Charles Darwin and their former Anglican minister trained son Charles, who in his second major publication The Descent of Man says that the evolutionary retarded are fatally dangerous to the physical integrity of the human race, the advance of civilization because of the few evolutionary advance like the Scandinavian blondes and the English blonde crossbreed, God forbid with the Irish or the Spanish, evolution will march backwards into the swirling mist of the dawn-less past and nothing can change that! Maybe a few million years might change it, certainly nothing that current generations can do. Darwin of courses in every school including every elementary school in the United States, probably the world. And no one bothers to mention that he doesn't say the human race is evolving. There is a few! A fraction are evolving. Now put yourself, if you're watching this in the position of a responsible person who learns that. As someone who's made worldly success, as a little bit of time on their hands and resources and now you know that if these ordinary people walking around in the American democracy, if they happened... if they happened to crossbreed with your daughter evolution is going to march backwards. You now have a justification, beginning in 1871, second to none. You can argue with Calvin, you can argue with Spinoza, you can argue with Plato, you can argue with Fichte. This is science and mathematics. And furthermore, and in an unknown connection that has for some reason escaped the attention of the Darwinians, Darwin's earlier cousin, Thomas Malthus had said there is no way mathematically to feed the poor. Because if you feed them, they'll reproduce more successfully and then there will be twice as many, and four times as many. That population expands geometrically, but food only arithmetically. And of course in Darwin's diary, he said that his pursuit of the secrets of biology are stimulated by the work of his cousin Malthus. Now we have, after Darwin's two blockbusters... [one is Darwin's origin of species. Its full name is] The Progress of the Favored Races, and he does not use the term race the way we do.

He recognizes about 57 separate races of which the Irish are on the very bottom. Thank goodness he said that because a respectable percentage of every audience I speak to... you'd otherwise be reluctant to say these things to them. Anybody here derived from or partial Irish background... haha, you know, he said the Irish are hopeless! There is no hope for the Irish. Of course what's left out is simply relating what Darwin said is his training as an Anglican minister, and if you happen to pick up the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, (which is) hundreds and hundreds of years preceding Darwin, you find that God's will is to divide all the living creatures and plants into an infinite number of layers and to attempt to leave the layer you’re place in is the worst sacrilege of all. So that Darwin's theory fully explicated is the Anglican Homily of Obedience. The Homily of Obedience says exactly what Darwin says hundreds of years ago. Don't try to get out of your biological category, because it's hopeless! And prior to that your spiritual category, because it's hopeless. There's a great similarity between the two ideas.

Now if you set out to find evidence that this is so… it's much easier than simply setting out to look at the, you know, the abundance of natural form. So the real actor in the piece… Darwin's a shy man, fantastically wealthy!

That's been left out of all... fantastically wealthy! The high-tech, upper-class purchase of the day was Wedgewood Pottery and that's the source of the Darwin family wealth. So Darwin's first cousin is a man I was taught in high school, back in the early 1950s, is estimated to be the most intelligent single human being ever lived! I was told that over and over... his name Francis Galton. A world famous explorer, mathematician, inventing little statistical formulae to discriminate shades of quality that the schools were infested with. And he has, Mr. Galton, a worldwide following of Galton Clubs, including in the United States. He makes several pilgrimages to the US to spread the insight that a menace to the human race exists in 95% of the population and there has to be a way to put them, to render them harmless. School, recommended by Fichte, Spinoza, Calvin, and Plato. That's the way to do it! And we will defend this with precise mathematical science, we’ll keep to ourselves the biological reasons. Meanwhile, we've got a find a way for the biologically advanced to breed with one another. If you will trace the founding years of the elite private boarding schools in the United States, with the exception of no more than six, you will discover that all of them, male and female, emerge in the 30 year,... including the women's colleges, the seven sisters, in the 30 years after The Descent of Man, which will be in every respectable library in the United States including overseas too. I urge you, especially if you're Irish to pick it up and read it. You will not be disappointed to find yourself at the bottom of all the races on earth. Just as the English without Darwin would've agreed! [..]

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PS: Mehr von John Gatto findet sich bereits im Artikel: Schulleiter oder Lehrer gesucht (m/w)


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