THE DIARY OF A NIGERIAN STUDENT : What it takes to survive

in #education7 years ago

I vividly the anals of my secondary school life, a brilliant student I was often praised to be by my teachers, uncle and close pals, though I never realy know if I was intelligent. I only knew and still knows that I struggled to come out with good grades or fairly good grades (though with one time failure in mathematics).
I still recall that burning competitive spirit in us then,
that was exactly what kept us or rather let me say kept me on my toes coupled with the constant and daring threat from my uncle.
My uncle is that kind of specie that will not tolerate excuses for any sort of failure nor poor grades. Then I can beat my chest and say we really studied and never nursed any idea of patronizing the antics of Examination malpractice.
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Today the trend of hard work which was previously guarded has been swept under the carpet,so appolling that it has become the culture of the day .
The revolution and evolution in technology has only but worsened the issue of examination malpractices in all tiers of education.
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And do u know what??
The government is cold about it
The schools are not just cold about it, in fact they fuel it
How about our parents, some of them are the backbone of this dreaded disease that has eaten through the cerebellum of our dear society: they(especially the well-to-do parents) go to the extent of financing malpractice for their wards, and because of the lucrative nature of the business, most schools (private schools being on the top list) have helped their students to sacrifice hardwork on the alter of examination malpractice..... What an abomination!!!
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I speak and write with a heavy heart because I am a first hand witness to this evil in our various institutions and in nearly all cases will be handicapped in correcting the evil tradition because one is just but a mere employee.
However notwithstanding the degree of damage already been caused by this evil, I am certain that we can still do something at our various capacities as individuals, as parents/gurdian and as institutions.
Here I will discuss of the measure I did adopt long time ago.......
yea, reorientation and one-on-one re-counseling of the students will yield a positive but gradual result....
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This has worked out!
Remember that these students indulge in this evil because it's what the society presents to them: a contemporary society where success is highly praised but accords no importance to the means of attaining success.
Together we can change our society and restore the dignity of hard work.
@impactb4income 10 days tutoring challenge. Day 2 entry.


Exam malpractices has indeed eaten deep into our educational sector. If not tackled effectively , it will affect the kind of man power we produce and inturn affect our economy

That's true dear