Sound Engineering and Music Production blog #19

Hey, Steemians! Today I'll talk about some small production/mixing tricks that I use. Give it a try and see for yourself if you like it or not.

1] Sidechaining high hats with the kick.

If your production has continuous series of hi-hats going on then you can try this. It lets that sound breathe(that's what I like to call it), an effect which you may like.

2] Putting tremolo effect on bass.

Instead of sidechaining you might want to try this to see whether it works better for you production or not.

3] Sending delay to reverb pre-fader.

Mostly it works well with vocals. By doing this, you can hear the reverb on the delay and not the delay which kinda fills the space in the mix.

4] Change the drum kit in the chorus.

Sounds weird but this trick works really well in some cases. Choosing a different drum kit altogether for the chorus of your song can give you a really great output if executed well.

Well, these are few quick tips which may work really well for your production. Give it a try. Let me know your views. Keep visiting my blog for more such quick tips also suggest me anything you wish to know about in particular.

Thank you.