Geological Classification Of Rocks
Depending upon the process of formation of rocks can be devided into three main classes namely
a) igneous rocks
b)sedimentary rocks
c) metamorphic rocks
a) Igneous Rocks
Inner layer of earth at such high temperature that masses of silicates melt.This molten mass,known as mangma.These rocks are formed as a result of solidification of molten mass(magma) laying below or above the earth surface.Igneous rocks are normally hard,tough and dense.they have massive structure with crystalline structure with crystalline texture.They do not contain fossils or shells.The texture of the rock is generally ifluenced by the rate of cooling of the magma.mist common examples of Igneous Rocks are Basalat,diorite,granite,syenite and trap.
All the igneous Rocks contain minerals like augite felspar,horn blende,mice,quarts etc.
Before solidication, all these are in molten state along with gases,forming magma.
These are the some Minerals Which is shown in the figure.
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To Be Continued...