EGYPT MOTHER OF civilizations

in #egypt2 years ago

Although it did not happen in the East or the West except in the modern era only, Egyptian civilization preceded it and was unique to the Egyptian woman alone about 3500 years ago, the first court to be composed of men and women, the first women to sit on the bench of the judiciary, and the first codification of female judges attending sessions to consider the cases issues.
This happened in Egypt in the city of workers famous for its exceptional culture in the ancient world, the small city of workers located to the west of the great city of Thebes, (currently Luxor).
This evidence for the formation of the court of men and women came written on a piece paved with writing on it called (Ostraka). And writers and citizens of the Egyptian town, which was semi-autonomous, and a judicial department formed of its intellectuals.
The court minutes stated:

“The twenty-eighth year, the third month of the winter season, the twenty-second day, today’s court was convened by each of the judges: the worker (Nakht Menu), the worker (Penta War), the worker (Nefer Hatbu), the citizen (Benet), the citizen (Maru Mot) ) .
Of three men and two women, the first court was formed, its judges consisted of women and men, and in which two women stood on the bench of judges. Professor (Andrea MacDonald), who studied the community of Deir el-Madina, expresses his astonishment at this precedent, which he describes as exceptional, in the history of civilizations until modern times, but Looking at what scholars know about this cultured village in which the percentage of educated people reached more than fifty percent, compared to 2% of the percentage of educated people in that era, whether in Egypt or other civilizations, which made it compete with educated cities at the beginning of the modern era, and given To the exceptional and prestigious position of women in Egyptian society and the level of equality granted to her by the Egyptian legislator with men, and the legal rights she enjoyed and a social position that preceded her time, which made her a leading role in various fields. In general, she was the first female minister, judge, first female doctor, first ship captain, first accountant and mathematician, first treasury manager, first musician, first female singer, first female ruler of a nation and empire, and first astronomer. Philosopher, first writer, first director of plants for sabji, and first female warrior and leader to liberate her homeland, so her position differed from women in contemporary civilizations of Egyptian civilization and even those that came after it, as scholars say and we quote from what they say:
Egyptologist (Christian Derwich Noblecourt) says: "The ancient Egyptian woman reached a position and obtained rights, which European women were struggling to obtain at the beginning of the twentieth century."
And (Justin Maspero) says: "The ancient Egyptian woman of the middle class was more respected and independent than any other woman in the world."
Whereas in other cultures women were, as the Egyptologist (Janet H. Johnson) says: “They are considered belongings and the right of the father and husband to mortgage and sell them, ancient Egypt and its civilization presented an exceptional image of women and their status, which was equal to men in all rights.”
Sources :
1- The ancient Egyptian woman, Christian Derwerch.
2- The Judicial Authority in the Workers’ Society of Deir El-Madina, Andrea McDowell.
3- Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt, Joyce Tyldesley.
4- Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt, Andrea McDowell.
5- Women's Legal Rights in Ancient Egypt, Janet H. Johnson.
6- A Year in the Life of Ancient Egypt, Ann Rosalie Davies.