A Few Points after The Election (Right Afterwards)

in #election8 years ago

"Political correctness" is a broad term. All it really means is to adjust your personality to fit the societal norms of your situation. Whereas before being un-PC simply would have social implications, today they can have very real-world implications. I believe to a certain degree that is correct. If I go online and rail against blacks, and that gets exposed, then the consequences are earned. The culture of demonizing and "microagressions" is frightening to a general population that is generally not "racist" but rife with stereotypes and ripe for fostering resentment. We have got to learn to just accept certain things, try to be more understanding and tolerant, but also use our righteous indignation against discrimination in the more appropriate times (violence, police brutality, housing/employment discrimination) so that it means more, and we aren't crying wolf. We cried wolf every single time someone made a racist joke or an off-color remark, and now a wolf is president.
Liberals in power can no longer compromise. We did so largely on the ACA. It made what would have been a great plan into a handout to the insurance companies. We needed desperately to win to improve what should have been a comprehensive national plan, but instead it is now going to be fully eliminated.
If you are upset now, and you should be, then do you remember how upset you were in 2014 at midterms? If you don't remember because you didn't vote in the midterm, fuck you. You are the problem with the collective liberal we. Before we blame third party voters, we need to look at ourselves. If this is your first legal age and/or engaged election, then please stay engaged and informed and be ready to vote in 2018, not 2020. You want to stop Trump now? That is your final chance.
Shut the fuck up about a rigged system or your vote not mattering. Both are decidedly untrue and you've been tricked into believing it. Grow the fuck up.
To the Greens, but especially the Libertarians, I hope you soon realize how fucked you really are. Third party politics had a real shot at 5% this year more than ever and it was bungled from the start. This result is going to galvanize liberals towards Democrats more than ever. This result absolutely kills any chance of the GOP floating leftward towards libertarianism and will galvanize the white GOP hate base for a generation. I do not blame you guys for this at all. Your votes this year were beyond even that depth of uselessness. Third party dreams are dead. I hope your smug sense of satisfaction carries you through the inevitable next four years of horror.
Finally, I was wrong. I'm man enough to admit that. I hate what Trump voters have done, and I'm not happy for them. But I will extend my congratulations to the voters. We all have to remember that Trump voters are not demons. They are people, and despite our vast philosophical differences and absolute lack of agreement on what is decent and right, we are still all humans in this together and our collective binding goal is the betterment of this nation. More than ever we have to come together for this goal.


I don't agree with most of what you wrote, but I agree with and appreciate your conclusion. It is much better than what my cousin offered: I'm racist for voting for Trump, until I can prove otherwise by doing some nice things for black people like supporting BLM protestors.

I think it is a far cry to assume everyone who voted for the man is a racist. Both sides of this coin were forced to ignore certain things about our candidates to get to what we believed was the better outcome. It is not you, the Trump supporter, who I fear or dislike...it is Trump himself. It is beyond the damage that he will do to the progressive agenda I subscribe too.

That said, I can't predict the future and I sincerely hope that the benefit of the doubt is taken and he does a good job. At this point, best case scenario is I completely change my mind and vote for him in 2020. Worst case scenario is I'm a running for my life in the midst of an American civil blitz.