SLC-S22/W1 : "Advance electrical Transformers and Power Factor."

in #electricity-s22w13 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well. I am here to share my participation for Steemit Learning Challenge Season 22 Week 1. It's always pleasant feeling to share participation in this learning challenge for learning something new. The topic is "Advance electrical Transformers and Power Factor." let's start the topic;


thumbnail image: edited by me

Explain two transformers from diagram and explain why?


A. Step up transformer.(220/415v)
B. Step down transformer.(415/220v)

. Step up transformer:

As it is mention in the teaching post thaf step up transformer is that which change low voltage to high voltage. And since, the transformer in the first diagram converts 220V to 415V that is it is a step up transformer.

. Step down transformer:

I have learnt already from this course that step down transformer is that which convert high voltage to low voltage for delivering electricity to consumer's homes. And since in the second diagram the transformer changes 415V to 220V, it is a step down transformers.

What is the turn ratio of the two transformers?


Identify the various parts of a power transformer with a picture and write the function of each part.


1. Radiator:
Radiator is a part in the transformer used to keep the transformer cool. This is like a outer covering and when the transformer is in under load and oil heat up, the radiator keep it cool for preventing any damage.

2. Temperature gauge:
Temperature gauge is used to measure the load of the transformer. When the transformer is running under load, gauge measure the temperature and desplay it on counted meter. It also help transformer to power off automatically by mean of tripping relay.

3. HT Bushing:
It is the primary side of the transformer in which the input voltage of the transformer is provided for its efficient work.

4. LT bushing:
LT bushing is the secondary side of the transformer. The voltage input from the HT bushing is become output and than connected to led.

5. Buchholz relay:
The buchholz relay also can be called tripping relay is used to power down or power off the transformer automatically when the load is over. It prevent from any accident or damage like oil burning.

6. Breather:
Breather is also used in transformer and is very necessary for continuous working of transformer. Silica inside the breather take air from outside.

7. Conservator tank:
There is a drum shaped part on the top of transformer which is called conservator tank and its work is to store oil when transformer is running under load.

What type of transformer is used for your home's electricity? Describe your understanding with pictures.

A step down transformer is used for my home's electeicity and for all over the area. And this is a single-phase transformer. Usually step down transformer is used to consume electricity in customers' homes. My hometown which is a village and since there is no factory in our area and as no much electricity is required that why this transformer is best for our area. Electricity is supplied to all the houses in the area through three phases from the transformer.

Calculate how many KVA transformers will be required for a 5000 KW load.


Look at the transformer's nameplate in the picture and find out the following points


Transformer nameStep down transformer
Transformer Rating2500
Primary Voltage(HV)33000
Secondary Voltage (LV)415

Find the currents in the high voltage (HV) and low voltage (LV) sides of the 33/0.415 kV, 2.5 MVA transformer.


What do you mean by power factor? What is the power factor value given by the electricity supply company in your country?

Power factor (PF) is the measurement of how effectively the electrical power is being used in a the system. It is the ratio of real power which is measured in watts, to apparent power which is measured in volt-amperes. Real power is the actual power consumed by consumers like in motors, lights, etc. While the apparent power is the total power supplied by the overall electrical system.

Mathematically, it is expressed as:

PF = Real power (W)/Apparent power (AV)

Power Factor in Pakistan

In my country, Pakistan, the electricity supply company provides a minimum power factor requirement for consumers, particularly for commercial and industrial users. The standard power factor in Pakistan is typically around 0.9 or 90%.

Given the nameplates of the two transformers shown in the figure, write three differences.


Three Differences"

Point Transformer "A"Transformer "B"
Rated KVA2500 200
Mass of oill2260Kg 244Kg
Total Mass6830Kg 985Kg

Determine True/False

. The name of the oil used in a transformer is pyranol. (✅ True)

. The core loss of the transformer is in the winding.(❌ False)

. The efficiency of the transformer is less than that of other electrical devices.
(❌ False)

. The transformer rating is in KW.
(❌ False)

. The transformer's insulation test is done with a megger meter.(✅True)

This was all about my participation. I hope professor like my post and share valuable suggestions. I would like to invite my friends @sahmie, @m-fdo, @pea07 to share their participation and learn something new about this field. Best wishes to all participants.


Best wishea:


Dear Student, design your thumbnail image yourself. You doing homework with thumbnail images of my lessons shows your laziness. This kind of homework doesn't look good. I will review your homework after you change the thumbnail image. Thank you.

I have changed the thumbnail, now you can check.
