
Yeah I am ok. But not about me drinking again.

I'll just put it down to the relief after having remembered that I need to take extra special care of my digestive system from now on. This includes never drinking again. No matter what. It's a high road to hell, to back to the same problem again.

It's why most people never really escape from drug addictions. The real cause is never properly fixed. I at least have the advantage of realising that is what I have to do. Heal the intestinal membrane. Put the right bacteria back in. Never interfere with them again. Stop the carbohydrates, they feed the yeasts that compound the problems.

excercise can help with the digestive issues as well as help build new dopamine receptors.

that's actually what I wrote my first post about:

Exercise and Addiction

I am so keen to get into the exercise... champing at the bit really hard. As I learned from previous experience, though, you gotta take it easy every other day, or you start to slow and slow and then hit a brick wall, and can't progress.

I have been taking a selfie in my boxers every few days now, second one I have taken, and I'm gonna see in a month or so the results.

L-Glutamine, I am quite sure it is key to me getting somewhere. I just never bought it before because it was so expensive compared to how much income I had, back in Australia. It was almost 9 years ago I was last working out. I managed to get to army entry level fitness. I only didn't get in because I confessed to them that I had psych problems.

I'm glad I didn't get in. It would have probably killed me.

It's funny how you solve a problem, but because you can't apply the solution, you can so easily get lost on side tracks before you, for other reasons, find new elements to the puzzle... but then ...

The thing was, I had kicked out the sugar, the caffeine, the alcohol and the weed even. I was doing my best to try and stay ketogenic, but I just felt like I was starving the whole time. The allergies just kept getting worse.

Just 3 days of L Glutamine, and I'm already feeling a lot better. The rash is still there, but I get no asthma anymore. I am starting to feel increased strength in my muscles. My brain is faster, I am able to focus more.

L Glutamine is critical, if the cause of your health problems is leaky gut, it should be the first line of treatment.

I need to remember that, gonna comment my post up there so I can look up l glutamine next time I decide to write about addiction and how it can fuck up our digestive systems

I wonder if that helps for digestive issues that arise from chain smoking

Greek yogurt! Has been one of my go to food to accomplish my sub 25g carb keto diet.

Yes, it's freakin awesome, but you know, natural sheep and goat and buffalo yoghurt is as greasy? 6.5%. That's how it comes out , directly.

Btw, how is the coop and the smackdown project going. I left because I couldn't believe you thought that @personz algorithm incorrectly fingered @dan as a self voter.

Now, have a look at this:

Check out all these 'respected members' and how desperately they are pushing their 'comments' up to the top of the trending sequence in the comments.