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RE: elfspice credibility -1

in #elfspice7 years ago (edited)

Watch this:

(Sugar, The Bitter Truth)

Watch these channels:
I bet he was paid in some way to lie about honey, which in truth is worse than white sugar, but otherwise I recommend to listen to him.
ACV is bad for the teeth and may also harm bones and kidneys, and I would not recommend to take it unless one has an acid reflux, and even then take it as a pill and not drink it in any liquid form, dilluted, or not.
I also believe that he exaggerates in the amount of vegetables, leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables that he recommends, especially considering his one time remark that cruciferous cause a lack of Iodine.
Otherwise, I learned a lot from him, and he should mostly be listened to.

Alcohol is very bad. Worse than fructose, which is a poison.


I am aware of this issue with sugar. Also, I experienced first hand the 'Delereum Tremens' for the first time when I detoxed a few weeks ago. Sugar was literally the poison that caused it.

I speculated that normally the alcohol limits the effect but basically, the alcohol busts holes in the BBB, which allows sugar in, and then if you have non-ketogenic metabolism happening, and there is sugar and insulin in the blood, the sugar is popping into your brain, where insulin can't control it. Without the ethanol suppressing the glutamate via stimulating the GABA/GHB, the glutamate goes out of control, causing the brain to heat up, and burn that sugar, which is not supposed to be there, and BOOM convulsions, stroke, and death.

I abruptly ended the DT's by about day 6, by using darkness and cold to force a switch to ketogenic metabolism. If you are ketogenic, there is no sugar in your blood.

I can attest that Spinach is the fuckin bomb food. It's been tweaking out my hormones really nicely, I'm getting my sex drive back after about 15 years of almost nothing. You need to eat a fair bit of it, especially if you also, like me, eat a lot of dairy. I have never had the problem of constipation, or anything resembling it, until just recently. I've got a little box of psillium fibre now to eat with yoghurt (and it reminds me of what my mother used to do with wheatgerm)

Honey is not poison if the enzymes in it are intact. This does not happen if the honey has been heated over 45°C Even still, I doubt that it's good to eat a lot of it.

What is ACV?

ACV is apple cider vinegar.
It can be swallowed in pills, which at least prevents the damage to the teeth from drinking it even in a diluted solution.
Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, which basically prevents absorption of calcium even if you have more than enough Vitamin D.
Do not eat spinach every day.
Dairy is good, and better eat it with leafy greens and carrots to partially neutralize Aflatoxins which are present in it, as well as in other foods, including in foods of vegetable source.
Never read or heard about this story with GABA, Glutamate, alcohol and BBB. Where did you learn about it?
Honey is a poison since it is almost pure fructose.
It is so bad that adding white sugar to it actually makes it a little less toxic, since it dilutes the concentration of fructose to extent.

Ah. funny you mention that. I found a rather nice collection of various fruit vinegars at my local supermarket. I picked raspberry vinegar! I just use it on my salads, I'm not drinking no 5% acetic acid no thanks.

If there's one thing I've learned, that if it doesn't resemble normal food, in the way you consume it, you are probably doing something wrong. My eggy, cheesy salads are delicious, and taste like normal food. Better than normal.

Spinach you refer to is not this kind?

When I was a kid, in australia, 'spinach' meant this thing with bright white stems. It was full of oxalate, that's correct. Same as the leaf of rhubarb. It's actually poison. I cut the stems of this type, in any case, and perhaps you are right, maybe it isn't necessary to eat it every day. I eat lettuce every day, however. I love lettuce. I eat half an iceberg lettuce with each salad.

Yes, carrots are now huge in my diet plans. I buy organic ones, as well, they are very bright orange.

The thing about sugar, GABA, glutamate alcohol and the BBB, that is based on what was happening to my body when I was detoxing. Sugar was the lynchpin. It even came into play simply by starving, and causing muscular autophagy (this is what makes meth addicts look so drawn, they lose muscle mass from the starvation). I eventually figured out, as I was already doing cold shock therapy, that by adding long term darkness, low light levels, triggered my metabolism to ketogenic (plus not eating any form of carb) and by day 6 detoxing I was getting no symptoms at all.

Because, there was no sugar in my blood. Sugar when you are detoxing from excessive chronic alcohol consumption causes your whole body to heat up, especially your head, it makes this muddled confusion in you feel in your 'skull', I don't know how else to explain it. The whole surface of my skin was tingling with this hot/spikey feeling, my lower extremities I thought at first it was gout, but there was no join pain, just more pain of spikey tingling, and even a bit over a gram of sugar added to dried pork slices, to make it transparent, within 10 minutes it brought on these symptoms. The symptoms took about 2 hours to abate.

As I previously mentioned, I basically discovered that these symptoms were like a chemical indicator for sugar in my blood, and this even happened when at 3 days in, I was literally starving. That was when I started the darkness. I was putting more than enough fats into my belly to power my body, but it was not choosing to use it. The excessive light in my environment, which is pretty intense, by the way, was blocking the onset of ketogenic metabolism.

Within 1 hour of low light, I immediately became sleepy. Within another 3 days, my metabolism went fully ketogenic.

I documented all this as it was happening, by the way.

I have since re-added carbs to my diet, because in summer, it's practically impossible to keep yourself keto. The reason is the sunlight, and the heat. Ketogenic metabolism is a winter thing.

I had never heard of this idea that honey was poison before. I'll suspend judgement on that, simply because I don't even buy honey anymore, because it's always heat treated.

I am not sure myself which kind of spinach I referred to.
Is there a significant difference? IDK.
And Oxalate is the conjugated salt.
The most damaging are Oxalic acid (not a salt) and Oxalates other than Calcium Oxalate, which is the most stable, and already saturated with Calcium.
Oxalic acid's highest affinity is to Calcium, so other oxalates may dissolve back to metal ions+oxalic acid and then the oxalic acid is free to react with Calcium and by this form stones or at least prevent absorption of Calcium.
I am certain about Honey despite going against Eric Berg, Josh Axe and Darren Schmidt.
Schmidt showed his mettle when I caught him talking about "metal energies" as in homeopathy.
And saying that honey has health benefits, is like saying chocolate has health benefits.
Both may be true, and in fact I believe that Chocolate's health benefits surpass honey's by far, but both remain toxic in their net effect, and honey more toxic due to it being almost pure fructose, so how can anyone doubt its toxicity without doubting fructose's toxicity.
Never read nor heard about the light thing.
I hate blue spectrum and ultraviolet lights, and love dim environments for years.
It remind me a near complete joke told to me 15 years ago by another youth (back then) when he said to me referring to me that sunlight makes one fat.
He made a simple statistical experiment based on me, which he knew I hated sun, and may be a few others whom were not like me, and deduced jokingly (but not entirely) that sunlight makes one fat.
I tend to have periods when I sleep most day and awake all night, and now is such a period.
Despite having a sunny climate, worse than where you are, I see very little sunlight.
I also love my screens at their dimmest, except from when I watch certain movies or certain pictures.
Maybe in my dumb phone my screen is not at its dimmest, but then its dimmest is pretty dark, and I look at it for very short periods of time.

The nomenclature of the chemistry is, the free acid is -ic acid and the dissolved (not just conjugate) is -ate. Water dissolves acids and bases because it is an acid and a base at the same time. Thus, it's oxalate, until you remove the water, and then it is oxalic acid (something) hydrate, or if you super vacuum it dry, maybe you can temporarily get the straight oxalic acid.

Yes, the main way that oxalic acid kills you is by binding up calcium. By the way, it's unique amongst organic acids, it's basically made out of two atoms of carbon dioxide, and two atoms of water. If you heat oxalic acid enough, it disappears in a puff of CO2 gas, from decarboxylation. That is, the water separates from the CO2. Oxalic acid also has another unique feature, it is also soluble in nonpolar solvents. You can actually use oxalic acid to purify alkaloids the same way as anhydrous Hydrochloric Acid can be used to 'gas' alkaloids out of solution. Of course, it's just a purification step for drug synthesis, and not often used. Literally, you can dissolve it in petroleum ether, or so, and with another solution of your freebase alkaloid, drop the dry oxalate in slowly and out drops snowflakes of your drug in the oxalate salt form.

I have not been eating honey, as I said, for reasons of heat treatment and addition of glucose, but I'm gonna take your word for it, because I don't see any reason to suddenly start using it anyway.

It's nice to have confirmation about my suspicions about light. I have been exposed to excessive sunlight for some time since I moved into this apartment. I don't mind so much, that I wake up early, I think this is a good thing. But the excessive sun exposure I get, I am now certain that it is doing me no good.