What could be the form of vincientists?

in #elien7 years ago

If living organisms exist in vines, then how will they look? Science fiction writers or science fiction movie makers imagine the creatures of vinagra as human beings. Changed slightly, with a little weird eyes, weird nose, weird head. There is no such thing that the aliens have to be part-heads of big heads and big eyes. They can be like strangers and different shapes like them.  In some science fiction, aliens are presented in a different form other than humans. However, in these cases, aliens are the variations of any organism in the world. Such as spider, octopus or mushroom. Slightly moving around as an alien. Some might think that these are actually the limitations of science fiction writers' limitations. They can not expand their imagination, they are limited to the creatures of the world. So those who imagine as aliens, they all match any organism in the world.

Whatever the limitation of the authors, there are actually some realities here. If the aliens are in the outside world then they will be like any other organism we find. Why have there been some good reasons behind this. The ill-gotten aliens are often considered to be big and horrible eye monsters in science fiction. Why did the aliens consider this bad alien as explained in our interpretation of animals? I chose the eye for the discussion.  Much more could be discussed and analyzed. There are legs to discuss, have wings, have ears, have brain size. They are also very interesting. Or could it be that the animals did not have a wheel. But still kept the eye!  Eyes are very important organs to stay in the body. This applies to most animals in the world, as well as to other planetary organisms outside the Earth. Lively planets do not stay far away from their stars. There the light reaches. It can be used to find, move, return, find out where there is light. Where there is life, there is light and there is a need to use light in order to survive, there is the possibility of creating a sensitive body to light. Anything in the body of a creature will evolve in any way, such as eyes and eyes, which will help him survive.  In the world, there was no eye in every organism. The eyes evolved in different ways in different species of different species. There are different types of eyes than one dozen, none of them have any relation with anyone. They have evolved differently to the needs of the body. There are lights, animals and animals have the lighting requirements. So in any way they themselves have sensitized themselves to light. This event happened more than a dozen times in animal kingdom. In the evolutionary order, once the eyes were developed, they never blindly closed their eyes. There is no end to eye.  There are several ways to grow eyes. The simplest way is like a pin hole camera. In this case, there will be a small hole on the outside and a dark chamber near it. There will be a lens on the hinge and it will create a reflection on the wall of the dark chamber after passing in the light ray lens. The wall will have sensitive cells for light and through this cell the brain can capture the outer image.  There is no need for lenses for such eyes. Normally a small hole can do its job quite well. If the lens is not there, the hole can not be big. If the hole is small, then the light can not enter through it too much. The light will enter less, that means the image captured by this eye will be quite blurred.

It is not impossible to have such an eye in the aliens. If such an alien is found then we will tell them 'Pin-hole' eyes. Like previous day cameras Before the cameras were photographed with such small pins (holes), their name was 'Pin-Hole Cameras'. The picture next to Pinhole's eyes is a human eye. There are lenses in the human eye. Having lenses means that many light rays can be assembled in all directions. If the amount of light rays is more then the picture quality will be much better. There is a 'retina' of sensitive cells towards the back of the human eye. There is a direct connection of the brain to the retina. Eyesight goes through the retina in the brain. Seeing this picture the brain decides what the next thing is? Mosquito is not a fly or a human table. All vertebrates have such eyes. In this process, various animal species were completely indigenous to capture light rays. The list includes octopus eyes. There is a spider who jumps out. They have a little weird eyes. Their eyes are very scanners. They have no retina like humans, so they have adapted themselves in the scanning process. By scanning the front area, they collect food and move around. If they could have scanned the area very quickly, there was no problem. Unfortunately their scan speed is much less. So they pay attention to food or street or interesting things, not paying attention to all the things around them.

The image above the eye of the spider in the picture above is a bunch of eyes or complex eye images. These types of eyes are seen among pests, shrimp, cockroaches and other animals. They are called 'Punjakshi' because there are many eyes or eyes in the form of a bunch or pus formation. A few hundred tall tubes come out from a central point like mango flowers. Each tube acts as a separate small eye. Hundreds of small eyes each have small lenses. Every eye is different  Each eye contains different images from different directions. But none of these pictures is meaningful. Different images from different directions move together to the brain and the brain coordinates all the images and creates a meaningful image. When a grasshopper takes the food as a food, it should be remembered that hundreds of photos appeared in the eyes of the forefinger, and the brain has made a meaningful picture by analyzing hundreds of pictures. And with this help Hunting caught the insect.  The lenses are generally used in telescopes. But the modern telescopes used the mirror. Our biggest telescope has been made using a large curved mirror rather than a lens. There is also a biological phenomenon in using images of curved mirrors. There is a kind of scallop-like snail, whose eyes work in curved mirrors.

Curved mirrors are used in modern telescopes. Photo: National Radio Astronomy Observatory

There are more ways to develop eyes. If there is a life outside of the world, then there is a possibility of seeing the eyes of one of these methods.  Now we expand our imagination. There will be almost all the spectrum of starlight on the planet that our imaginary animals live on. From the radio wave to the length of the longest wavelength, all the waves are present in the mini-wave length X-ray. We are sensitive to the very small part of this spectrum of spectral. We can use a small part of the spectrum of visible spectrum to see us. Will the planet's creatures be like us? Their viewing range may differ from us or may be more broader or better than us. They may have sensitive eyes towards radio waves. Or maybe sensitive eyes for X-rays.

The quality of a picture depends on its resolution. If the resolution is high then the picture quality will be good and if the resolution is less then the quality of the picture will be bad. Large wave length is not like the resolution of the photo taken. The picture taken using the radio telescope is worse than the other picture. We know that wave as 'light' means that the wave length of the visible wave in the human eye is less than the length. So the resolution of the image using this wave is very high and the picture quality is relatively good. Even if the picture taken using radio waves is poor quality, this wave is quite convenient to communicate. That's why the radio system developed using this wave. As far as I know, no animal has evolved in the world that uses or uses radio waves. The only person named species uses radio waves to communicate, but this communication is not directly related to the body. The visible light is less than the length of the light, so the quality of the picture is good, then what would be the size of the small wavelength of light? For example, consider the X-ray. Focusing on x-rays is very difficult. That is why the pictures taken through X-ray are not like real pictures. The X-ray wave is so intense that only a shadow of the picture can be seen in it. There is no such animal in the Earth's zodiac, which is used to see X-ray. But there is no such animal in the world, but the Vinney planet is probably the only animal that uses X-ray wave to see.

Besides the bats, dolphin species also work to see this method. Humans also use this method artificially in their own way. This method is used to find the presence of something in the ship or submarine (that is, a lot to see). This method is also widely used in various scientific experiments.  The process of using the word dolphin for the river is very helpful. Because the water of the water is dark, they drench the water themselves. By this, it would have been very difficult to see them with normal eyes. The use of words has given them quite a lot of usefulness. The process of verbal-philosophy has evolved several times in the life of the world, and all of them have been completely distinct. Such as bats, whales, dolphins and two different types of hazardous birds.

Alien can be seen in such a 'eye-eye' case when searching for life in a vicious way. This is not so surprising. Especially if there is a dense fog on the planet that lives on the planet, their vision is likely to be such.  There are varieties of fish in our world that use electric field to identify their destinations. These electric fields they make themselves This process is fully independent and independently developed in two different species of fish. Fish from an African region and another South American fish.  There is a kind of electric sensor in a species of platypus. If their predators move, then gentle electric fields are created. Platypus sensor that can detect electrical field. Platypus uses this sensor to catch its prey. If there is any organism in the vein, they may also have such electrical sensors in case of need, which is useful in catching their prey. If there are animals in vines, there can be a lot of things with which we are known in the world.