How to Choose Professional Email Address: 10 Rules

in #email6 years ago

In the course of time, an address of electronic mail has become more than a simple set of symbols indicating the destination for electronic letters. At the dawn of development of informational technologies, users toyed around with various versions of email names. Such trend gave rise to thousands of funny and extravagant names of electronic mailboxes. Fortunately, the avalanche of absurd titles has passed away. Nowadays, users prefer a traditional way of naming their own mailboxes. Business email format is gaining popularity while users became more attentive to the web communication.

Table of contents
Definition of Professional Electronic Mail Address
Why Do Users Need Good Email Names?
Rules for Creating a Professional Email Account
Rule 1: Domain Reflects Your Credibility
Rule 2: Leave Nicknames for Your Personal Communication
Rule 3: Exclude Numbers
Rule 4: Generic Names for Certain Purposes
Rule 5: Avoid Indicating Positions or Miscellaneous Regalia
Rule 6: Sexual Character
Rule 7: Race, Religion and Gender Marks
Rule 8: Avoid Anything Characterized as Unprofessional
Rule 9: Full Name Is Not Always a Fit
Rule 10
Bottom Line
Definition of Professional Electronic Mail Address

The word “professional” is attached to the notion of the electronic mail account when used for business purposes. However, if we deepen into this issue, a professional email address example refers to a definite subscript of the mailbox on the domain name. As a rule, the latter notion represents the website of your company. However, this paragon is not a strict rule since such brands as Google, Yahoo and dozens of others offer a free and convenient way of email dialog on the web. So, you can frequently encounter a decent business or sales people opting for or domains for creating a professional email account.

At the same time, the first part of the address is no less significant for the overall picture of your identity and credibility. Do you agree that a trustworthy and respectable domain like or would be a bit spoilt if it starts with “sexylady1978” or “rocketman9786”? It means that a professional email username is as relevant as the words after the "at" sign.

Why Do Users Need Good Email Names?
Before the development of digital technologies, the business interaction was performed via simple postal communications. The twenty-first century was marked by the obsolescence of envelopes, postage stamps, and other related activities. Mail service has been upgraded to the faster and advanced level.

However, the idea of mail communication has not vanished. Moreover, the introduction of such notion as “spam” forced people to become more attentive and watchful to a sender’s requisite details. For example, even a worthy offer can be neglected by the bulk of users if it is sent by a contact with frivolous username and untrustworthy domain. Hence, good email names play an important role in the world of business and commercial interaction. Therefore, it is not only essential to know how to write a professional email but also possess an appropriate email address.

Rules for Creating a Professional Email Account
Unlike the former ignorance of this small but essential question, the today’s business environment requires a serious approach to email details including the username. Since the Internet eliminated any borders regarding the commercial activity, the level of competition has increased wildly. As a result, any subtle and formerly unremarkable detail can be a decisive factor causing a success or failure. For this reason, we are glad to introduce ten rules of choosing an appropriate email account accompanied with professional email address examples.

Rule 1: Domain Reflects Your Credibility
Although the words “google” and “outlook” are associated with prominent companies, they seriously lack uniqueness since anyone can create an email account using these resources. The preferred option involves a one-of-a-kind domain name that corresponds to the name of your company. It is not necessary to be familiar to a recipient of your email. However, an exceptional title after the “at” sign is the hallmark of business email format.

Let’s compare two professional email address examples: [email protected] and [email protected]. It is likely that the latter option is more appealing than its regular analog.

Rule 2: Leave Nicknames for Your Personal Communication
Some users have dozens of email accounts for various purposes. We do not encourage such way of communication but there is nothing censurable in this approach. Everyone has own vices and virtues but all they should have nothing in common with the business activity.

For this reason, any nicknames or secondary identities reflected in the name of email account should be excluded. The name “blackkitty” or “masterofdragons” is not a suitable professional email address example.

Rule 3: Exclude Numbers
The population of the globe is more than 7 billion people. What is the probability to have unique name and surname? Indeed, people with common names like John Smith experience serious troubles with choosing an email address. Options containing numbers together with username are offered frequently at free email resources as an alternative.

As a result, a user can choose from “johnsmith2013” or “19johnsmith78” and other miscellaneous offers. Unfortunately, the tough world of business does not care about any excuses and email accounts containing numbers are considered as untrustworthy or unreliable contacts.

Rule 4: Generic Names for Certain Purposes
Such business email address examples as [email protected] or [email protected] are very widespread in the space of the web. Their main peculiarity is the absence of an individual attribute. Such email account represents a certain service or department of the company without any reference to a particular executive. Naturally, the domain name plays a decisive role in the recognition of a sender. However, this approach is a great solution for setting an email account used for particular purposes.

Rule 5: Avoid Indicating Positions or Miscellaneous Regalia
Experience has shown that a human imagination in composing email addresses is endless. For example, the user “ingridengineer89” definitely needs to learn how to make a professional email account. On the one hand, this example has an exceptional peculiarity namely the indication of a user’s position or skill. However, a recipient is unlikely to care much about this particular information. Miscellaneous titles of regalia are better to place at the end of the email instead of the address.

Rule 6: Sexual Character
It is commonly known that some names are used by both men and women. Actually, this fact refers to not only English but also many other languages. Therefore, the sex of a sender is not always understandable according to its address name. Nevertheless, this little trouble should be explained in the email signature line rather than in the email address.

Rule 7: Race, Religion and Gender Marks
You might be very proud of your affiliation to a certain religion or race but it is not the reason to reflect it in the address. A professional email username must be free of any references to your personal (not related to business) properties or peculiarities. Focus on your business needs and avoid any extra personalization.

Rule 8: Avoid Anything Characterized as Unprofessional
Anyone has a personal life that is rarely associated with business activities. Would you be willing to receive personal information to your business mailbox and vice versa? The answer is likely “Not”.

The same relates to electronic mails. In addition to the above-mentioned rules how to write a professional email address, the exclusion of any unprofessional stuff should be subjoined. Your professional identity might be drastically different from the personal one. However, you should separate them from each other.

Rule 9: Full Name Is Not Always a Fit
This rule is applied to certain users who are lucky to have several names given at birth. This attribute is common for people with Latin-American origin. Nevertheless, representatives of other particular cultures can also boast of accumulation of names. Based on this fact, it is not necessary and even undesirable to insert all names available. A common template of professional email address includes a name and a surname.

Rule 10
As the final rule, we decided to introduce several business email address examples that are common for business interaction. The imaginary user has a full name Andreas Turbin and he works at the MakeMyDay Company. Let’s have a look what option he may choose for a proper professional email account.

Full Name: [email protected]

First Name: [email protected]

Last Name: [email protected]

First Name + Last Initial: [email protected]

First Initial + Last Name: [email protected]