Empaths Are Super Heroes #1

in #empath8 years ago

August 28, 2015 | Tycoon Whibbey

Empaths Are Super Heroes #1
August 28, 2015
Tycoon Whibbey

heaven heaven

As empaths we have the ability to fill the space of life with any energy we please.
When you wrap yourself in a field of heaven. People start acting better to each other, and they say the word heaven more. When you cloak the people in your life with the energy of "bless" you will here strange stories of blessing happening in there life. When you cloak yourself in a field of money and hold, money comes you to very quickly. When you cloak yourself in love you become a god/goddess to those around you. You as an empath can take any word and invoke its' energy to play and work in your life.
All you have to do to invoke any energy is repeat the word till you feel the feeling of the word. Take the word "bless" repeat till you feel blessed. that is the energy of bless. Remember the feeling,Remember the feeling Remember the feeling Remember the feeling Remember the feeling Remember the feeling of "bless".
For we are empaths! we think feelingly. Words are just a tool to get us back to the energy invoked. We have super powers. We can bring the energy of wealth right out of the space of life. We can fill the space of life with the energy of abundance and watch as everyone ends up with way more than they need. We have the power to see the sadness and fill the space with gratitude. We have the power to change people by what we do to their space. We have the power to walk around in life as a concentration of money energy. We can be fountains of money or love or heaven or bles s or calm or peace.