Private revelations aggregated on Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 07:36 PM.

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Thursday, April 12, 2012
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Crusade Prayer 44, Strength to Defend My Faith Against the False Prophet:

“Dear Jesus, give me the strength to focus on your teachings and to proclaim your holy Word at all times. Never allow me to be tempted to idolise the False Prophet, who will try to present himself as you. Keep my love for you strong. Give me the graces of discernment, so that I will never deny the truth contained in the Holy Bible no matter how many lies are presented to me to encourage me to turn my back on your true Word. Amen.”

-- Your Beloved Jesus

Visionary: The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Wednesday, July 14, 2021
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This is a video series/podcast which explores the Bible in chronological order using the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There are one or two videos per day.

Today's video is:

Day 194: Holy Is the Lord — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Thursday, January 6, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady came in gray and gold. She asked if I slept well. She then asked me to pray with Her for the Remnant Church. She said: “Some will leave it and fall into compromise.” We prayed an Our Father. Then we prayed a Glory Be for those who at this moment were considering compromise. Then She said, “Dear children, today I invite you to comprehend that the path of holiness is a continuum. It is as an unfinished symphony each sacrifice and prayer being a note. My Beloved Jesus is the audience Who listens to this symphony of holiness at the final judgment. Dear children, understand you are not finished striving for holiness until eternity. Open your hearts to My call.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Thursday, January 6, 1994
Message URL:

January 6, 1994 Thursday Rosary Service – Call to Conversion Blessed Virgin Mary

“Please read Luke 8:4-8, 11-15” Our Lady is here in peach and white. She says: “All praise be to Jesus, My little angel.” I replied, “Now and forever.” Then Our Lady said,”Pray with me, please, this evening for souls who have heard My message of Holy Love but have not held it in their hearts and pursued the path of holiness.” We prayed. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, tonight I invite you to realize that conversion is the first step of holiness. Not all souls that are converted pursue the path of holiness and of Holy Love. Therefore, My little children, I ask you to keep in your hearts My special intention that all souls find and pursue the path of holiness. Pray, pray, pray.” She blessed us and left.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Saturday, January 8, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here in white and is holding a black rosary. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.” I reply, “Now and forever.” Then Our Lady said: “Pray with Me now for those who are struggling to stay on the path of holiness.” We prayed. Then She looked over to the two pilgrims and gave a private message. Then She said, “Dear children, once again tonight I remind you to give the present moment to holiness. Choose always Holy Love. Pray, pray, pray.” She blessed us and left.

Visionary: John Leary
Received on: Sunday, March 10, 2024
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Sunday, March 10, 2024: (4th Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday) Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the parallel of the destruction of Israel and its exile compared to the coming destruction of America for your many sins. The evil ones in your country are planning your demise. You will be fortunate to have another election because the communists are ready for their takeover. Have no fear because I will give My people a chance to repent and be saved in My Warning experience and My six weeks of Conversion. After these events, you will be called to My refuges for your safety during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Rejoice because after less than 3½ years, I will bring My victory over the evil ones."

Visionary: John Leary
Received on: Monday, March 11, 2024
Message URL:

Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist."

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this empty chair of St. Peter because of what is coming out from the Vatican. I have told you that homosexual sins and fornication are both mortal sins. So just as you cannot bless fornicators, you also cannot bless homosexual sins as well. You cannot bless sinful behavior. These are sins against the Sixth Commandment. Sins against the Sixth Commandment are adultery, fornication, prostitution, homosexual acts, and birth control that includes condoms, vasectomies, and tubal ligation. These sins deal with the creation of life, and life is sacred. These mortal sins need to be confessed in Confession before you can receive Me in Holy Communion. So come to frequent Confession to keep your soul clean and ready for your judgment before Me."

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Book of Truth
Received on: Saturday, October 11, 2014
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Divine Providence Will Always Prevail

On October 11, 2014 @ 8:30 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, let no one underestimate the power of God in all things which may evolve in these times. God’s power is infinite and not one man can overcome the divinity or Will of God. Not one enemy of mine can boast that he is greater than God, who can, in just one breath, pour down his justice upon the world. While God is patient, fair, just and full of unconditional love for all of his children, including the wicked amongst them, he will retaliate against the wickedness of man, caused by the evil influence of the Devil.

Cursed are those who rise up against God in defiance against the holy Word. They will be punished in God’s time, when they have been given every opportunity to change their ways. Those who worship evil and the Beast will be struck by lightning, just as it was when Lucifer was thrown into the infernal abyss, like a bolt of lightning.

When my enemies harm others; try to kill them and maim them, in order to gain power over the weak, they will suffer a terrible chastisement. When genocide, of any kind, is perpetrated upon the innocent by devil worshipers, they will burn in Hell and they will be stopped just when they believe they have succeeded.

Divine providence will always prevail, for there is no power more mighty than he who created everything out of nothing.

Your Jesus

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Sunday, July 24, 2011
Message URL:

WHEN YOU PRAY TO ME EACH DAY, SAY THIS PRAYER: “O my precious Jesus, embrace me in your arms and allow my head to...