Green energy on the rise and our food at risk
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View this post on Hive: Green energy on the rise and our food at risk
Steem is no longer decentralised and may steal your funds. Use Hive instead.
Bang on Steve it's all well and good these new records being broken but more needs to be done asap. I just got back from a trip to Europe and in Holland there are wind turbines everywhere. The UK should take the same approach in my opinion.
The NIMBYs try to spoil it. We could have far more solar without spoiling things. Wind is probably better off-shore, but that seems to be growing. Everything has an impact, but has to be better than burning all the coal like we did before
If all else fails I will skip some things but must get my chocolate and coffee. Funny they go well together. Maybe store some up. I enjoyed your post. Notice how I comment on them. Lol.. have a great day.
How about a fresh cup of Steemit Coffee?

I'd really miss chocolate, but there are other pleasures in life.
I always welcome and reward good comments.
12 Crops? Ok, 5 animal species? Ok.
I think one of the answers to the problems we face regarding these issues is within your post: "a few massive companies".
One stupid move based on faulty or improper research could spell disaster.
You're also right about the "general news"'s just a distraction.
Nikola Tesla held the secret to free energy a lot of people consider this conspiracy but i believe it to be true...
Maybe. I think if there really is 'free energy' then the secret would have leaked by now. You can't silence every scientist
I appreciate Steve Shine, he is a very intelligent person
The food, water and energy we always need. May it continue to materialize what the community wants. thank you for sharing this interesting information @steevc
Yes... praise. Everyone should be way more concerned with this situations. And we all should try and make our part. ❤
your thought is grace and wonderful to our future life and style, thanks for sharing.
Wow thats a really great article.....
wonderful post @steevc,its really good thinking foods,i like this post
thanks for share