Impact PPA: transform the global energy marketplace!
Nowadays the television is now so popular that people can watch images on screens that are so flat as a picture frame. The computer world has added one flavour to its operations and that is the internet and this changed everything. Nowadays, individuals can access this same internet without the help of a computer but with the help of small portable devices known as Smart phones.
All these were powered by one factor: Energy gotten from electricity.
The ImpactPPA solution also allows for the unbanked population of the world to gain identity and reputation through transacting on the platform for the most basic of needs – electricity.
ImpactPPA is an Ethereum-based decentralized energy platform that will transform the global energy finance industry. ImpactPPA uses the power of the blockchain to bring together capital and consumers in a way that is direct, responsive, and expedient.
ImpactPPA solves the problem created by legacy financial institutions of too much bureaucracy, cost and infrastructure to effectively and efficiently provide solutions that work!
- Bаѕеd on trаnѕfоrmаtіvе power vіа the blосkсhаіn, thе IMPACTPPA attempts tо оffеr a unіԛuе ѕоlutіоn to present dау’ѕ еnеrgу problems аnd thаt оf thе futurе.
- Wіth a utіlіtу ѕсаlе оr mісrо grid whісh is wеll bеіng dерlоуеd in over 35 соuntrіеѕ аrоund thе wоrld аnd соuntіng, thе power іѕ generated, ѕtоrеd аnd delivered еffесtіvеlу.
- Thіѕ power then flоwѕ tо a smart mеtеr whісh is аlwауѕ соnnесtеd tо thе blockchain ecosystem, thе consumers оf thіѕ еlесtrісіtу can nоw іntеrасt wіth thеіr smart mеtеrѕ аnd саn purchase роwеr frоm thеіr mоbіlе devices.
The ImpactPPA model will not be managed by any central body but by the users themselves who will set precedents as to how they want their power to be distributed.
The ImpactPPA platform will be built in the Ethereum blockchain and will deal on smart contracts and makes use of the MPQ token for access to its platform by users.
As per our Impact PPA ICO rating, this investment has a 3.5 out of 10 safety rank. The dominant ranking factor for this crowdfunding is User Voting.
ICO Name: Impact PPA
Symbol: MPQ
Platform - Ethereum
Soft Cap7 000 000 USD
Hard CapN/A
PriceMPQ = 0.35 USD
Bonus Incentives
- Tier 1: $0.00 - $1,000,000 receives a 70% bonus
- Tier 2: $1,000,001 - $2,000,000 receives a 60% bonus
- Tier 3: $2,000,001 - $3,000,000 receives a 50% bonus
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