The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁
Welcome to this weeks Engagement and Curation leagues, kindly sponsored by the awesome @curie!
@curie have sponsored the leagues for another 8 weeks, thank you!
Would you like to enter the leagues? Make a comment below (this is for a lifetime membership - you will need to ask to be removed)
The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!
On your marks, get set, curate!
The Engagement League - Sponsored by @curie

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.
Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.
I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:
- Posts (P)
- Comments - number of (C)
- Number of people spoken to (PS)
- Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
- Comments - length in characters (C L)
- Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
- Up-votes to others (V)
- Up-votes to different authors (U V)
- Self-votes - a small minus score for this one, sorry! (S V)

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 25% of the league entrants!
- 375 accounts earned a score this week
- The top 100 produced 855 posts, 15544 comments, and over 3.25 million characters of text in comments
- The top 100 cast 36203 votes, 237 of these were self-votes
Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, @delishtreats! 🏆
A previous winner I'm pretty sure, welcome back to the summit @delishtreats!
The ultra consistent @smithlabs takes 2nd this week, and @melinda010100 earns a clear 3rd. Well done to the top 3!
Thanks to @janton for not claiming a prize again this week - top man!
Excellent engagement levels also from @brittandjosie, @veryspider, @steemflow, @xcountytravelers, @newageinv, @chireerocks, and @scrawly who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.
Those without a self-vote (from their main account at least! 😱) and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @chekohler, @bengy, @kaerpediem, @mariannewest, @soyrosa, @glenalbrethsen, @niallon11, @steevc, @tattoodjay, and @themanwithnoname.
Well done everyone!
The Curation League / Rewards based
Please find the rules in a previous post.
The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.
Congratulations @jacksartori!
🎁 Prizes 🎁
The Engagement League
0 votes to self - Spot Prizes
Lucky number 25 in The Engagement League
A @steembasicincome share, courtesy of @fullcoverbetting, goes to new recruit @tattoodjay!
Thanks Peter and well done @tattoodjay.
If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them
If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout
If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below
Thank you everyone, have an awesome day!
If you feel that The Engagement and Curation leagues are a worthwhile addition to the Steem blockchain, please consider a vote for our witness - @steemcommunity
Find out more about our project here
@abh12345 has set 5.000 STEEM bounty on this post!
Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.
Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.
Happy Rewards Hunting!
I was waiting for this today, thought i did a bit better with comments, guess not. Maybe next week. Nice work Asher. Congratulations to all the winners and every one that engaged this week
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks Paula :)
I thought I'd be lower than I was so I'm happy with where I finished. Cheers!
I didn’t make the list.
I do enjoy seeing all who did make it and their positions. Great stuff here @abh12345
Dont worry @wolfhart there were weeks i didnt make it either
Posted using Partiko Android
I say things like that to bust Asher chops. Lol
It’s been a little rough for me but things are getting better
You can enter again just say the word to asher !
@abh12345 can I get back in
YES asher you can do it @abh12345 😉
Yea Asher
What the hell !!!
You are back in the running for next week :D
I don’t know why @paulag took me off or out of the running.
Oooohh I see I would have been higher on the list
Who else can we bring in to engage with ??
Likewise me. I have not been steeming much of recent due to some challenges.
Hoping to overcome them and make the list next time out.
@abh12345 here is @maxijgcomm he also would like to be reinstated.
You know that this is a great time to increase ones SP. the payout is way better then if steem was worth more. I am also powering up
I have another 24 hours or so before Coinbase sends my 1.69 ether to blocktrade to power up . They bastards hold my trade/transfer for 72 hrs every time.
How is the payout now really better than before? Cause the values now are less and even our upvotes have dimished.
I receive way more steem and SP for posts and commenting then if the value was higher. The amount of steem I have is increasing of course the payoff will be when the value of steem increases
Sure thing, you are back in the running for next week :)
I think soon Sunday comes in everyone who are invilved in the league get excited to know the result...pretty interesting ans good for the league...people are actively participating.....steem on
Posted using Partiko Android
For me, this is more important than ever. And its a n amazing post to seek out active people 😁
Posted using Partiko Android
Well, @abh12345, I think this is the latest that I've been commenting on a league post since I joined way back at the end of March. It's already Tuesday for you, albeit still a tad early to be seeing this, so I won't expect any immediate response from you (and I will probably be shutting down for the night myself).
Looks like we're settling in with the newest generation of leaguers filling the top spots (plus janton), while the crew I run with (@themanwithnoname, @lynncoyle1, @gillianpearce, @davemccoy) including myself, all seem to be tapering off.
It's funny how it's only been just over eight months of weekly competition for me, and yet, it feels like I'm talking about the 'good old days', when STEEM was still relatively new, I was younger (51 instead of 52), and hope sprung eternal.
So weird how things can change in such short periods of time.
I keep thinking I'm going to show all the newer folk how it's done, and reclaim the top spot, but so far, that's not happened. Maybe sometime this month. Maybe sometime in January. I just know I want to. :)
Thanks for the leagues, Asher. Thanks for all you do elsewhere. My ongoing hope is that it will all be worth it in the end. Even if you do need to relocate and do some time behind a desk in the interim.
Thank you to @curie for the sponsorship, and really holding down the fort when it comes to both engagement incentives and providing curation. It's pretty amazing, especially in these times of low STEEM.
And, last but not least, congratulations to all the Top 10 winners, and well done to the rest of the Top 25. Someone needs to keep this place hopping.
Onward and upward. :)
I guess the crew you run with they're all getting a little old haha, I'm willing to let the young'uns take over for a while, but like you, I keep thinking one of these weeks...
I guess it could be old age creeping up on us, @lynncoyle1—the fire in the belly required to make things happen doesn't last. However, I think in most cases, it's life happening. There are other things that need attention. Still, I miss those days. :) It's nice to have some instant association with you all because you've all been there done that, too.
Anyway, the only constant is change, so we keep going on with our lives and we see where they lead. :)
And the only constant is change! How very true. I think there may come a time where we all get back on that horse but you're right, for now, we all have bigger fish to fry.
Any new baby in your family yet?
Actually, funny you should ask.
My oldest son took his wife in this morning (roughly 3:30 AM MST) because she was going into labor. They're still there. I guess the pain and the contractions have made it hard for her to relax so that baby can drop, so they're going to give her an epidural. She was apparently trying to do it without, made some progress, but then the pain tensed her up. Can't blame her a bit. So, hopefully, things will go a little easier now that she's getting it and we'll have a delivery soon.
Oh that's awesome! Here's hoping for a successful and relatively easy delivery, although none of them ever are haha
Happy Curation Leagues Sunday! Congratulation to all the keen engagers and to price recipiants. It's totally good of you to put this post together weekly and to offer these metrics to the steem community Asher. What a week! Whew! Cheers ❄☃️❄🎶
Sunday, the only day of the week when I know what I'm writing about!
My pleasure, have a good Sunday and week ahead :)
Hi Asher. Thanks again for doing this it helps everyone enormously. Will be back as fingers and thumbs on a phone isnt the same.
My pleasure, thank you for the kind words of support :)
I am proud to be number 5 this Week, to All others congrats on to next week,
@abh12345 can I be entered in the curation stats ?
5 is excellent!
Yes everyone is entered on one list, so you will appear if you are not powering down or delegating/delegated to in the past 14 days.
Try to vote at 11-13 minutes if you can :)
A Little bird told me 15 minutes is best
Well this little bird says earlier is better :P
As low as 6/7 minutes can be very good!
I was also told to only vote at the 15th minute and anything before goes back to the reward pool.... yikes...
And I would actually wait, watching the clock
Thank you for the tip :)
The closer you vote to 0 minutes, the more goes back to the pool. e.g. 50% at 7.5 mins.
More importantly, you need to beat the bigger votes, and they usually come close to 15. If your vote is going to be 1/2 cents, 8/10 mins is best IMO.
This is really a game ...
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this to me 😊
Congratulations @brittandjosie
Woot! Woot!! :D
@janton you are simply awesome. The human commenting bot. Even @delishtreats is the week winner butvlook at the points are far above than one closer to you.....
Congrats to @delishtreats @smithlabs @melibna010100 @veryspider for making to the top position.
Thanks @abh12345 for cobtinuing with the great engagement league....looking at the table is pretty clear , steem is full of life.....and going strong even at the downtrend.....Steem on!
Posted using Partiko Android
Yep, out in a different league is that man.
We have a good group here, taking engagement to new levels :D Cheers!
Well Thank you very much you forgot ME @steemflow
OMG! first mistake on Steem.
Congratulation @brittandjosie🙏
Posted using Partiko Android
Yesssssss Thank you you are forgivven 😂😂😂
I am 4 th ( or with janton 5th )
Thank you @steemflow! I agree with you :) @janton is the machine! I still believe he has more computers and people doing the comments for him, lol :D
I figured it out!! He has the Doc Oc machine arms like in Spider Man! :D
Hahaha, this could be the case too! :D
howdy delishtreats! oh my gosh that would be a dream come true! lol. If only someone to help with the research for posts but no unfortunately not. Mrs. J wants nothing to do with Steemit so it's just me. Jack supports me(our German Shepard) but that's about it!
Jack is very clever! I haven't seen a dog that would be able to write comments before :D are you sure he is not a cursed prince or something like that? :D
haha! Jack is certainly gifted in some areas and considers himself royalty but he does have his limitations!
The only other option would be that you were born mutated and you have 6 arms at least :D
now you know why I don't do selfies!
"The human commenting bot" indeed! I don't know how he does that!
I am convinced @janton is like the Book/Movie Prestige
He has a twin that nobody knows about .... hahaha
Congratulations @steemflow
You did good too :D
Oh my god. So I made sure I didn't vote myself. Kept checking. Was sure I didn't self vote - two self votes!! Ah - grrr... pfft - blah!! Can't believe that happened. Ashamed. Mortified. Annoyed. Ah, never mind - it's only the engagement leagues! Only the engagement leagues!! Are you kidding - I bloody LOVE these leagues! It calls on a competitive side I didn't know I had! Cant imagine I could EVER come near @janton's or @delishtreats - the funny thing is, despite all their comments - which are a helluva lot - I never run into either of them on the platform! Crazy. Goes to show how many people are here still.
thanks for putting this together Ash. Will try my best to not u/v myself next week...
I'm sorry! I sometimes think about contacting people with links to their selfies if they only have one or two, but it just adds time to proceedings :(
Good luck in avoiding selfies and thanks for the kind words of support!
Thank you Asher! It feel so good to be back :)
Congratulations everyone in green and blue! I'm glad to see familiar names being active even though the price is so low :)
@janton - come back cowboy! It feels strange to take the prize from you :)
Hello first prize winner! Congratulations!
@janton could come back for Christmas, this may be the last sponsorship from @curie for a while so maybe sooner rather than later.