More Followers? Nah I Want More STEEM Leaders!

in #engagement6 years ago

It's no secret I love to read but with all the travelling I did in August and the STEEM Creators conference in September...My reading lately has come to a crawl...

Tonight though, I continued diving into 'The Excellence Dividend' by Tom Peters...A book I started reading in like the middle of August....


And I got to a quote in the book that made me stop and think...

"I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to create more leaders...Not more followers.."


It's kinda the currency on STEEM after the crypto and powering up. When someone has tens of thousands of followers we seem to stop and pay close attention.

Rightfully so...This is a social media platform and the more people that are paying attention to you, following you and engaging with you...The better!

But this quote made me think...

Do we wanna see our follower numbers sky rocket while we get minimal engagement? Or are we looking to attract the movers and shakers of today AND tomorrow?

I think...I'll go with option 2!

I believe STEEM is still in it's infancy and we're building big personal brands here. So what we should be doing for the foreseeable future is attracting good people and serious content creators to our content!

After we do that...Engage, engage and while we're at it...Engage some more!

Hey, I know that's easier said than done...But if you think it's hard now, imagine what it'll be like in a year or two from now?

So when you are creating content and putting things out on STEEM, do your best to attract the future leaders and current leaders of this blockchain (and social media network!)

These are the influencers of the future here and when the eye balls start coming (and they WILL be coming) you will be glad you spent the time now...To develop your network of STEEM leaders!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


keep sifting through the dreck and keep supporting the people who contribute more than spam to the platform. The platform will emerge better for it.

completely agree. engagement is the key to tackle that stuff too.

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Just spent the past half an hour scrolling through the New Feed and have found absolutely nothing posted in the past hour that is worth my effort to comment let alone upvote. Your's is the first one I've come across that is not from a spam account, not writing rubbish to milk rewards, does not include a bad quality photo, not about crypto price update (not my cup of tea), written in English (my bad, thats my first language) and reflects the author wants to develop his account on Steemit.

I honestly can't understand why it's so difficult to find new accounts to interact with nowadays. Is it me being picky or is it the state of things now?

Appreciate that a ton. You have no idea how awesome your comment was. And I hear ya...What you shared is exactly what inspired my post.

I wanna find the people that engage with me and are serious about building their STEEM account / brand.

All those rewards and hoopla, that'll come...When we first focus on the people and try to grow with them...Oh believe me, there are fantastic people out there fire dup and serious about this blockchain....Just spent all last week with them at the STEEM creators conference :)

Thanks again for the comments....Made my night!

Hopefully we will be able to find more like minded people around. Sometimes it feel like looking for a needle in the haystack.

Hi @livinguktaiwan,

I feel the same way most of the time. There are only a few writers who pumping out high quality content i feel is worth engaging with. I think of it as a an opportunity. Create the content you want to see! One other account I follow which is excellent recently is @taskmaster4450.

Hope that helps,

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Thanks for the recommendation, his posts definitely looks interested, will check it out in detail tomorrow.

Hey How is it going? I believe in quality as well and I agree with that's hard to find. I have found one or five. You just have to keep looking. They are out there.

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oh they are for sure. that’s a guarantee

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Hey ya Jon.

You know I see the world a little differently than most. From the start here at Steemit I have not given followers a second thought. I just don't care, with one exception. From that list comes the list that I care about: The people I follow.

The people I follow are the ones I engage with the most. These are the people that support my work as much as I support theirs. Those are my homies.

Followers is just a number. I know it has some validity but I don't care. Leave me a comment and I'll turn myself inside out to return the favor.

agreed! yeah man. it’s people right. that’s the key. just working to build relationships will do wonders for anyone’s time here.

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One of the things that I like about you is how you engage your commenters @jongolson 😊👌

I don't have enough Steem Power to give people cents each time I upvote their comments, but if I get there, I want to engage commenters in a similar way.

Thank you ✌

We literally...All started with 25 SP...That's why I'm so pumped up for everyone that joins this because I know what CAN be done if you keep at it....I'm literally...No one special...Just a dude that loves conversation and believes in this blockchain.

Set the goals and you will reach them. I guarantee it!

Thank you @jongolson I love conversation and I believe in this blockchain too. Much success for you in 2018 and beyond 😊😀😁

You too! Keep engaging with everyone here...It works!

The eyeballs are coming! Good thoughts man. Build up more leaders! I agree!

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Yeah man, they are coming! Fancy I had the big EYE comment on this post ;) Hope you guys got home safe or are in the process of doing so!

Yes interacting with people on steemit is a very important part of growing yourself on steemit.The more you intract the more your circle grows on steemit, and helps you in making good connections with Orca and whales.

Yeah thats true...But I'm thinking even...Attracting the FUTURE orcas and whales! That's what will be so important down the road.

There are some cool groups to help encourage these behaviors. For example, “The Engagement League”s and “Curation League”s run by @paulag and @abh12345. It’s quite amazing how much time and effort folks put into interacting with other Steemians. It’s estimated that top engagers spend 50+ hours per week doing this.

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Last week I clocked my time. 35 hours, and only made it to the top 5 in the engagement league. And that does not include discord and posting.

I like that perspective, Jon! Breed leaders not followers. But some people are not great leaders, keep in mind haha.

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Oh I'm horrible at it LOL But I'm trying to learn as much as I can and keep growing. Every day :)

There are 2 camps of thought on this. Can leadership be learned or must you be born with leadership qualities? I’m in the learning camp. Anyone can be a leader, can learn to be a better leader. In fact, most people are leaders right now and don’t even know it. Holding a door open for a stranger is an act of leadership.

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agree completely. i’m a huge fan of john c maxwell and he talks about this all the time. takes time to develop but anyone can lead.

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Hah! I had a feeling ... your posts sounded oddly familiar to ‘21 Laws of Leadership’. I have studied Maxwell myself. He shares so much more wisdom in those books we could share with Steemit.

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Hah! I had a feeling ... your posts sounded oddly familiar to ‘21 Laws of Leadership’. I have studied Maxwell myself. He shares so much more wisdom in those books we could share with Steemit.

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LOL Looks like Partiko is having a few issues....Posted my reply to you twice as well.

Yep, seems Partiko is having an issue right now. Sorry for the spam.

lol all good man. no spam at all.

"Leaders attract other leaders over time." Followers will also work harder to keep up with a leader they know and trust.

Absolutely. If you serve others, that will attract more people...But you must be genuine. People can smell the snake oil salesmen a mile away.

A good word for this would be “magnetism” or “gravity”. Keeping up is like ... “elasticity”. If you fall too far behind, the band snaps.

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A few more points I’d like to add, @jongolson.

Leaders naturally grow themselves and grow other leaders.

Leadership is not only about authority, it’s also about service. Leaders serve the community first.

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Absolutely....Agree 1000000%

@jongolson, I’m thinking about writing posts on the Leadership topic to expand on these ideas. Do you think there is a lot of interest in Steemit?

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absolutely! huge market for it and i think it would do really well

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Awesome! I am loving the high quality discussion here in the comments feed of your post. I’ll let you know when I publish some posts.

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for sure. looking forward to it

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