Calculation of production capacity hammer driver pile

The foreman is watching the pile work. @kharrazi documentation
Greetings, how are you steemit friends? Glad to meet you again and hopefully healthy always. My discussion today is still about the world of construction, according to what I've been doing all along. hopefully useful.
Today I will discuss the erection of reinforced concrete piles with size 30x30 cm, meaning that the pile has a square cross-section.
Previously we will know in advance what is a pile?
The pile has the same function as a foundation in commonly that is to accept a structure load and is distributed to the ground at a certain depth, so it is understandable that a pile is one of the structural parts.
As the name implies, the pile has a long shape with various types of a cross-section such as a circle, square and so on, the pile can be made of wood, concrete, steel and so forth.
The pile can be applied by pressing, punching and drilling to a certain extent or until the pile find the soil with a denser/harder structure.
The use of piles actually has long been used by humans, ranging from timber pile, reinforced concrete to steel. Christoffoer Polhem declared that he had found a pile driving in 1740 that resembled a modern pile driving.
An industrial revolution has an important role in a world of construction, such as an use of steam and diesel engines on the erection work, because previously workers had to do it manually.

Roman pile driver (replica). image source
Currently, the use of piles is not only used in large-scale construction work such as buildings, bridges, and others but also used in simple homes. This is done because an increasing needs of homes and developers should be able to take advantage of land that has a labile structure.
The land (soil) to be constructed by a building will first be surveyed, survey results will mention how a structure, so engineers can design the structure of buildings in accordance with a land (soil) conditions whether a required pile as a reinforcement structure or not, so not all buildings require piles.
At the pile installation work, we also need a variety of heavy equipment to help complete a work faster and better, one of which is Hammer Driver Pile.

What is Hammer Driver Pile?

The working principle of pile driver. @kharrazi image
Pile Driver Hammer serves to pin the pile, the principle works a same as you hit a hammer to the nail, a nail will stick to a media up to a certain depth.
A picture resembling a driver pile made by Francesco di Giorgio Martini in 1475 was considered an interesting discovery of his day, whereas in 55 BC the Romans had made a simple pile driver when the construction of the Caesar's Rhine bridge and now you can still find a replica of pile driver is enabled manually.
Prior to the industrial revolution, pile drivers utilized human and animal power to lift heavy hammer loads, then loads spontaneously released to provide shock loads on a stake medium.
Currently, the pile driver has grown and has several types of operation, such as Diesel Hammer, Hydraulic Hammer and so forth.
In accordance with the Technical Analysis (EI), an erection will be calculated according to the required depth (per meter), for example we will calculate the labor, heavy equipment and materials required to complete an erection of reinforced concrete piles with a cross-section size of 30x30 cm, a required depth is 1 meters.
In accordance with Technical Analysis (EI)
Description | Code | Coefficient | Unit | Information |
Effective working hours | Tk | 7.00 | hours | - |
Pile length | p | 20.00 | meters | - |
Heavy Equipment (PILE DRIVER HAMMER)
Description | Code | Coefficient | Unit | Information |
Capacity | V1 | 1.00 | Point | - |
Efficiency Factor | Fa | 0.83 | - | - |
Cycle time | - | - | - | - |
- Shift and set the stake | T1 | 45.00 | minutes | - |
- Erection | T2 | 75.00 | minutes | - |
- Connecting piles | T3 | 30.00 | minutes | - |
- Total Amount | Ts1 | 150.00 | minutes | - |
Production capacity/hour = (V1xpxFax60)/(Ts1) | Q1 | 6.64 | meter/hour | |
Coefficient of Heavy Equipment/meter = 1: Q1 | - | 0.1506 | hours | - |
In accordance with a calculation, the coefficient of pile driver per meter is 0.1506 m/h, so if you want to design a reinforced concrete pile with cross-section sized 30x30 cm and depth of 30 meters then how many hours do you have to hire piledriver?
Description | needs | Coefficient | amount |
Pile size 30x30 cm | 30 M | 0.1506 m/h | 4.52 Hours |
As an example then you only need to hire pile drivers for 4.52 hours, currently, many contractors who lease pile drivers, you can rent it at a cheap price and can make a work more practical.

Pile is a type of foundation that serves to distribute a total load structure that is above a ground surface either vertically or horizontally.
The pile can be made of wood, concrete, steel, and others, it can be adjusted to the needs of the field, in fact, humans have long used the pile as a part of the building structure.
Currently, the pile can be easily found in the market, you can also utilize services of contractors to help you complete the work of piling pile on a larger scale and smaller scale.
If you want to build a new building, I advise you to consult with engineers so that you can more easily determine whether your building will need a piling as the main foundation buffer or not.
This is the only thing I can write on this occasion, over all the mistakes and lack of unintentional writing as a servant of God, I apologize.
Thanks to friends who have visited this blog and provided constructive comments, as well as scientists who are willing to sacrifice their time for a better civilization.
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BEST REGARDS @kharrazi
Being A SteemStem Member
Waw .. very professional way of work ..
Do you love science? by respecting the work of others and not plagiarism then you are welcome to join steemSTEM by using #science tags and joint our steemit chat channel ,,,like this @kharrazi 🙏🙏🙏
Incredible. I did not expect, a @kharrazi I just met through social media steemit, it has a lot of expertise. I'm sure his ability is also no doubt. Appreciation for you best friend. Always success. May God be with you with your beloved family. Amen.
Thank you @bim.scouting :)
This is a great profession. @kharrazi
thank you :)
Ur welcome.
how many meters depth of achieved soil bearing capacity ?
soil bearing capacity should first be calculated
so we can determine the depth and type of foundation what is needed
the above calculation is just an example and can be tailored to the needs of the field
eg efficiency factor and others
hopefully, this explanation can be useful :)
Bereh that ...
nice posting
wow great job done by you.
carry on man.