1st part of how to fall in love with a girl

One of the things that should be taken into account is the "appearance", boys, this is vital when it comes to conquering a woman, a "clean" appearance is important,they should take care of the state of the skin since the skin reflects the health status of the boy, buy a shower gel or a moisturizer and use them, It is a small investment but with great benefits, do sport this will help to improve vitality. A man who looks healthy is much more attractive and this will also help him with the ego.
Gentlemen wax, you are not any cavemen, if they are not too hairy they do not have to pluck completely, but if you are a hairy bear you must control the excess of hair, important nose and ears obligatory: The torso, armpit shoulders and the genital part,remember there is already the deodorant so to use it gentlemen, it is possible to find very effective in pharmacies if you have a perspiration kills mothers-in-law, from time to time take care of the extremities such as clean and well-cut nails. Not witch nails.

Hair clean and without layers, dandruff something repellent for a large number of women seriously! There are anti dandruff shampoos available in the market, in Venezuela not so much but if you need it we know that if you must first consult a dermatologist to see what he recommends.
Men this is already a delicate issue and when I say delicate it is because I have seen horrors in a man's clothing. boys, what you should keep in mind is to wear clothes or suits of the size corresponding to what I mean by this, simple if you are size S, use size S not M, try on the suits or clothes you buyand ask advice from a seller, not a man, but a girl who is in the place, if you are not sure how you have clothes, and gentlemen seriously try, for God's sake, not to combine more than two colors in the clothes, yes hearts.

Black is a color that blurs shapes, white is more to highlight, if you are a little overweight, use black, white is more like to highlight muscles, with this model of clothes you can get out relaxed, or a tight navy blue shirt with long sleeves, above the trousers without looking too long because if it does not look like wearing pajamas and not a shirt, tight jeans, black shoes of the same color, try to combine in the best possible way Yes
If you are already well dressed, mentalize yourself. you get out, in the first place, you have a great time and, if it is possible to share it with other people, if you do not feel safe to go out alone with the woman, make a double date, take your best friend and have a girl, a tip that I give them if they are going to turn on the sound equipment, they try for love of God not to put neither vallenato, nor reggaeton, I have nothing against these genres but it is not always the right thing, try to find out what music is the one he likes and does not like.
Go out at night, it's easier for a man who does not have as much experience, there are so many people that few people will see that you are bonding and much less will be bothered by them, people are often more relaxed at night, you understand alcohol, music. They help a lot, however, with great volume, the communication becomes more difficult, the ideal would be to look for a quieter place.

Find the crowded places, the easier encounters, and your approach will pass more easily unnoticed, if you go over thirty, you should go there with some friends, if you go alone then go unnoticed, the street or a shopping center is probably the best place to go finding women this however requires a minimum of prudence since your approach is in danger of attracting the curiosity of the people around.