Making false wounds (first attempt)

Friends of Steemit!
In this opportunity I would like to show you the result of one of my first attempts making me false wounds, I do not stay very well as I expected, but practice makes perfect.
The materials I used were:
- White paste
- Red paint
- Base
- Black eyeliner
- Staples
- Blushes
- Red lips gloss
Step 1
In this first step just apply the white stick on my arm and wait about half an hour to dry, then make a small opening representing the wound.

Step 2
Then apply the base, and the black pencil and red paint inside the wound; Applying blush around him.

Step 3
Finally, finish applying the red lip gloss, to represent the moisture of the wound, and finish makeup around, with darker shades, and apply the staples.

Note: You can easily see that the tone of the wound is very different to the tone of my skin, and everything is due to the brightness that could not be eliminated for lack of some materials, such as some dust, otherwise, the result to my It would have seemed much better.
I really hope you liked it, soon I will be sharing other attempts n.n .
