A movie for pedophiles will hit Netflix + interesting research on porn

in #english4 years ago



When I saw this news in the morning, I was just angry because you are pushing the boundaries and promoting things that should be absolutely forbidden. There are several reasons and I will give my opinion on this in them.

  • A child of this age does not know what he wants, he thinks he knows what he wants. It may be closer or further to your actual desires, but there is no certainty as in the case of, for example, an 18-year-old. End of period. Developing, because there is a bunch of morons on the Internet (mainly left-wing) who believe that a person has full freedom to self-determination about himself. It has, but with reaching 18. Most people of this age are still mental kids, but the unwritten and written law of Western civilization makes it clear (in every country I think, correct me if I'm wrong) - from 18 parents are exempt from responsibility for the child and purely technically, they can throw them out of the house or the child can go to start his house.

  • When developing point 1, it is easy for a child to convince a child of many things. I myself was a victim of unhealthy family coercion, and I know that treating these types of problems hurts and can take many years. I will return to the subject of compulsion in a few paragraphs because in certain strictly defined aspects it is justified and necessary. An adult can be easily tricked into being stupid, the less intelligent the easier it gets. Most people, in turn, impose their will on others, or at least they strive for it in a softer or harder way.

Don't even trade with it, because that's how the world works - for both animals and humans. It can be done consciously, not consciously, hard, soft, but most people at least involuntarily try to impose their will on others. This is our mechanism. As long as we do it involuntarily, do not build our happiness on someone else's misfortune, and control our emotions to a certain extent, there is usually nothing really wrong with it. The huge problem, however, is that there are methods of "programming" a person to specific reactions. One may be persuaded to enjoy certain activities.

I will cite two examples, starting with a situation that my colleague Kuba once wrote to me about. A woman he had read about told of being abused as a child by her uncles. If I remember correctly, they gradually became accustomed to nudity, pleasure, and touching their sexual organs or hers. At one point she even liked to please them orally and it was a lot of fun. But then she realized what she was actually doing and developed a gigantic disgust towards herself and private matters. The second example - Ziemkiewicz (a Polish right-wing journalist), who once introduced such a scheme, perhaps commenting on the matter of kidnapping Polish teenagers (and not only, because Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian, etc. also) to foreign brothels by professional seducers. It is enough to get to know the victim, turn his head around (something like programming, different from what was shown with e.g. Winter Soldier in Marvel movies, but coming down to more or less the same thing), emotionally enslave and he will do everything for us - even prostitute and bring money to my pimp in his mouth. Of course, Ziemkiewicz simplified this process, because it is not known who could watch it on TV. It is similar with models, who followed the topic of Magdalena Żuk or the lady who hung herself on the dryer cable in Zakopane, who must have noticed a few repeating patterns. This is a very big topic where politics, a lot of money and criminals meet in every country. England, USA, Germany, Poland, Russia, Japan. Each country is different - there was pizza-gate and Epstein in the USA, several controlled pedophile scandals with politicians broke out in England, and Muslim gangs in several cities deliver 11-13 year old girls and boys to brothels or lovers of "fresh meat", in Germany to around 2003, Kentler's concept was in operation (giving homeless children to pedophiles so that they would not have to look for other children to be raped), in Poland there is a top-down consent from the Lavender Mafia, about which Fr. Isakowicz-Zaleski, as well as some Catholics, have their heads so dirty that they defend pedophiles. Moreover, sometimes these backwater troglodytes attack the victims of pedophiles and treat creatures with sentences like a celebrity! Our children are also transported from orphanages to foreign brothels. In Japan, there were brothels for years, where men (and ladies) came to have sex with minors. For the embarrassed and poorer there were Playboy-style magazines. As for Russia, I'm even afraid to think about what's going on there.

  • Going back to point 1, there are times when some kids know that they are fucking enjoying it. They know it from an early age, even as a few years old children. They have all sorts of fantasies, and masturbation among 2.3-year-old babes is absolutely natural. Porn actresses aside, because some of you may not take these examples seriously - Milo Yiannopoulos, British right-wing commentator. As a 9 or 13-year-old boy, I do not remember exactly, for over a year he has been torturing a priest from his local parish to have sex with him because he is in love with him and wants to feel him. He finally agreed and fulfilled young Milo's wish. Another example - Waldek from the fp "Gay Against the World: Babylonian Captivity", who repeatedly said and wrote that he dreamed about things straight from erotica and soft-porn movies from an early age. It is an individual matter for every person, both children, and adults. However, due to the issue of possible manipulation, as mentioned in the point above, an adult should decline any such offer. At least for its own sake, because if a child suddenly revels (despite the fact that it had even begged for it earlier), we are sitting on a ticking bomb that can destroy our lives, like a nuke Hiroshima.

  • Number 4, sex, porn, and masturbation can make you addicted and make your brain sept I saw it while living in the UK for 3.5 years (and the US is said to be even worse), not only in the form of teenagers who were dressed like whores, but also teenagers with her problems. I read about it in English newspapers (this is important because the English generally doesn't give a shit about the media outside their island) but in the context of abortions that damaged the reproductive organs of young women, making them unable to get pregnant. I don't remember the exact numbers, but about 10% of them will never feel a baby hidden under their heart. Because porn, because erasers are bad because you have to fuck with just anyone every Saturday on the occasion of the weekend. I am not criticizing it in czambuł, but I will not elaborate on the topic now, because I do not want to break down. There are uses, advantages, and disadvantages to porn and masturbation - which is the right dose and timing of use. In this respect, porn should be treated as drugs such as alcohol, marijuana - everything is cool, but after the age of 18. Once the brain has developed the most important areas, we will complete basic education and be unloaded with unhealthy dopamine. And masturbation is necessary, especially for men who have no or too little sex - for pure health and anti-cancer reasons.

  • The last point, promoting and affirming such behavior harms both children, parents and other adults. Starting from the inside, there are idiots who push their children to competitions for juvenile bowlers and mysteries. While there is nothing wrong with a situation when a child shows some talent, e.g. for acrobatics, dancing, etc., and parents encourage or use very gentle coercion (although it is treading on very fragile ice), sending the child to dance erotic or lingerie shows, that's just plain fucking. Thanks to the abovementioned talents, a child can develop, have an easy start in life, and, consequently, a light life. They won't have to stress about a lack of money, they'll be more disciplined and taught that hard work pays off. However, this should be done, if only parents or legal guardians, not the family! Possibly teachers, lecturers or our bosses at work, but this is a COMPLETELY different type of compulsion. A good anti-example is the parents of young Desmond, who made their son the star of many pedophile fap folders. I would shoot such people and provide their children with many years of psychological or psychiatric help and a normal family. It hurts adults because we bring them back to the mentality from 100 years ago when no one was upset that a 13-year-old or 13-year-old went to bed with a 30-year-old man or a 30-year-old lady, and we soften the rules that should not be softened. Children, on the other hand, are taught that sex and shaving are the most important part of their lives, that getting things done with a naked ass is ok. I will not be a hypocrite, I personally take shortcuts, as long as it is a mutual agreement and both entities know what they are signing up for. (See some of the women who like to go to Weinstein's "massages" and then, not wanting to be morons, wiped their faces with MeToo, hurting people who were actually molested and sexually abused). Their monkeys have their circus. However, this is what adults can do, children should be kept away from it! Just like any fashion contests or dances that show their body too much.

Desmond I wrote about ->

https://www.thehollywoodnews.com/2020/08/18/trailer-for-netflixs-cuties-a-film-about-an-11-year-old-who-joins-a-free-spirited-dance- clique /

Anyone Can Verify? I've heard about it 2 times (i.e. there is a correlation between access to porn and the number of rapes) and it would not be bad to debunk the bullshit that Catholic madmen say. If it isn't, I'm not saying porn is healthy. It is of course harmful and a man who has a healthy relationship with women should not overdo them, but I would also not condemn them for all the evil of this world. One that thanks to them you can learn a little how and what to do, two that they rather reduce the number of rapes, three work well in relieving excess emotions and stress. At most, I would advise you not to overdo it, because you can hurt yourself (get into complexes, put into your head misconceptions about male-female relationships from the sexual side, screw up the dopamine system, take care of your appearance less, because we provide our bad news -> we have sex, even with our own hand, which our brain reads as if we had intercourse, so the guy cares less about himself). And don't watch brazzers or other blacked, because these are cynical films that are intentionally directed to make people dependent on themselves, such as MMO games.

Poles did not want such engineers and heavy intellectual workers. It would certainly improve the Polish technical thought xD.
