Anime news - New Ghibli movie, Golden Kamuy S3, Sailor Moon movie, One Piece and Digimon return, No Guns Life S2.

in #english5 years ago


Hello, this weekend will be full of my entries on various topics. :) We'll start with the news. Have a nice day and weekend!

Tomorrow or today I will post news from outside the manga world because I will honestly say that I am tired from work and sleep and I just don't want to :P.

The premiere of the "Sailor Moon" film dilemma, which is to adapt the saga from the "SuperS" series. The one with the Dead Moon Circus. The premiere at the beginning of 2021, so summer 2021 or at the latest in early autumn, you will be able to watch the fairy tale in a legal or less legal way on the web.

I don't like Ghibli studio, but it's CGI, these character designs - it looks great. Once the film goes to the network (maybe Netflix? :)), I will definitely watch.


In October, the third season of the anime "Golden Kamuy" begins. I haven't seen anime, but I know from a friend from a competitive fan page that she is good and apparently drawn with a very nice line.

On July 9, the first episode of the second season of "No Guns Life" will come out. MadHouse studio is responsible for the fairy tale.

In the case of OP anime, it could use about a 2-year break, at least. And it's best to reset the anime and start it from scratch, as God commanded when adapting manga from this genre.

In addition, there is little information about upcoming anime that does not have an established brand. I chose the ones that seemed attractive to me and maybe I will see them in the future. On the fanpage you have several such news, I encourage you to enter.

I will definitely not watch the last one (unless someone pays xD), but these cute animals and unicorn have convinced me, so catch it, you may like it ;).