in #english6 years ago


It is estimated that an average person spends six to eight hours of their day in front of the computer. And it is that life seems to revolve around this artifact: you work on the computer, you entertain yourself on the computer and you read this blog on the computer.

A person who does not perform body movements during the day and only works for hours without stopping in front of a desk has a higher risk of contracting diseases, since he or she will have a poorly trained system, because being "paralyzed" not only generates consequences in internal organs, but also diseases related to muscles and bones appear. By remaining seated, for too long, you leave unused or at rest, muscles that are important, such as those that help us stand and our upright posture.


HOWEVER!!! It is time for you to reflect a little and to know some of the CONSEQUENCES OF STAYING A LOT OF TIME AGAINST THE COMPUTER:

  1. SLOWEST THINKING: When the muscles are in motion, they pump fresh blood and oxygen to all the organs. In this exchange in the brain all kinds of chemicals are released to improve mood and brain, but in sedentary mode, brain function will slow down.

  2. HEART DISEASES: You will be twice as likely to suffer cardiovascular disease because it overloads the heart which means having a high risk of heart attack, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

  3. RISKS OF CANCER: There are studies that have linked sedentary lifestyle to have increased risk of colon, breast and endometrial cancer. The reason is unclear, but one theory is that excess insulin stimulates cell growth. Another is that the regular movement increases the natural antioxidants that kill harmful cells, and potentially cause cancer, free radicals. Therefore, the lack of exercise produces the opposite.

  4. BAD CIRCULATION LEGS: When there are problems of venous circulation has been discovered that varicose veins appear in the legs and also that fluid accumulates in the legs or ankles. As an extreme condition, deep vein thrombosis can occur, since the liquid blood is transformed into solid state inside veins and covers them. The blood does not circulate. That is why it is recommended to change position, cross the legs and move ankles.

  5. COLUMN AND CERVICALS: The chair tends to adopt a stooped posture which can exaggerate the natural arch of the spine, a condition called hyperlordosis or curvature of the back. In addition, to create that hump, we wear the discs of the vertebrae of the spine, which are true shock absorbers and are those that allow to release the weight when standing or standing. When you are seated those discs are compressed and wear out.

  6. SOFT BONES: Walking or running makes the bones of the hip and lower part of the body denser and stronger. Scientists attribute that the recent increase in osteoporosis cases is due to lack of activity, because the only thing that decreases this disease is aerobic exercise and not weights.

If you are sitting reading this ... now is when- get up! Take into account these risks and take the opportunity to break the computer monotony of your days ...!

Here are some tips for all those who have to work sitting in front of the screens a large part of their day:

• Short and frequent breaks:

It is essential to take breaks of at least 5 minutes, every 30 or 40 minutes. These intervals can be extended a little more when for some reason an hour or more passes in front of the device. The idea of ​​these free minutes is to stretch your legs, take your eyes off the screen and, if possible, take a short walk.

• Protect the eyes:

Visual health should be important among those who spend more than 4 hours sitting in front of the screens of electronic devices. The use of glasses with antireflection is one of the best ways to protect the eyesight from the negative effects of the lights on the screens. Likewise, care should be taken to ensure that the work site is illuminated and the brightness of the screen remains at an appropriate level.

• Adopt an appropriate posture:

Having a good posture when sitting is a very important factor to avoid ailments or injuries in the muscles and joints.
You have to sit as far back as possible, adjusting the height so that it is the same as the desk, so that when writing you do not have to arch your back. It is advisable to place the screen at eye level in order to avoid that the cervical muscles suffer.
When writing, the arms should remain against the body and the shoulders aligned to the same width of the hip.

• Do some exercises:

Stretching exercises are one of the best therapies to reduce tension that focuses on the neck and neck.
Turning your head from side to side, with your arms drooping and your back straight, serves to work this part of the body that usually resents.

It is also convenient to stretch the legs, feet and arms so that the circulation is activated and the pressure exerted on them is reduced by maintaining the same position for a long time.

Following all these recommendations you can avoid many of the problems associated with sedentary lifestyle and excessive use of electronic devices.

Keep them in mind from now on and see what they can do a lot to maintain good body health.