Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Gustavo Briceño 2015
In compliance with the activity assigned to conduct interviews with professionals of communication and law, with the purpose that speaks of freedom of expression and articles 57 and 58 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela we moved to the city of Maracay, state of Aragua, going to the newspaper EL ARAGÜEÑO, where it was attended by Ernesto Ángulo, graduated from the Bicentenary University of Aragua, with CNP 12510. Since 2003 he has the responsibility of covering the events section of said newspaper. In the same city we also talk with Raymari English lawyer by profession graduated from our UNERG house of studies.

What makes it impossible for communication professionals to provide more information to our readers, which is our case as a written press. With this I do not mean that what appears on our pages is false, NO! Only on many occasions we can not talk about some issues or inform one hundred percent as it should.

Spanish. "As many of you as social communication and future students, journalists and legal professionals, we do not owe to the word, well, sea, written or spoken." Here comes into play the freedom of expression, which can generate negative responses in society or community where we develop, particularly I think it is necessary to liberate the true expression, where you can do it by means of the resolution of the problem present in the day to day Freedom for all, even when it is said that there is no absolute truth in the primordial listening what different people think about a common theme, taking this to the world of communication unfortunately the laws are not complied with, we have seen how little by little the media, the written press, the radio, the television many times to meet what is at some point was created as law. You know that the situation we are going through and the work of journalists is greatly affected by the censures that can be awarded for mismanagement of information. As a legal professional I love the laws, and how good they were created, if it really applies to society as it should be to live differently. The right to reply or rectification is fundamental and how good it exists and what part for what, in case of inaccurate information being generated, the person, institution, affected community expresses its reality. A council that likes to make life, passion for what they do and responsibility for the moment of execution "
Below we attach the articles with which we work, both the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Law on the Exercise of Journalism.

i trust that we can change this... god bless us
The Present bears witness of the Past, and the Future shall make all things clear...