Mistakes of parents in the raising of children
Hello, dear readers! First of all I clarify that I have no children, but this is not impediment to be able to observe the wrong way of how some parents are raising their own. For several years I have been able to analyze this situation in my relatives. While no one is born knowing how to do it, it is the process as parents where it is gradually being turned on; But sometimes it can be easier to know what not to do, so today I leave these 10 tips so you do not make the same mistakes with your children.
1 Accustom him to do everything
It is positioned first, because it is one of the most serious errors; Do not teach the child to pick up toys after playing or, any type of disaster he or she does. Having your child 6 years or more, you should not do everything yourself, he must also collaborate, for thus learn to fend for himself; Yes, every rule and learning in due time.

2 Pampering
No, don't! If during childhood you are pleased by giving absolutely everything you ask, even without having the resources to do so, unfortunately will grow with the false idea that everyone has to serve.

3 To be compared
Many parents constantly commit this grave error, which they must avoid, since every child is different, maybe others are good at certain things; But your son may stand out in another. Mainly avoid if it's with his siblings, so, no saying "look at your brother like..." or "If you were like your friend...".

4 Do not put limits
From a very young age they must be very clear about the rules of the House, as well as the consequences that they would bring if they do not comply.

5 Do not correct when interrupting an adult conversation
Serious, very serious mistake. If you and your partner are dealing with an important issue and are interrupted by your child, they must teach you to ask for the word, so you avoid a shame in public.

6 Do not communicate with him
The most important question when it comes to educating a child is to talk to him and let him talk to you. of feelings, of fears, of doubts, of friendship, of sex... good communication will create a good bond between parents and children; Talk about each subject at your age.

7 Promise and not comply
Do not tell your child that you will buy a new generation cell phone or a toy if you listen, with it you are only conditioned to relate to be good with receiving gifts. Besides, if you don't have the money, you won't be able to meet and your son will claim you.

8 Belittling it
Please don't say "you're not worth anything" "I don't know why I had you" or any kind of phrases like these, they are very hurtful; In some cases you might cause trauma to take you to adulthood.

9 Do not recognize his virtues or strengths
Many times you only notice their flaws or flaws to try to correct it, and you forget to recognize him for what he does well. Flattery is a very strong weapon in your education.

10 Do not listen
It is quite common that we do not give them enough time to explain or express themselves, their lifeblood, being authoritarian or taking for granted what they will tell us without giving them the opportunity for it. Let him talk, be patient.

Thanks for the reading!