How much are YOU?

in #english6 years ago (edited)

Hello, steemins friends, today I bring you a publication with very interesting questions that I was doing yesterday.




Have you ever asked yourself one of these questions?

• How much is my life worth?

• What do I live for?

These are very difficult questions to answer.

Yesterday, one of my uncles called me and my cousins, in order to give us a talk.

I grab a box and put it on the table, then he told us that there is an object in the box and he wanted us to go in turn and write on the paper the price that is worth what is inside.



I took my turn to go see what would be there, opened the box and was a mirror, since I did not have much time to think the answer I answered in a vulgar way, saying that they were worth $ 6. After having answered I began to calculate why a mirror? And then I realized that I should have looked in the mirror, to define the value of my life, of my being and not of the object itself.


After everyone had answered, they read the answers, there were several, some placed the price of the mirror and others managed to realize what the correct answer would be, they answered in a philosophical way, some of the answers were as follows:

  • My life is infinitely worth
  • Everything that is God's creation has an incalculable value.
  • Being a human being, I consider that we are animals without value.
  • I am worth according to my actions.


Now for me, after reflecting and understanding the question well. I asked myself.

What is the Value of my Life?

I believe that the value of my life is the love, affection and concern I receive from my family and friends.

What do I live for?

I live to give them back the love they give me, I live as a demonstration of my parents' love. I calculate that a couple would not be happy without a child, thousands of sperm in the fetus of our mothers we were chosen, from the first moment we are born we are important, we have to stop a second to reflect so we can give value to our life, to what we are and what we want to be.

I hope that everyone can reflect and think about the value of their life, I would very much like to read their answers in the comments.


I hope you liked and interested as much as I did.

Thank you very much and I count on your votes!
