The Legend of Nueria - Part 1 - Introduction

in #entertainment7 years ago


My name is Mitja, or Mitch in English, I'm gonna be making a story-based blog, writing about one chapter in a blog (except if there will be longer chapter, which will come out in multiple parts). I would like to let you all know that I'm not a native English speaker nor am I completely fluent, but i have a lot of imagination, which i think is key to writing a fantasy story. Also I've played a lot of D&D, and always played the story teller, or the DM (Dungeon Master). So I will try to write about a story I've came up with called the The Legend of Nueria (Neria, U is silent). The story tells about Wood-People that have been living in the shadows of the Human race, they resemble elves, but are a lot different character-wise. First of all we're going to meet Neyra and Nevirr...

Chapter 1 - Legends are Born:

 They say the child's cry at birth is one of the most beautiful things that happen. Well it was different for Neyra, she came into this world completely silent, not a shed of a tear, something some would call dead. But she did not come alone, put in the same basket, there was her brother Nevirr. A small little boy, that would cry a lot. Neyra just glanced her eye towards Nevirr, looked at him and remained silent. Their parents were one of the Kantrum leaders, Kantrum is a highly respected clan of the "Wood-People", as humans call them. Of course at their birth the whole clan celebrated and raised toasts towards the birth of the Princess and the Prince. They instantly grew popular amongst their own clan, but one of the clan members really loved them, uncle Olgrid.

A couple of years went by and they reached age 3, its when the "Dark Cataclysm" happened, Its a tragedy that happened with Kantrum clan, durning the first war, they were almost wiped out, entirely. It was just the two of them and their uncle Olgrid.  It is he, who saved their lives and ran, abandoning his own clan. They ran into the woods alone, where he would start training them, for wars, making them the perfect warriors.

After about 2 years, Olgrid never gave up and kept training them, but also, he started to build his own settlement. He called the little village "The Kupchatki Settlement". Over the years a lot of clans have joined in, and would proclaim Olgrid as the Chieftain of Kupchatki, the title brought tears into his eyes, he was over-joyed when he had the trust of his people. He swore to protect them, at all costs. But with clans joining there came traditions, the "Wood-People Trials" came back. That is a tradition that raised the best warrior, and every child had to go through. At the age of 8 they had to fight each other, and the top 10 children standing would be able to keep living in the city, the rest have to be cast out. Neyra and Nevirr were both approaching that day, and had to be signed up. There was one problem, Nevirr was too small to even be in the tradition itself, and had to be cast away, before he could even try. That was a hard decision for Uncle Olgrid, and did not want to cast his own nephew out of the village, he, himself built. But he did not have a choice, since it was either that, or have the whole town rebel against him, which would bring total chaos to the town. Olgrid did what he had to do. As he said "I, Olgrid the Chieftain, cast you, Nevirr Kantrum, out of this village, do not ever return". The little boy, was aged 8 at the time, said with hatred in his eye "I, Nevirr Kantrum, make a blood promise, that one day I will come back and I shall destroy this little village of yours." as soon as those words left his mouth, he took a dagger from behind his robe and sliced all the way down his arm, blood dripping from the tips of his fingers he walked out of his village, as a castaway.

Neyra on the other hand, was a completely quiet little girl that didn't really mind her brother getting cast out, Uncle Olgrid have apologized to her, and with a death-like face she responded "For What?". Unlce Olgrid stuttered for a moment a spat out "For c-c-casting away your l-little brother.". Neyra again with a blank expression on her face responded "Oh, I don't mind.". Olgrid was shocked at the response Neyra gave him, then took a look back at his people, and shouted "Let the Trials begin.".

Everybody cheered and rushed towards the villages arena, which was a bunch of wood nailed together in a form of a circle, so that the competitors couldn't run away. First match began and it was two young boys battling with wooden daggers, and the match was over faster than anyone thought, the boys barely scraped each other, and already one of the boys gave up. Next up it was a battle between Omen, a young boy of the Kakiti Clan, it was a clan that specialized in illusion magic and a girl named Somaniya, a young girl of the Cryotic Clan, it was a clan that specialized in agile close-quarter dagger combat. As soon as the bell rang for the battle to start, Somaniya dashed towars Omen, before he could even cast a spell, she grabbed a dagger and threw it towards him, Omen dodged, but Somaniya was too close now, she hit Omen in his lower body and he fell on the ground, Somaniya turned around and saw everybody laughing at her, she did not quite understand, but the moment she turned around she saw Omen standing and laughing at her as well. This was really weird for Somaniya, because she hit him as hard as she could. But the boy was just standing and laughing, as soon as she tried to move, the ground below her started to turn into some sort of sticky substance and she started to sink into the ground. She could hear a loud bang and she woke up in the barracks. All confused she asked her dad next to her "W-What happened?". Her dad looked in her face and said "When the bell rang, you just fell to the ground and did not respond...". Somaniya looked at her dad and described what she experienced. Her dad told her that it was all a dream. 

Meanwhile at the Arena, it was the final match, between Neyra and Salah. Neyra was a very well prepared fighter/assassin that wielded the "Moon-Blade" (A blade that was on a short handle, but curved back quite a lot, forming the half-moon shape), it was their Clan's signature weapons, and could only be wielded by the Kantrum clan members. Once the blades have been mastered they could be double wielded. Salah on the other hand was one of the Anduro clan members. It was a clan that mastered martial arts, they did not believe in weapons and trained their fists to be as hard as iron. 

The bell rang and Salah rushed towards Neyra with his fists up, he swung his right hand towards Neyra, but her agility allowed her to dodge that with ease, as she back-stepped and sliced with her blade towards Salah, he, also very agile, dodged the attack and dropped down into a squatting position, extended his leg and hit Neyra in her chin, the kick was powerful enough, to knock Neyra into air and as soon as that happened, Salah jumped into the air to hit her with his heel, propelling her downwards, in attempt to blow her into the ground, which would have serious impact, she did get hit, however in mid air she managed to do a half-flip and land on her legs. While Salah was still in the air, Neyra threw her blade in a circular motion, so that Salah was unable to deflect or grab the blade. Salah got sliced over his right upper arm, and fell to the ground, grunting. Neyra rushed over, not towards Salah, but towards her blade. She picked it up, turned towards Salah, who was still on the ground, and pointed her blade towards him. People could see the fear in Salahs eyes. She pointed towards the sky and in her clans language she said "The moons shadow is with me", as her blade started glowing in bright blue colour, she threw it towards him, as the blade flew towards Salah, it was leaving behind a trail of the same bright blue colour, when it hit Salah in his left upper arm, his entire arm was cut off, and Olgrid jumped infront of Neyra, to prevent her from doing more serious damage. Neyra looked at her uncle and she said "Why stop me now, I've just warmed up.". Olgrid proclaimed her as the winner of the fight and called in Warriors trained in medical ways to help with Salah.

Olgrid was worried about Neyra's behaviour. She did not have any signs of mercy whatsoever. Olgrid described her as an "Cold-Blooded Assassin". At that time he did not really put much effort in changing her, as he thought she was just going through a tough time, it was her first battle, and maybe she just needs to express the loss of her parents that way.

The trials came to an end and there was a line of 10 young new warriors, Neyra, Omen, and 8 other young warriors amongst them were proclaimed the new Warriors of the "Wood-People".

Nevirr found himself in the town of Manatree, he confronted an older lady in a Alchemy shop.

To be continued...



Hope you enjoyed my story, it was really written from the top of my head.

Stay tuned and part two should be posted in the next 3 days.

Thanks for reading,
