in #entertainment7 years ago
*Dancing and singing to Rudeboy’s song titled “FIRE FIRE” *

Hello everyone. Finally Saturday night with Zizy has kicked off with this being the first episode of what promises to be an amazing show. Last week, I made an introduction of the show and the love I got was massive such that I’m still basking in the euphoria of it all. Let me quickly use this opportunity to say a very big thank you to all who upvoted, commented and even reesteemed. A special thank you to @eurogee of @euronation for supporting the show with a whooping 4SBD and @amec for showing his love with 1SBD. I am so grateful guys and I promise not to disappoint you all.

Okay now to business, like I said in the introduction post, this show will run in segments and I shall be taking you through them one by one. Sit back, relax, enjoy and don’t touch that screen. It’s going to be a fun ride. Catch ya at the end of it all. One love.

kizzes in jenifa’s voice lol


We had an amazing night together. It started with a candle light dinner and ended with an intimate, passionate sex. The chemistry was tight and the sparks were flying but then he disappeared. What have I done wrong? I have called him. He doesn’t answer. I sent series of text messages but no reply. I wait for 24 hours (that felt like enternity) and I text him again. 24 hours later, I call him again and it’s like he’s vanished into thin air. Like he never existed. What is going on here?



As a lady reading this right now, I am sure you are also asking yourself this question. You meet a really nice guy who is definitely your spec, an answer to your midnight prayers. He spoils you with so much love and adoration. He does all the right things. You tell your girlfriends about him looking like a loved up puppy and then you decide, “I should sleep with him. He is so nice. I feel so comfortable with him”. It was a steamy, passionate, toe-curling, goose-bump filled, crazy, super-dopey sex. Then guess what happens? He stops calling.

At first you feel rejected then you feel used. You don’t feel smart anymore like you don’t have as good a read on guys like you thought you did. You review every little thing that went on with this new guy: every word, every sentence, every text message. You want to figure out exactly what you did wrong in this scenario and why he has disappeared. Honestly…… what a waste of time, energy and self confidence. Stop right there! Make a U-turn on that rejection highway.
Here is the deal; you made the CHOICE to sleep with him. He made the CHOICE not to call you. So he wasn’t who you thought he was and so what? Get over it girlfriend. Shit happens. As a matter of fact, he did you a favour by dropping you off the radar because he is a jerk. Be grateful he showed his true colours pretty early on. You should be happy you found out early enough that all he wanted was sex. You deserve much more.


I took a survey of why men runaway after sex and I got some amazing but stupid reasons. Time won’t permit me to share them all so I will feature only four.

MALE 1: Well zizymena I don’t know but I would say perhaps her blow job skills was whack. Maybe she was a bad kisser you know how guys think.
ZIZYMENA: hmmm! I never knew guys only call back pornstars.

MALE 2: Girls are too clingy. Just because you have sex with them, they already want something serious leading to marriage.
ZIZYMENA: Does anyone enter a relationship leading to marriage after having sex once? Try again Bro.

MALE 3: To me it was all a game. She was a conquest for me.
ZIZYMENA: Plot twist, you were also a conquest to her.

MALE 4: perhaps the guy didn’t enjoy the sex because if he did he will call back.
ZIZYMENA: Well next time I bang some guy I am going to give him a customer satisfaction survey at the end.

There you have it ladies. They do not have any tangible reason for not calling back. Girls are also guilty of all I have written. Guys if you meet such, now you understand better.


Ladies, a guy can never be too busy to perform his duties. If he truly wants you, he will always find time for you. If you are the one chasing him or making him do what he is supposed to do without a push, then you need to RE-EVALUATE.

FUN CORNER (Just for Laughs)

Sex in the morning should be mandatory. A perfectly acceptable excuse for being late. “sorry, I was feeling a trifle horny and needed a few orgasms before I could be productive 😀😀” if you know you know.


ANONYMOUS 1: Dear Zizy, please keep me anonymous. I woke up in the early hours of today. I couldn’t sleep. I have been in a relationship with the most caring guy for over 4 years now, no sign of commitment. I have tried so many times to bring this up still no head way. I am really worried. I was opportune to meet a new guy and before I say Jack Robinson, this new guy wants to get hooked. Please what do I do? I will be 30 by April 15, 2018. Please help me.

Anonymous 2: Please what do you think one should do in this situation.
Let me say you were in a relationship with someone and you broke up with that person due to some reasons only to find out your girl friend was sleeping with your boyfriend while you were still in that relationship. Would you confront your girlfriend even though that person is an ex or would you just block her completely without confronting her?

Dear lovers, please kindly advise them in the comment section. Simply indicate if it is anonymous 1 or 2 so they can easily figure out which is for them. I believe I have so many relationship experts in the house. Leggo people.

Wow! What a trip all the way down here. We have finally come to the end of the show. I hope you enjoyed every part of it?

If you have comments for every segment, do not worry steemit doesn’t penalize you for dropping more than 1 comment on a post. Why not express yourself and check out other people’s comment too?

If you love this show and want to support, your SBD’s and Steem are very welcomed.

I hate to leave you but leave you I must. Until next time when I come your way again, Same time, same blog and more hosts, I remain
Yours truly




Am happy to be part of this movement , may you continue to grow in wisdom @zizymena , my advice goes to anonymous2 , The simple truth is that lady was never your friend because obviously your so called friend has been dating your guy when you guys are still together , hadn't been you guys are still together i would have advised you to fight for your relationship but since the guy is now your ex , forget about that your so called girlfriend , the only way forward is to show them you are better off without them , let the guy know what he missed by choosing your girlfriend over you, make him wonder if he was crazy or blindfolded for allowing you to go , remain classy and sassy and watch the right guy come by if their is none yet ...Good luck


Hello zizy darl...hope u good..uhm to anonymous 1:
A four year relationship and the guy not showing commitment?that's a big turn off when you encounter another special individual who wana spend the rest to your life with you
We humans want care,pine for love and desire attention..but be careful though
There can be two sides to this..
1-find out why the present man you with dont want commitment..the sooner you do that the better for your heart
2-the new man who is all over you,find out what he really wants because men are mysterious
3-then evaluate your findings..but the quicker all these the better for your not getting any younger,that doesn't mean you should decide without adequate findings on both men

Solid points there....
Seriously scann the new guy, he must have seen your desperation and wants to take advantage

Wow. Like @vheobong said you've got very solid points. She is reading and I'm sure she is learning. How about anonymous 2?

Am impressed...

Nice write up babe...
I like it ☺

Thank you 🤗🤗 oya advise them abeg

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

That was a great one there @zizymena

What i have for the anonymous 2... Well make sure your source is right and if it's right then it's very simple. You more know whom your friend is and be happy the relationship ended. Treat your friend like a betrayal and be careful with her

Exactly she is a betrayal. She betrayed the girl's code

This really lovely show, zizzy.. I learned one or two things from it.. Thanks.

@zizymena is doing a great job there.

My advise to both parties is;

  • looking at the gender population stats, females are increasingly doubling the ratio i.e 2:1 now. If the guy loves u, hold him like you held on to his dick the other night. Be wise & be tactful

My goodness. 😀😀😀😀

LMAO, I think I have found my long lost petty brother .......

Guys can be so deceptive, they will do anything just to make yu pull of yo pants and then say you're clingy, they want freedom, they dont want something serious. Then why the hell ve yu been disturbing ma lyf mf. Its so annoying remembering their shits.
Hey lady whose boyfriend of four years is yet to propose biko my sister I'm sure you'd be able to manage two guys, winks. Pls don't think me as a bad girl buh sometimes ladies gotta be smart so as not to lose in d end.

Anonymous 2, let them sleep together. The guy is gonna dump her the way he dumped yu. The girl needs to learn some lessons

Strongly agree

Sometimes ladies got to be smart my dear. Always remember this thing called love, two can play. Thanks darling for this input