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RE: The entitlement complex

in #entitlement6 years ago

that's just the way the system works right now so you've got to either stick with it or try something else

I think this statement is important. There are great things about the system (and the not so great things), and that is just how it works (at least at this moment in time). Who knows? It could get better or worse in the future. I hope for the better.

When I first joined the Steem community, I only viewed "quality" posts as a viable reason for earning. Of course, quality is subjective based on the individual.

As I have engaged the community more, I have realized that there are a lot of other categories of people who are trying to get a return on their investment:

  • early adopters
  • financial investors
  • curators
  • developers
  • existing brands and communities
  • bloggers/vloggers
  • and the list goes on

Each group of people (and the countless more who will join us) come to the table with different perceptions. And part of the challenge is finding common ground with each other.

We should be thankful for the blessing of earning, stand next to our friends who walk beside us in the community, support new development and progress, and invite others to join.

Upvotes are nice, but there is more. We can't forget that!


Upvotes are nice, but there is more. We can't forget that!

The users with that mindset will enjoy the platform a lot more.

Agree. We might have been attracted to Steem because of the (potential of earning) money, but we will stay because of the people/community/engagement.

Thanks for this article and reminding us to not be entitled.

Yeah, unfortunately a lot of people who happened to earn a lot marketed Steem as a way to make "easy money" and that "anyone can earn". Unfortunately I think many forgot what it takes and maybe they often forgot to mention how they got their votes in case it wasn't just from natural curation. I kinda feel sorry for the people that entered with that pitch in mind and got disappointed quickly and will probably never look back and realize what they missed out on because of that.

Oh well, there's still a lot of people in the world that have not heard of Steem yet and I am hopeful people won't make the same mistakes to only mention the advantages of earning through the reward pool.

Great summary to compliment the original post. Thank you.

Thanks for the kind words.