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RE: The School Children Climate Change Strike

in #environment6 years ago (edited)

I agree with this in a way. I spoke about my opinions on protesting in my last podcast and my view stand on this. That said it's great kids are doing this for sure and hopefully people will listen. Personally I don't think global warming is the main issue (or climate change as they call it now), to me this is a natural cycle and due to the polar shift. But the climate needs attention the seas are dying and to me this is more important than anything !! 💯🐒


While it is true that global warming has been shown to be a cycle, What we're seeing now is immensely above what it should be.

Take a look at this graph from Al Gore's film Inconvenient Truth:
A graph showing the Northen Hemisphere temperature. The highest peak by a long way is the present day.

And there are more graphs showing this. Things are getting worse, and it's up to us to make it better.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am not convinced by Al Gore in the slightest. How do they know where it should be? I think we are still coming out of the ice age personally. Don't get me wrong I still think we should look after our planet and change our ways but not for this reason. Most important thing is out oceans they are dying and if they die then things being hotter is kinda insignificant 💯🐒

Changing climate is just part of the problem. Meanwhile we are polluting the water, air and earth. We are losing biodiversity at a scary rate. A lot of the destruction is in the name of quick profit with no thought of what future generations will have to live with.

Totally agree I think the main focus should be on seas and destruction of ecosystems. Say to people if the ecosystems collapse which is highly likely we a re screwed a slow painful extinction 💯🐒

Everyone needs to be conscious of the issues and doing something about it. Not just kids.

Yes we are all responsible. I just feel this protest seems a touch staged to me 💯🐒

Why shouldn't people want to protest? It just needs someone to kick things off. Not everything is a conspiracy.

I'm not saying it is a conspiracy it's just the angle the media are going with that the kids downed pens and went out to march. This has been planned and the idea planted. Beside I don't think protesting is effective as I explained in my last podcast 💯🐒