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RE: Join me at Consensus 2017 for the EOS Launch Party!

in #eos8 years ago

Imagine the Ethereum as a single-core CPU, EOS is like a DAPP operating system which schedules applications to run in parallel on 100's of cores or even clusters where each core is capable of Steem or BitShares scale performance.


That is really mind blowing, this is going to be a huge blockchain tech game changer...

Is Wren going to be used as the scripting language for EOS?

"Mind-Blown" :D

How the hell you could dream that big? :)
I'm a fan of Steem. It just won me over Ethereum or Bitshares because transaction speed and cost (mental included). I'm talking only about the concept now.

If you could mix Ethereum with Steem, and even scale it more, I think I won't ask the Steemit team for UIA and smart contracts ever again. ;) (I will support the social media line then.)